I love reading about others whose children are home for the holidays. Aren't you glad you kept your mouth shut and things turned out well? What year is your daughter and how far away from home is she?

All three of mine are here until they begin disappearing this weekend. I am enjoying every minute of it except between the hours of midnight and 3:00 AM. Does your daughter stay up late?

Between the three of mine, we have kids coming and going all hours of the day and night. Last night we had no boarders (only several boys hanging out in the basement who went to get Chinese at 11:00, then came back to eat, then left around 2:00) but the night before we had two of my oldest son's friends and my daughter's boyfriend. I've been doing nothing but sheets, pillow cases and blankets because I'm funny about them re-using the bed clothes. There's a comforter in the dryer as we speak.

I have such mixed emotions about them leaving...
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.