Just to keep you all updated....My son got a voice mail from dad on Sat. letting him know he is remarring this Fri. (one week before his sentencing to federal prison)

1. What kind of desperate woman marries someone going to prison?
2. Is he planning to use his honeymoon to escape the country?
3. If I was a man, going to federal prison in a week, I can't imagine that I would be able to think about marrying someone--or having a 'productive' wedding night, if you get my meaning....
4. What kind of man, asks a woman to subject herself to a life with the kind of future that this one holds? How selfish is that?

My son eventually called him back and asked if his new wife to be had children or grandchildren and reminded his dad that he couldn't be around them. Dad's response was that she knew everything and was such a great lady and supported him and loved him anyway....does that mean she has kids????

Then their conversation turned rather ugly. My son declined to come to the wedding, his dad told him he should be careful who he 'backs'. Then proceeded to tell him that when he married me I had been a protitute, that I had had affairs for years and he had files from private investigators to prove it, and that I had abused him as a child. Then he went on to claim that there were 19 lawsuits pending against me, my dad and my sister....

All untrue, my son didn't believe him, but it rattled us both nonetheless. We have decided to change our phone numbers, not respond to him an in any way and go on with our lives as if he doesn't exist.

His things were auctioned on Sat. and I watched with horrible bangs of guilt that I was selling off his life. I wondered if it was worth what his actions have cost him. But now, after the latest--I don't even think he has a bit of remorse, I don't think he has learned any life lessons. How could anyone lie and try to manipulate their own child with such awful lies? How could I have lived with this person for so long and not known the 'real' person?!

I called the sheriff this am and let him know that he is planning to get married. They can decide whether there is any threat of him leaving the country to avoid jail time. My responsibility is done.

Does anyone think I have a moral responsibility to warn this woman? Should I keep my mouth shut?