Dear Starting Over,

Congratulations! I was so happy to log in today and read that your new life is starting and that you will soon be able to put the past behind you. I apologize for not being in touch, but I am in the throes of the worst (at least I hope it is) part of my own divorce proceedings and have not had the wherewithall to log on to this wonderful website and participate.

I agree with all the fine gals here who think that it is not worth your time or breath to try to warn your ex's fiancee about what kind of man she is marrying. Your heart is in the right place and I applaud you for remaining such a kind, feeling person in spite of all the ugliness, but clearly this woman either has her own agenda or else she is such a lost lonely soul that she is willing to marry a man who is going into prison on a pornography charge no less. Oh well,it is not your problem now. You cannot save everyone. Please concentrate on moving forward, and try to remember - when you have those sad moments - that this too shall pass; close your eyes and try to envision yourself 10 years from now, in a much happier and joyful place.

Blessings to you and your son. You will remain in my prayers.
