Popea! What an excellent idea! I would kill to hear you sing. Okay, maybe not kill, but you know what I mean. I hope you all do that! I was the president of my high school choir till me and another guy got kicked out for talking. Can you imagine?

I don't like doing a blanket WELCOME, but here it is. You three NEWBEES bring so much to our forum and we're just tickled to pieces to see you here. Nature, cameras, jazz, grandchildren, ... these are a few of my favoriteeeee thingssssss...(Queen is singing LOUDLY, not necessarily goodLY)...

You're going to love it here, and guess what? We're going to love you being here.

By the way, Oakwood College is about 20 minutes or so from my home. I live 20 miles outside of Huntsville, AL. Too bad we didn't know each other then! And UAB is only about an hour away. I could have met you boomers!

Welcome girls --- Post! Post!