You guys are too funny. Thank you for this bright spot in my day!

Today Gary was about as low as a human body can go. White blood count was lower than 0.1 (normal is 80-100). His mouth, throat and esophagus are in agonizing pain, he can't talk or swallow without great pain. About the only part of his body that doesn't hurt is his pinkie finger.

But there's still that sweet glimmer of his delightful sense of humour. When I asked him if he wanted me to stay overnight to torture him - and then asked him if there was any part of his body that DIDN'T hurt - he poked his little finger out from underneath the blankets and waved it at me. So I gave it a gentle kiss and he howled in fake agony. Even in the depths of such pain he's able to manage such humour.

He was very low when I got there this morning. Very demoralized. We talked off and on (between naps); I mentioned to him that one thing I was in awe of was that his true colours were shining bright. He's a REALLY NICE guy (everyone adores him). But it's easy to be a nice guy when everything's going well. But to be a nice guy in the midst of such agony and brutal reality is another thing. The nurses and doctors and other patients really care about Gary, and all say the same thing. I keep giving him permission to NOT be so nice, but it's no good - it's his truth. And it does indeed shine bright even on the lowest of low days.

This "low" will continue for several more days, then his blood counts should start to go up by this time next week. I look forward to making THAT update!

I'm okay. My Hubby's been amazing through all of this. And so has my God...speaking of Him, Dotsie, those Girzone books are such a huge help, especially "Never Alone". Wow, it's opening some amazing channels of communication and intimacy I've never experienced before - and much peace/serenity as well. Thank you!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)