The January 16, 2004 issue of USA TODAY says preliminary research indicates that this year's flu vaccine has not been effective in preventing flu.

The CDC found that the vaccine did little or nothing to prevent such flu symptoms as fever, cough or sore throat. The vaccine makers insist matching the virus was unusually difficult this year. However, other research indicates matching the virus to be an on-going problem. Rarely can the vaccine makers match the current virus(es). In 1998-99, a vaccine was developed to match the strains in circulation at that time. In order to match the virus, it was developed too late to prevent flu in the majority of the population. The makers claim 86% effectiveness against lab diagnosed flu and 34% effective against the many other flu-like illnesses. I would question the data collection method in that some people would develop immunity on their own, especially late in the season.

Despite their own research, the CDC continues to recommend immunization. ??
