know anyone?

Posted by: Dotsie

know anyone? - 06/18/09 03:07 PM

We've added a new title to the list for the Spring 2010 season.

The Ultimate Pastor: Uplifting Stories and Profound Advice about Faith and Fellowship with Rev. Todd Outcalt will feature full color photos and true stories from those who devote their lives to spreading God's word.

From pastors and members of the Christian writing community, we are seeking stories that can be inspiring, humorous, enlightening, or motivating, and can cover anything you've learned about yourself or the world around you because of your pastor, your faith, or by ministering to your congregation.

From our photographers we are looking for images that capture pastors as they work and minister in traditional and non-traditional settings, that feature ceremonies, special events, or services.

Please visit and review the synopsis and chapter topics we've posted for The Ultimate Pastor.

Also online are format guidelines for stories and photos, submission information and FAQs that answer most questions you may have. Just use the links on the website's menu tree on the left of each page to browse the comprehensive information we provide, but should you have questions that aren't addressed, feel free to drop us an email.

Please remember, photos and stories are separate submissions and will be reviewed independently of one another for publication. Please do not embed photos in a story. Our publishing format does not place photos near or with specific stories, and it not necessary to submit both a story and photo to be part of the project.

If you have friends or colleagues you feel may be interested in participating in this project, please help us network and forward this information to them, or post it online on your blog, Facebook, MySpace or Twitter page.

I look forward to seeing your work for possible publication in The Ultimate Pastor and to the opportunity of sharing your experience about living your faith with our readers.


Candace Johnson
Editor, The Ultimate Pastor