A dear friend of mine gave me a book when my son went away to college and it's great.

Letting Go- A Parents' Guide to understanding the College Years, by Karen Levin Coburn and Madge Lawrence Treeger.

I read most of it in the car driving back and forth to drop him off (21 hours round trip).

The book is based on real-life experiences and you hear from the kids AND their parents. So much of it hit home for me. Lots of reminders that I am not in this alone. It also reminded me that while the kids are away having a good time, there is also lots of school work to be done and the added responsibility of taking care of everything on their end.

Sometimes I think it would be fun his shoes...football games, baseball practice, friends all around, not having to cook, parties, basketball, frisbee on the lawn, etc., but then I remember he had three tests this week and a paper due and I think...NO THANKS!

I recommend the book if you just had one leave or if you are preparing for one to go in the near future.