A few years ago, I began having pain all over. I call it 'Travelling Arthritis." Or at least, that's how I described it to the doctor. He laughed and said that was indeed a good description for Fibromyalgia. He made a tentative diagnosis, and offered to send me to a specialist, but I declined. After doing a bunch of research and visiting the health food store, I have managed to get a handle on it.

Every evening before bed, I take three ibuprofens. I take a good multi-vitamin, glucosamine, flaxseed oil, and magnesium malate.

For the last three months, I've been walking on my treadmill. I keep waiting to feel better, but so far, I'm just tired. [Big Grin] This week, pain in my right hip has flared up. I think I'm going to try taking an ibuprofen before I work out to see if that helps.

I understand there are several others struggling with this malady. What have you done that's helped?

