Pam, Hi back...
Nature - I just love being in it. I love the cool grass on my feet. I love the wind in my hair. I love the soft caress of water. I love the smell of morning air, a quick rain, and even horse manure in the pasture. And, I love trees, especially majestic oaks. Can you imagine what the good Lord was thinking as he created it all?

I do truly enjoy all 7 GC - well, there is one that hasn't exactly warmed to me yet, but he'll come around - it is amazing how different they all are. I have a silent, sensitive type with a huge heart. I have one who is all giggle and talk. Another is pure primp and pamper, loving all thing glittery. Those 3 are my girls. Then the boys: one ADHD driven, one born to be an athlete, another so smart you'd think he's 10 years older, and then the one who stands alone (our individual of individuals), and like I said before, he will warm up to me, eventually. I keep craft boxes full of items I've collected for our play times. We create, create, create... and they love it. We also love playing games - Racko, Scrabble, Life, etc. They are all growing up so fast. It seems to be happening faster than when our girls did. This makes me sad. There is absolutely nothing more precious or grounding than sweet little arms being placed around your neck in an unpretentious hug!!!