Well, it's one of those "three steps forward, two steps back" things. He WAS feeling so much better the other day, but in the past two days has been wrestling with what appears to be a gastrointestinal bug. Most of us could handle it okay, but he's already so weak, that this is zapping him big-time. The doctor today was very concerned, but it being a holiday (but only a holiday in the hospital - we haven't yet figured that one out!!!), everything's in slow-motion. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow when the regular staff gets back and can investigate this further.

You know, I thought that his being in hospital would be a break for me too, but it's ending up being more tiresome. At least when I was living at his place, I was able to rest a lot more, because he napped a lot, and I could just lie on the couch and watch TV or get online and come here. But now I'm spending 3-4 hours with him every day, meaning hubby has to drive me back and forth - well, he doesn't HAVE to, but he insists on driving me, because it's too cold to wait for the bus! So it's probably harder on hubby than on me...and then that makes it harder on me, because I'd like to give hubby a break now and then.

Anyway, I'm okay. I can't sit here at home all day knowing he's lying there all alone, bored, anxious, feeling so unwell...I'd much rather be with him than here.

But all of us are looking forward to taking him home, though we have no idea when that will be now. Tomorrow they're putting a "piq-line" in. The nurses have been having a terrible time finding a vein to draw blood and give him IV's, so we're ALL looking forward to getting that piq-line in!!!

I'm sleeping well, better than at Gary's place. He lives right across the road from the Wal-Mart parking lot - and it's always very noisy there, especially at night with all the trucks beeping and unloading, not to mention the snow-plows at 2am! It's much quieter here at home, except when hubby snores. LOL. And hubby likes me being home more too. Especially on these long cold nights...

Chick, I wish they could have put the catheter back in too. He's already looking about 5 months pregnant again, and back to feeling very crappy again, though it's not clear if it's the fluid-retention or the suspected bug that's at play, or perhaps both.

Anyway, one day at a time. Hopefully, this too shall pass and we'll get back to the positive side.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)