
There are so many verses that could relate to her.

It must be a very difficult and scary journey for her.

I was going to write some verses down, but you know, it started to feel like I'm handing you band-aides.

Speak the language of LOVE to her. THAT is the UNIVERSAL language of God.

YOU can be the arms of God as you hold her, and reassure her, that everything is going to be ok...that you will always be with her, watching out for her, loving her.

When she shares her fear, acknowledge what she says, and then giver her a really big hug, and tell her you love her.

"I know mom, you are frustrated and afraid. I love you and will always be here for you."

You can't talk or preach her out of the place she is in...she has to get through the process in her own time.

Hope that helps some.

Tell and preserve your stories:

My most recent story for my mom: