Law of Attraction at work..a miracle of sorts?

Posted by: humlan

Law of Attraction at work..a miracle of sorts? - 05/12/08 05:52 PM

I have been working on myself and the Law of Attraction, Allowing and know..being interested and trying to turn myself around. Well, I found the books on this at my favorite bookstore on the net..adlibris. This is a smallish bookstore that has GROWN immensely the last 10 yrs. They have about 30 staff members now. But they still have time to answer my emails personally. Usually when I am writing that the money is on the way or something to that effect.

First as I wrote somewhere else, it was amazing that they have these books I want. Because I checked maybe a month ago..and they didnĀ“t have them then.

So..I sent in my order for 3 of them..being most interested in the one called, "The Astonishing Power of Emotions". And believe it or not..they decided to divide my order up and send precisely THIS book to my mailbox at home. The other 2 books will be sent as usual to my nearest post pick-up store. (Here in Sweden the post office is more or less non-existant now. We pick up our packages at the local food store )

So what am I saying here..that the Law of Attraction really does work! I am very interested and motivated..sending out certain vibrations thereof, I guess..and WHAM BANG.. I get what I am yearning for in my mailbox..without lifting the preverbial finger!!!