Dear Foundhervoice-atlast, After reading your story, the first thought that came to mind is what a good mother you are. I quote:
"I tried to diffuse things and then meekly told him that I had recently adopted US policy and would not negotiate with terrorists."

How cool is that response! Applause. I don't think I would have been so smart in the same situation.

From what you've written I think you are handling everything just right. No matter how the judge decides, I believe you have done and given your very best, and that is all what counts. Obviously you son sees it that way too, otherwise he could not give his Mom a kiss.

It's good that you have found your voice, and that you are venting. That's the best kind of therapy for you too. Don't forget to take care of yourself in this mess. I have found that in the long run always the calm and collected win. Your children have already won, in having you as their mother.