By the time he and I met, neither hubby or I were able to have children (he had two grown children from a previous marriage), so "fatherhood" never entered the picture for us. I was 36 when we met, I'd been living on my own for 18 years, dated a few guys along the way, but what made hubby different was that I simply couldn't live without him. I tried, believe me I tried. But it was clear that he was (to sound terribly cliche) my other half, soulmate, the best thing that ever happened and the answer to every prayer I'd ever prayed for a life-partner.

There have been days when I've kicked myself in the butt - you know, the old "watch what you pray for, you might actually get it" thing. But most of the time I'm sure I made the right choice, and that he's my one-and-only - still my other half, but I'm definitely the BETTER HALF (LOL).
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)