When I was small there were films shown twice weekly in our town hall.In the bigger towns there were Picture Houses.Well...the manager of our enterprise ran two businesses.One five miles away and another ours.
There were occassions when he forgot a reel and he would have to hotfoot to the other place so we could watch the remaining part of the film.
There were benches for the cheap seats and padded benches at the back for comfort.Wednesday was mainly adults we having school but Saturday first house most of my peers were there.
Second house courting couples...and parents.
The man Mr Shaw would Shhs us and shine his torch..even put someone out if noisy(rare).Id the film broke down...bedlam .Feet were stamped and moans of distress..
It was an education in social awaremess...tiptoing out to the toilet...fitting in with the others...not rustling sweet papers and potatoes snack were out.Cartoons were shown at the end...Mr Shaw allowed a bit of leeway then knowing we were small children.
I remember the first time a boy asked me to sit beside him..and know what I was too shy to do so.
These films are part of the past now..
Did any of you have similar experience.
Mountaina ash