Very quick update. After a week of intense chemo every day last week, Gary finally had his stem cells "reinfused" (transplanted) yesterday afternoon. He's very weak. The next ten days are the most critical, since this is when he'll be most vulnerable to infections/complications. His blood counts will probably be down to zero today, and won't be expected to start rising again until 10 days from today. So he's in the most fragile condition of this entire cancer journey thus far.

I'm spending about 8 hours at the hospital with him, so life is hectic. Even when we're not at the hospital, we're running around doing errands for him, sending out email updates to everyone or filling out reams of paperwork for him, so we're 200% immersed into this cancer thing! It's such a brutal disease in every way imaginable.

Anyway, I do manage to get here to read posts almost every evening, but just don't have the energy or brain-power to post any responses. But I do keep everyone in my prayers and thoughts while sitting those long hours in the hospital. At least he's in an isolation room now, which has a lot more space (even his own fridge), a beautiful view and a really comfy chair for me (much easier on the old tailbone!)

My 6-year-old granddaughter went out on Sunday(with my hubby) and hand-picked a beautiful tea cup for me to use at the hospital, so I wouldn't have to use styrofoam cups all the time. So I make sure I steep myself a good hot cup of Earl Grey every morning at the hospital, and think of all my boomer sisters while sipping my tea.

Now if my granddaughter only knew how to play cards...
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)