Oh how I remember those days when my girls were in college. No matter how you think a roommate situation will work, it often doesn't. Think about it...living in close quarters with someone when you probably always had your own room while living at home with family you loved and knew all your life. Talking on the phone in front of others, having to turn the lights off even if one of the them still has homework to do or wishes to watch TV. Getting sick in the same room with a healthy person and wanting your privacy and so on, and so on. It is soooo hard. Personally, I would hate it. I remember my girls calling home in tears over who didn't clean out the hot pot with the dried up noodles in it or who let her boyfriend come in and sleep over while she was in the other bed! Tons of stories going way back. One of my daughters had to go to the RA on the floor and then to Housing and be moved. It really can create a nightmare for all concerned. I wish your daughter the best...sometimes we think we know people but learn we don't!