I am really trying to stay on the high road but tonight I got hit in the gut once again and am really struggling with it.

The soon-2-b-x orchestrated a fiasco with our kids today by confusing after school pickup arrangements. He told each of them a different set of instructions and kept me out of the loop entirely except for asking me to assume responsibility for them for the next couple of days as he has a business engagement (it was supposed to be his parenting time...). Well, utter chaos ensued with lots of hurt feelings. One of my kids said that he was tired of being treated like property and decided to spend the night at a friend's house to get away from everybody.The other eventually came home and we were able to straighten everything out. Then he let me know that he was really upset because he has already caught his dad in quite a few lies and in addition to what had happened this evening he also suspected that his dad was en route to see his girlfriend - who according to the ex doesn't exist, and is a figment of my perverse imagination. the timing is really suspicious as well, as we have a hearing scheduled for the end of the week: he knows I've got his number and heaven only knows what that man is up to. My son asked me if I thought his dad was going to take off with his girlfriend and disappear.

There's a part of me that wants to track him down like the dog that he is, but another part of me wants to close my eyes and just pray that things work out for the best instead of stooping to his level.

What do I do? Any suggestions?
