
Posted by: maryannewrites

Readers-Help! - 09/11/10 01:03 PM

This is my very first post, and I'd love to ask the opinions of avid readers 2 questions: (1) Do you think that electronic reading devices (Kindle, Nook, etc.) will continue to grow in popularity and eventually be preferred by devoted readers? (2) If you are already using Kindle, Nook, or any other reading device, do you miss having an actual book in your hand? For ease in travel, I am thinking of taking the plunge. Any advice? Thank you!
Posted by: jabber

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/11/10 01:24 PM

PC's had skeptics and now look at 'em. Don't have any advice for
you. But anything is possible in this crazy world of electronics. Welcome to the BWS site!
Posted by: Anno

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/11/10 01:49 PM

I own a Sony Reader for all my travel reading. I received it for Christmas last year and I haven't bought a paper back since. I missed the "book" for a while, but except for a very few disadvantages (not seeing the cover) I love it.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/11/10 02:50 PM

Welcome to our little corner of the world!!

I have had a Kindle since it first came out. I researched everything on the market at that time and chose the Kindle because it worked with both PC and Mac (I'm a Mac person) and because it didn't need to be hooked up to a computer to download content. There are also a lot of free books from Amazon, mostly classics, but sometimes a free older book from an author who has a new book coming out. I love to read but had run out of bookshelf space. Some books I have both on Kindle and the physical book. The only thing I didn't like is that you can't share your books with a Kindle unless you have two registered on the same account. But then I don't lend out my books any more as I've lost way too many that way.

With the Kindle, the cover is still available to look at. And I like that I can download a sample before I buy a book. I do miss browsing in the used bookstore, but I have way too many physical books and can't bear to part with any of them. I'm a book hoarder! smile
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/12/10 12:04 AM

WELCOME Maryannewrites to our cyber home. You will love it here and we are so glad to meet you. Several 'writers' I know have published their books on Kindle and say they like it from the writers point of view. Me, I prefer the actual book when reading but if downsizing Kindle seems to be the way to accomplish that. I think Kindles here to stay...

I have medical and natural healing books galore, many have never been opened. I am selling them and believe me there is no disease or condition not covered. I paid full price along the way for each book but am selling them for $2.00 each plus shipping. Let me know if anyone is interested.
Posted by: maryannewrites

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/12/10 01:04 AM


Thank you so much for your thoughts. Now my dilemma is Kindle vs. Nook. I spent two hours researching available on-line opinions about this today. I welcome any comments from anyone who has been using either device. Thanks again!!
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/12/10 02:03 PM

My suggestion is that you go to Target where you can see an actual Kindle and to Barnes & Noble to see the Nook. I have the first generation Kindle, which has an SD card slot for extra storage, and the new Kindle doesn't have that. I looked at one at Target yesterday. It's lighter and thinner than mine.

Good luck in your hunt!
Posted by: dejavu

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/12/10 11:51 PM

I love my Kindle, and I buy more books through Amazon than through B&N, so the decision was easy. You can really save money with e-books, not only are they much cheaper, but no shipping cost.

Speaking of Kindle, I have just posted a message in the Bragging Rights forum - my novel, Every Little Step She Takes - is now available in paperback OR on Kindle at

Posted by: CrosstitchQueen

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/13/10 12:56 PM

I loved the idea of a Kindle when they first came out. Didn't get one, and after thinking about it some, don't think I'm going to. My husband and I read a lot and trade our books in at a used book store (I get books from all kinds of stores and places -- from new to used to garage sales and whatever). And I share my books with friends who return them to me when they're done so I can trade them for more. You can't share a Kindle!! That and the fact that once I've read a book, I'm pretty much done with it, so I wouldn't want to keep it on a kindle or any other reader anyway. That's the major disadvantage to me. All my friends and I share books back and forth. I think I read somewhere that one of the new readers has the ability to let you share the book with 2 or 3 other people but of course they have to have the same kind of reader you do. So, while I think it's a great idea for some people, the Kindle and other similar readers are not for me. Give me a hardback or paperback novel any day, so when I've read it, and I know it was the kind of book you would love, I can pass it on to you and say "you're going to love this" and it's right there in your hand.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/13/10 07:31 PM

Maybe these links will help you decide:

My best friend has a Kindle and loves it, but wishes it was backlit to read in different lighting conditions. Maybe the new ones offer that? But then I heard that a backlit screen can bother your eyes if used for long periods, so who knows?

I like having a paperbook in my hand, and I don't normally buy books. I use the library or trade books with friends. My son downloads books onto his iPhone and charges them to my credit card. If you read a lot like he does, you're likely to spend quite a bit on costs.

I never re-read a book, so this just doesn't make financial sense for me.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/13/10 09:22 PM

A backlit screen would be like reading on a computer screen for long periods of time and can really tire your eyes - it does mine. You can get a clipon light (I love mine) that attaches to the cover, has LED bulbs, and the intensity of light can be changed to one or both bulbs (some might have 3). The clipon light is great for reading in bed; doesn't disturb my partner as the light is flexible and I can shine it directly on what I'm reading. I've heard these lights work well for regular books, too.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/14/10 03:58 AM

May I suggest:

Through some of the discussion forums for professional librarians and library managers, I am aware some of the big city libraries are experimenting with loaning out e-book devices. There might be a limited number if your library system has them since it's new. Keep in mind, the library budget is covering the licensing access to those e-novels, etc.

Thank your library..please.

From a librarian.
Posted by: dejavu

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/14/10 09:49 AM

I was surprised by some comments that people never re-read a book. Not even your favorites? I have several that I've reread MANY times - Gone with the Wind, And Ladies of the Club, September, Shellseekers, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, and many more. For me, it's like enjoying a vacation place and wanting to return. Plus, as a writer, I want to reread and develop more understanding of the author's ability to draw me in.

Posted by: CrosstitchQueen

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/14/10 11:55 AM

I'm not saying I never re-read a book........but not often. Most of the books I read get passed along to friends then come back to me so I can take them to a used book store where I trade them in. When it comes to books, I guess I'm a big believer in passing it on. My friends and I have some great conversations about books we've read (and if I'm the first one to read it, I NEVER EVER tell them what happens before they get to it -- I hate when someone ruins the story for me and I won't do it to anyone else). I love the idea of a Kindle or the other similar readers for travel and whatever but at this point in my life it just doesn't work for me. Althought this morning I'm lugging a pretty hefty hardback book (The Help) to a doctor's office so I have something to read while I wait for my aunt to have her appt and a Kindle would sure be more convenient! For now I'll stick to hardbacks and paperbacks. Even this book I'm reading is already spoken for by one of my friends as soon as I finish it.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/14/10 01:10 PM

I know many ladies in this area pass their reads along to each
other. One "Marlie and Me" was read by 20 ladies. In these economic times, people can't afford to spend lots on money so
they share their loves! Oops, not guys, just books and stuff like that!
Posted by: maryannewrites

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/14/10 06:33 PM

Thanks so much for your thoughts on this subject. I rarely re-read fiction, but frequently refer to non-fiction books that I use for reference. I am interested in an e-reader for travel because back in the olden days, before the airlines charged for luggage, I'd always bring several books with me. Now it's a question of how many books and how many pairs of shoes can I realistically expect to bring? I can lighten the weight considerably by bringing an e-reader along in my carry-on. I know that I'll miss holding a book in my hands, but if it means I can bring more shoes,'s definitely something to consider!! I always say, "There's no such thing as having too many books or shoes!"
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/14/10 06:46 PM

I often re-read books. (Okay, I'll admit that sometimes it's because I forgot I already read it!) But seriously, I do read some books over and over because they are so rich in content I have to keep reading to see what I missed the first few times.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/14/10 07:47 PM

Mary Anne, I was talking with my stepdaughter about the difference between different e-readers. She has a Sony reader and prefers that one because in her opinion it has a wider platform/format capability. She says that when she did the research, she found the Kindle too proprietary (she would have had to buy everything from Amazon). With the Sony, she's able to purchase ebooks from a much wider variety of sources, including the public library, which is where she gets 99% of her books now.

I don't have one, I do like the feel of a real book in my hands, but can see the benefit of having one because we travel so much and it would be much handier than packing books.

And on the other branch topic of rereading books, yes, I reread because my memory is so bad, I can't remember having read it before. Same with movies. I've read the Narnia Chronicles about 20 times, and the Harry Potter series about 8 times, if not more, and still can't remember huge patches of either series. But my memory has improved lately, and now I find it less enjoyable to reread some books. Which is a good thing.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/14/10 07:59 PM

There are sites that offer free e-books including for Kindle. Admittedly, most of the books are out of copyright, but I also remember seeing other sites where you can buy books formatted for the Kindle. So Amazon isn't the only option.
Posted by: dejavu

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/14/10 10:54 PM

I do like the feel of a book in my hands, so for my Kindle I bought a book cover. It's a good idea, from simply the viewpoint of protecting the Kindle, but I found it also satisfies my 'need to touch'.

I told my family, I still welcome gifts cards from Barnes & Noble, etc., because while the Kindle is great for books that are mostly text, there will still be books (I love travel guides) that will have lots of pictures, that I'll want in the regular book form.

Posted by: maryannewrites

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/16/10 12:53 AM

Wishing you every success with Every Little Step She Takes! I'll put that on my "To Order" list. I love reading books by authors with whom I can communicate, and enjoy supporting other authors. My first novel, Eyelash, taught me a great deal about the publishing process, and I am currently editing my second novel, Never Say Perfect. I find it so difficult to draw a line in the sand and declare, "It is finished!" Again, I wish you the best with your latest release, and I'll definitely post a review for you once I have read it.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/16/10 12:36 PM

Blessings to all the authors here!
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/17/10 09:35 PM

Welcome, Mary Anne, I hope you will become a regular participant in the forum.

I am delighted to hear that your next book is done... Can't wait to read -- and review --it!

I don't have an e-reader yet, but my mother got one, and she loves it for its ease of use -- her hands are arthritic.

I have been planning to get an iBook soon, and thus have thought I would use it as a book reader - as well as a computer, so I have been interested in the comments on this thread with regard to the different products out there!
Posted by: maryannewrites

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/19/10 06:03 PM

After much deliberation, I took the plunge and purchased a Nook from Barnes & Noble. I chose the Wi-Fi + 3G model, as I felt it would be best for travel, checking email, etc. It holds up to 1,500 books, which is amazing when you hold this small device in your eager little hands!
The staff at Barnes & Noble could not have been more helpful in answering all of my initial questions and then marching me to Customer Service to get me registered, acquire my first e-books, and walk me through all of the basics.
Just to get started, I ordered The Help by Kathryn Stockett, The Noticer by Andy Andrews, and the NIV Study Bible because I'm in a women's weekly Bible study group in Georgetown, SC. When I travel, I don't want to neglect to keep up with the study, so having the NIV at my fingertips will be extremely helpful. I meant to purchase South of Broad by Pat Conroy, but was so caught up in the process and excitement, I couldn't remember the name of it! So that will be the first book that I order without assistance.
I'll let you all know how this goes in a future post. Whatever you are reading, I hope it is a book that pulls you into that state of mind that we avid readers enjoy--where you are so engrossed in the story that light has evolved into near darkness and you didn't even realize that you needed to turn on a light.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Readers-Help! - 09/19/10 08:58 PM

I read The Help some time ago and was mesmerized by the story and by the writing. Hope you enjoy it, too!
Posted by: maryannewrites

Re: Readers-Help! - 11/30/10 09:01 PM

I have to say that I'm LOVING that Nook. I had the urge to purchase a couple of books the other day, and didn't exert any effort at all. I just hit the WiFi button on the device, then touched the Shop button, and within minutes, both of my choices, South of Broad, and The Writing Circle, were there for me to read. This technology absolutely amazes me! Of course, Kindle and Nook, etc. will always be releasing the next generations of their products, but for now, I'm very pleased with my choice of e-reader. It certainly serves the purpose!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Readers-Help! - 11/30/10 11:55 PM

Mary Anne, I recently bought myself an e-reader (the Kobo) and am thoroughly delighted with it. So portable, light, fits right in my pocket or purse. It came with 100 free books already installed, then two more free ones that I could go and grab from their website. Every week they add more free books to download. When we go south for the winter, we're restricted in our luggage I won't have to sacrifice my books! It will be so lovely whenever we travel, not to have to carry any books anymore!!
Posted by: Sandy N.

Re: Readers-Help! - 01/14/11 02:42 AM

I have a Kindle and really like it. However, that doesn't mean I don't also check books out of the library, buy paperback and hardback books, and read books loaned to me by friends. The Kindle is just more convenient when traveling, plus it's a pleasure to read a really heavy tome (Pillars of the Earth, for example) on a lightweight Kindle.
Posted by: Ellemm

Re: Readers-Help! - 01/14/11 03:07 PM

FYI, I lot of libraries are now checking out online versions of books that can be downloaded to e-readers. Our library is getting ready to start something called Overlook, which does not work with the Kindle but does with other e-readers. It will be just like a regular loan: you'll get access to the book for several weeks and it will disappear if you haven't read it.

I think readers like having anything in their hands; I know I certainly do. I'm thinking of an e-reader myself. A woman in my office just got a color Nook and she says it's wonderful. Right now I'm saving my pennies!
Posted by: greene

Re: Readers-Help! - 01/14/11 09:26 PM

I'm thrilled with the Kindle Santa brought me. It is so compact and light weight compared to a book. I also tend to read more than one book at a time and it makes that so much easier than having several books lying around. As much as I hate to admit it one of my favorite things is being able to download a couple of games. I find myself playing the NY Times crosswords almost as much as reading. At first it seemed cumbersome compared to paper and pencil but once i made the adjustment it is fine. It is so convenient to pull out while waiting for a Dr apt or something like that. I have enjoyed it a great deal.
Posted by: maryannewrites

Re: Readers-Help! - 01/20/11 08:03 PM

These devices are not only great for travel, but eliminate the problem of collecting stacks of books that you may never again open and read. I admit that when I am purchasing a book for reference that is relative to writing, teaching memoir writing, ghost writing, or marketing, I am more inclined to buy the print book. I like to have a substantial reference library that I can easily display for my students when I am teaching workshops. For fiction, however, I think it's the greatest invention ever for avid readers! The options are now becoming so plentiful, I think it is difficult for people to decide which e-reader to purchase. Each person really has to do their own research and weigh their particular needs and budget. I only see the e-reading trend growing in the future!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Readers-Help! - 01/20/11 09:08 PM

I love my eReader, but another thing I found isn't so convenient on it is a language dictionary (eg, my Spanish dictionary), because I can't easily flip open to relevant sections to check a word or phrase. But as Mary Anne says, for fiction, when you're reading something cover-to-cover, it's wonderful. I've been taking mine to all the medical appts lately and it's so convenient.
Posted by: Sandy N.

Re: Readers-Help! - 01/23/11 04:58 AM

I found out today that people can read Amazon's eBooks on "Windows Phone 7." I can't imagine reading a book on a phone, but there must be some demand for that option.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Readers-Help! - 01/23/11 02:51 PM

There are Kindle apps for several smartphones as well as for Windows and Mac computers. I can't imagine reading a book on a phone, but I suppose if you don't want or didn't bring your ereader with you it helps to pass the time.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Readers-Help! - 01/24/11 12:37 AM

Be careful not to leave your e-reader behind! It's way different than losing a book.

Ross takes his to the Y. After being home a bit he realized he couldn't find his Kindle. He said, "Oh boy, I bet that's gone."
I said, "Nah, there are a lot of honest people at the Y."

Sure enough, it was in the safe. One of the guys who works in the gym turned it in. I love it when stuff like that happens. Ross gave him a gift card to Best Buy to thank him for being so honest.

Even though life can seem depressing after watching the local news, there are still a lot of good people in the world.