I spent the afternoon at the hospital with Gary. They had put a catheter in his stomach this morning and by noon had drained 6 liters of fluids (translates to about 4-6 pounds worth)! And there was still more fluid in there, but the catheter accidentally came out and they couldn't get him back in to see the ultrasound techs this afternoon to replace it. It's the Friday of a long weekend (bizarre, the long weekend is ONLY at the hospital, not a provincial or federal holiday!) Anyway, they're on minimal staffing all weekend, so he won't be able to get the catheter fixed until Tuesday. By supper time, his stomach was already bloated again. So that's a little frustrating to see that little bit of progress come to a screeching halt!

Mid-afternoon, I went to the vending machine to buy myself a bag of munchies. Gary started eating them too, and then said, with great surprise, "I'm hungry" - that's the first time in about five months he's felt hungry and actually enjoyed eating food.

They gave him a walker, and he did three full walks "around the block" this afternoon, then walked me to the door of the ward when I left this evening. That's the most exercise he's done at one time in months too.

So 1 day in hospital and we're already seeing amazing progress!!! Hallelujah!
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)