Okay, baby bird is back to school. Already having a roommate problem. The roommate is a friend from high school but they had a lot of differences last semester about things like drinking (my kid doesn't but roommate does), smoking (ditto), and other problems. The roommate also did not have a car on campus so my daughter was always the chauffeur (never any help with gas money either). I urged my daughter to either get a new roommate or at least get more of a backbone but she's still a bit wimpy. Well, the roommate was going to bring her own car this semester so my daughter came up to college today with all her stuff to get her room in order and the roommate was going to come tomorrow.

Well at noon today, after we were already at the college, the roommate calls to say she didn't sign up soon enough for a parking space and now they're all gone. She wanted my daughter to drive back home tomorrow and get her. I put my foot down on that idea.

There are other parking spaces available, just not on campus and they cost a little more. The roommate needs to bring her own stinkin' car and I feel really strongly about this. She was just plain rude on a regular basis all last semester. I've known this girl for about 4 years and I've really lost my patience with her.

So we'll have to see what happens. When I left, my daughter already had a stomach-ache over what she's expecting will happen. GAhhhhh. All part of the growing experience of college but I hate it for her.
My website http://www.carolynagosta.com