Cat being exiled for allergies

Posted by: smilinize

Cat being exiled for allergies - 05/14/04 06:16 PM

Boy I didn't know where to put this.

There seems to be a lot of animal lovers and experts on here and I need some help. My husband arrived in my life with a cat. He rescued it only about a month before we met, but is attached. I love how he cares for the cat and I'm growing attached also.
Problem is, my husband and I are both allergic to the darned thing. It is a long haired cat with dander and hair in the air constantly making us both cough and sneeze.
Also, he is old (the cat, not my husband) [Smile] and had these urine problems (the cat, not my husband) [Smile] which we finally got under control with diet, but he still spits up hair balls (the cat, not my husband) [Smile] We're re-carpeting soon and simply put, this guy has to GO! (the cat, not my husband) [Smile]
No one wants him (the cat, not my husband) [Smile] and the humane folks will only put him to sleep (the cat, not my husband) [Smile] . We can't either seem to deal with that.
A friend who had a similar problem moved the cat outside to a dog house and only allows him inside for petting, etc. (the cat, not her husband) [Smile] I'm considering that. I've been singing that song from "The Jeffersons," "Moving on up" to the cat for days. I'm trying to convince him (the cat, not my husband) [Smile] that he's moving to a fancier pad.
Help.... Any ideas??

[ May 14, 2004, 11:22 AM: Message edited by: smilinize ]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Cat being exiled for allergies - 05/14/04 08:28 PM

I love your post! It's great. [Big Grin]

Do you have any local papers where you can place free ads? I bet there's someone who's looking for a cat with a bladder problem [Eek!] out there somewhere.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Cat being exiled for allergies - 05/15/04 12:47 AM

Smile, I have a solution but it may not be one you care to use. There is an organization called:

The Best Friends Animal Santuary and its in Kanab, Utah. They have a no kill animal haven and take in all kinds of sick, stray animals, you name it they have it. They would probably take in your cat, no questions asked. Its the organization I work with. Their address is:
5001 Angel Canyon Road, Kanab, Utah 84741, the phone #is(435)644-2001 or fax (435)644-2078.
Email: editor@bestfriends.og
You and your husband could drive her up there and be assured she would have expert veterinary care and a loving home until she died, She'd live with other cats just like her, in a natural friendly setting. NO CAGES...They also have people all over the country working for them and there might be someone near you that would take her in. This is a way for you to have your home back to normal and know you've done the humane SAFEST thing for your trusting, loving pet. [Wink]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Cat being exiled for allergies - 05/20/04 06:06 PM

What's happening with the cat?

My husband and son are allergic to cats, dogs, and horses. We happened upon a hypo-allergenic dog, a cockapoo. She's ahlf cocker spaniel and half poodle. We've had her for 7(?) years and no one's allergic.
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Cat being exiled for allergies - 05/20/04 10:55 PM

Well, the cat is movin' on up. And out. Maybe.

I got him a new bed. It's very elegant. Leopard skin and soft furry stuff and it's filled with catnip (figured I would drug him).
He hates it. Won't go near it.

I got him a new litter box with a roof and a deodorizer thingy. It's the best and most expensive I could find. Really neat.
He hates it. Won't go near it.
Haven't caught him peeing on the carpet yet, but sometimes he hides it.
Probably poop in the floor at any moment. Good-bye kitty.

I got him a new dog house. It's really big and I got him a new water and food bowl and put them inside the dog house with his new bed. I wanted him to get used to it before his big move. It's all set up right in the middle of the den near the TV. Very attractive.
He hates it. Won't go near it.

Almost $200 so far and the carpet still smells. Gotta' get him out of here before the new carpet arrives!!
Phatt Katt is getting on my NERVES!!!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Cat being exiled for allergies - 05/21/04 03:40 AM

Have you checked out the folks at Best Friends at all? I am a very firm believer in the fact that our aniomals know whats in our minds and our hearts, they have senses we don't have. Thats not an assumption its as fact. This cat knows you are trying to get rid of him and all these things are a part of that, so he is being obstinate. If I were closer I would rescue him but I have all these dogs here right now, my two and 4 rescues needing homes approved. The birds gone but I have a guinea pig now too. Busy here at Casa Micheles...Imagine me considering a full time job!! When I have all this going on. Have you checked your area to see if theres a NO KILL shelter available. It would be a shame to end a life over a carpet. I know the feeling however but I put down tile when pulling up the old nasty carpets, really a life saver and looks great too. Less stress on me and the visiting animals that have an accident from time to time. Hope it all works out.... [Wink]
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Cat being exiled for allergies - 05/21/04 03:57 AM

I looked at the website and couldn't find anything around here. I h

I've been to Kanab and loved it.
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Cat being exiled for allergies - 05/21/04 04:37 AM

I looked at the website and there was nothing about anything around here. I've been to Kanab and love it, but can't take him now. My husband has little vacation and he would scream all the way. (the cat not my husband)
I hate to put the rascal out, (cat not husband) but I see no other way. I've checked around here and all the no kill places are full. Even the vet who helps with placements said no one will take an incontinent cat.
Phatt is still boycotting the new house, but he's gone in a couple of times for food so maybe he's warming up to it. I hope.
I'm planning to put him outside this weekend if it doesn't rain.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Cat being exiled for allergies - 06/06/04 11:16 PM

Smilinize I was wondering how things are progressing with Phatt the exiled cat? Last we heard he was making his home in the garage but the other day you wrote something about the garage door being broken and some marauding Racoons chewing up your air ducts out there. How is the poor old cat handling all this? [Confused]
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Cat being exiled for allergies - 06/07/04 05:25 AM

I'm planning to put him outside this weekend if it doesn't rain.
who? the cat or your husband?
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Cat being exiled for allergies - 06/07/04 05:36 AM

Well, it was a difficult choice, but neither husband or cat went outside. It not only rained, we had tornadoes and hail. So guess who was scared and had to snuggle up with the cat and the husband when the thunder happened?
After the storm we moved the cat to the garage, but a stray cat broke in and beat him up. Poor guy. He had to come in til he recovered. We put him out again, but he cried. Now he only comes in when we need to smell urine on the carpet or if we need to sneeze which is actually pretty often. We're taking allergy meds and looking for wood flooring. Damned cat!!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Cat being exiled for allergies - 06/07/04 08:20 AM

Strange, cats are some of the cleanest animals around and hate to not use their box or pan or whatever. How old is Phatt? Maybe he's heard the complaints against him and he is upset and afraid. I wouldn't say this or stick my nose in but you did ask. Perhaps this poor cat needs to be put away, its obvious he's in the way and unloved now that he's old and incongruous. I wonder why your husbnds alergys didn't bother him before all the years he owned this cat, or what he did about it before. It seems that the new flooring means more than the cats life. I only wish I were closer I would take him in and he would live out his natural life in comfort, loved, and with no stress or danger. I have all tile floors purposely and small throw rugs that I wash often. Yes, I am an animal lover and respect their rights and understand there failings....I could no easier unlove an old animal than I could an old person. I hoped this situation works out for everyone, especially Phatt the cat. We are their guardians after all....
Posted by: smilinize

Re: Cat being exiled for allergies - 06/07/04 05:32 PM

Cats in general are probably clean, but you can see Phatt's dander in the air and his hair is everywhere, not to mention the stains on the carpet. It will cost thousands to replace the flooring and the allergists say get the air ducts cleaned of hair and dander. The vet says Phatt has a bladder stone that causes incontinence and he is too old for surgery. He's probably in pain.
My husband rescued him less than a year ago after he had been evicted from several homes. We didn't know the source of our allergies until recently and I never had allergies til the cat arrived.
It may sound cruel, but we have to do something with this cat. We just keep feeling sorry for him and avoiding it.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Cat being exiled for allergies - 06/08/04 03:14 AM

Smile you know my feelings about animals in general and I back up my feelings with my actions as a care giver for sick, abused and homeless animals so its not just talk with me. I think you have done all you can in this situation and since the cat can't be taken to Best Friends etc. and is undoubtedly in pain. Its time to put him to sleep, painlessly and quietly. I'm sure he would thank you for removing him from his wordly, old pained body. Please, think of him now and let him go. Its the kind thing to do for all involved. Do it now...