To pull me away from my current grump heers whats nice and whats funny and whats stressfull.

We started late but got it organised in record time, 6 weeks seemed so's went in a flash but still i can't understand why people spend years organising weedings registary or churched based......but i would of liked more time to's more expensve than i ever thought heheheh nieve me. It's managable and we be financilly fine if a little streached for a while..

The DJ for reception was booked the food organised then the DJ canceled so new entertainment and probly more appropriate (i hope) entertainment been booked. It had a knock on effect and the food also needed reorganised....but at last it's dun
My outfitt was realitivly simple apart from a minor change that might be needed, hair coulered and cut.....i ok

poor po, picked the dress of her dreams had it made to exact mesurments and she may have lost a bit of wait but not 2 inces off each side of her hips and waist. YES the made to mesure dress needs altered...i didn't get to see it our mutule frend was heer to give an oppinion and CALM C.A.L.M the situasion down, PHEEEWWW lol. it will be altered i thought it be wors if it was to small so it aint that bad.........and it be worth it.

the child has a jasphear conran suite jacket and waist coat, dark trousers and a gourjise desiner shirt he's gonna be so handsome...he's to carrie the rings yikes lol
(we might be crawling around looking for them under the 1st 3 eilse hehe.

it's a civial ceronmony.. which ment we had to take out "devine spirite", (from the vows) couse it's religous....out came the dictonery the registare cheeck and no it is religouse so out it came, we did sneeck in universal loving spirite hehe that they did't class as religiouse, noughty i know but their had to be god in their somehow no matter what we called it shhhh don't tell...

po stressed to death god bless her...i trying not to take it personaly and deciding it to do with will the flowers be nice, the cake just right i hope anyway thats whats streassing her........afterall the public notice is in so we onthe count down now. .....I mean what if i find out she been married before and never could be true...hehe think it distrorcion of though due to stress and not a perminent shift.

well the dates still the 1 st of FEBUARY first day of spring and st brigids day femal eqivilent to st patrick and so far it's till going ahead pray for po, pray my credit cards don't go bust.....and please pray that the child dosen't run amuck to badly and yes we expect a little carrie on from him.......

keep you updated soon....

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn