Help! Should I take the step?

Posted by: humlan

Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 04:09 PM

Hi guys..I just got home from work..Friday afternoon was total caos with the kids and in the midst of this,I had to help my colleague break open her locker by force..after having helped search for her keys everywhere in our 9 departmental pre school. YES! I am tired..and I have waited to write you and ask you my question here for quite a long time..maybe because I am afraid of your straight answers? But I want your honest thoughts now. I have reached a cross road in my relationship..and I am ready for what you have to say.

I live with my SO who is 35yrs old and I am 60. We have lived together since June,2001. We worked together and "dated" since the fall of 2000. I dont think age is the issue here..he is from the North of Sweden..a quiet type..comes from a relatively secure background in the country. They hunt moose and fish there during their free time and the women talk recipes, etc. I am a city girl first from the Czech Rep.,then raised in the US (my last home there was near Cambridge,Mass...the Boston area). I moved to Sweden when I was 21 and married to my husband with whom I had 5 children. And we divorced in 2000. I have 4 grandchildren between the ages of 10 to 2. My chidlhood family and background is academic mainly. I am not the quiet type..I enjoy good discussions and people around a certain extent. I do like my space and quiet too..need it, almost daily at this point.

My SO,R. as I will call him here, has gotten into computer games in a big way. He plays World of Warcraft and is almost addicted to it. I feel that it takes the energy from our relationship. I feel that his life circulates around this game..his time and above all, his thoughts. We used to have lively discussions about things as he has alot of general knowledge that I don´t have. But that only occurs now when we go to a cafe or somewhere. Our life together has lost its content..its gusto. I know this to be a problem for couples in his age as simple as it is a real problem. We have talked and talked about our need to relate more often..but it kinda doesn´t happen. Of course, to a great extent, I enjoy the space I get in this way..but there is too much space now. We are not working sexually either..which we did well before. And I still have a need for real sex. Some of the problem with sex is also generated by the fact that my 18 yr old son lives with us and it´s not easy to find the opportunity. R. has had one relationship with a woman that has real problems and is perhaps alittle mentally needy. He has one son from this relationship who is 12yrs old now and visits with us everyother week-end and stays for about 1 month during the summer.

Now the crossroads as I see them is that we live in a one bedroom apartment with a big walk in closet. In this closet,my youngest son,18yrs, old has his sleeping area. His computer is set up in the kitchen When R.s son comes to visit, he sleeps above my son in this closet space. Believe it or not, it has worked well until now. Because the other day, my son siad that he needs some sleeping space of his own as he wants to bring girls home. This he has done in the past, but now everyone is older. The girls coming home is a normal thing here in Sweden. And since my relationship is the way it seems maybe this is the time to take action..and split up. My son and I would have more room, if nothing else. Of thoughts are not all this´s difficult to get everything down on a post without writing a book..which I am doing all ready.

And I am considering what many of you say..the grass is not greener on the otherside. Or, it´s ok to live alone and some of you prefer it. But it´s tough to be on your own and get old? My economic situation would probably be unsteady for awhile..but I think I could manage in the end.

Don´t get me wrong..he ia a good man..very gentle and kind..lots of understanding for the weaknesses and differences that make up mankind. I love this about him. And this part of him is VERY VERY important to me.

I feel a bit silly writing about my problem..a computer game problem..or so I see it..but I DO need help. It´s kind of an accomplishment for me to write so openly about where I am right now on this forum.

Anything..anything at all that you ladies can/want to write will be most appreciated. Thanks! I took a deep breath here, ladies! I actually wrote this and got it done. And now I am going to push the send button!!! Boy do I need some wine after this!!!
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 04:41 PM

To be reared in North Sweden and live quietly must have formed your R in his important years.In rural Scotland things were much the same a generation ago.Reading biographies and testimonies until ww2 things were slow and easy here.My Aunts lives were so different from mine and perhaps the way I live is quiet compared to some on the forum

Is it out of the question to move...?Have enough space to spread yourselves.Enjoying home life and having a goal for R.Even a new start somewhere.
I am your age and my goals have changed..for me harmony and love and comfort head my needs. I like my home to be clean inviting and my cupboards with enough.I came to this conclusion and surprised myself.
Please keep sharing and realise that the women here are kind and knowledgable .
I was thinking about you today knowing you are opening a long held wound and at times like this we are vulnerable.
Love MA
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 04:50 PM

Humlan, I don't have any wisdom to share yet, but just wanted you to know that I'm listening, caring and "with you" in heart, prayer and spirit...and with love and understanding of what courage it took for you to write.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 05:28 PM

Eagleheart, thank you. I mean that. I feel like a silly teenager in an old lady´s clothing. Yet I am not..which I think you can see. I am serious about my relationship, as we both are, and its been very difficult to share. I am so afraid of being dismissed and laughed at. My life´s decisions have been taken with much thought..well, most of them...but I am stumped now. Really stumped. Thank you for "thinking" and replying..I hope that you can post when you can and will do so. I am still shaking my head and feeling like a fool. Such a fool..but at the time we both thought..why should we give up something so beautiful and that gives us so much..just because it´s not the "normal" thing to do?

Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 05:39 PM

Humlan, I just read this and like many, I usually need some time to ponder a big decision. I liked that Mountain Ash wondered if a move would be good for both of another, possibly larger living area. Has this been discussed with R? Sometimes that brings freshness and change in a good way and the space would be welcomed. If there are other things going on inside you about the relationship then those things need to be thought through in time. Would you be more content alone at this point? A lot to think about and I'll be back to check in. Just know I'm with you all the way!
Posted by: Casey

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 05:46 PM

Humlan, I can feel your deep, deep pain with this issue. I wish I had easy answers, but I don't...

I'm sending lots of hugs and courage your way to sort through all of this in a way that honors yourself, R, and your relationship. Somehow, I believe, you will find a way...
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 05:55 PM


I am still shaking my head and feeling like a fool. Such a fool..but at the time we both thought..why should we give up something so beautiful and that gives us so much..just because it´s not the "normal" thing to do?

I think that our lives are made up of a wide assortment of different passages, and while some of them might seem like strange choices further down the road, I do believe that each passage is essential for taking us to the self we're meant to become. Each person, each sharing of the road, each stretch of life is part of our tapestry, part of our becoming, part of our learning...

This part of your journey may or may not be over - but I dare to say that it WAS meant to be, and there was nothing foolish but everything wise to gain from being in this stretch of life with this man and in these circumstances.

I guess the question is whether or not this combination of person and circumstances works for or against your vision of who and where you want to be for the next leg of the journey. When you can determine what it is you need/want now in order to find/maintain well-being and positive growth, then you'll know what direction to go in to get that...and whether or not taking anyone else along will help or hinder.

But give yourself credit for getting to your here-and-now. The choices you made back then were not foolish, they were instrumental in taking you where you wanted to go and into the you you are now. And that has been a good place to be and a good person to be thus you're at a crossroads where you might feel it necessary to take another road - but that doesn't make the road you're leaving any less valid and life-giving for the time you were traveling it.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 05:56 PM

Mountain Ash, I had to get up and walk around after reading your post..and my first thought was,Bless you, woman! There has been this little tiny voice today whispering to me: wait awhile..wait until the summer comes. Because this time of year is tough..the toughest for me, as you know. And yesterday I met some angels on this forum...

Your idea of seriously looking for a bigger place and therefore giving us both a goal to work, well, worth considering. We live in a lovely area that we both love. Our veranda has sun from morning until..well, until the sun sets..which is quite late here in Sweden during the summer..maybe like 11 or 12pm. And then comes the lovely dusk that continues until the sun swirls upwards again...and because we are in a place filled with villas and gardens..the perfume of the evening is undescribable. It is also a safe place for R.s 12yr old son to play because the housing area is closed off to cars. So, with the cell phone age, R.s son can play outdoors as long and as freely as he wants. Yes, many pluses for this area. An apartment, by the way, that my daughter sold to me when she broke up with the father of her first 2 children...because she knew that I would love it..a big sunbathed veranda..her mom, me, being a sun worshipper. That´s not too dangerous here because we get so little sun..even in the summer it can be scarce. may be time to move on. Thank you, Mountain Ash..unless some larger apartment opens up here in the spring.

R. himself is not to eager to make a new start as he has a job that he really enjoys. He also works with children..with very priviledged kids..but above all,he has quite a few male colleagues which is unusual in our branch of work. However, a move within the larger Stockholm area is ok for him..eventho he loves our current area as much as I do. Hmmm..have to have a think here again.

Thank you! And thank you for taking me seriously.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 06:21 PM

Yes, Mountain Ash..our backgrounds are very different. R. has a natural security and positive outlook and patience..that I don´t have. He is satisfied by very little. He once cautioned me that I might be "bored" by him..I remember that now. And maybe I would have been even more"bored" at a younger age..but today, I am not as energetic or strong..and I do like my peace and quiet. I think what I miss is the "sharing" because I feel that we are living parallel lives. But maybe the question is..what do I want to contribute to our life myself??? Hmmm..but that´s not totally true either. I want to take walks sometimes..which he doesn´t always enjoy..but sometimes he does, too. I want to watch a film with him..perhaps a "chick flick" or a new Anthony Hopkins film..but he chooses to play his computer game. And so it goes round and round in my poor head...
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 06:26 PM

Sounds like the computer game has become an addiction, so you're not just wrestling with changes in the relationship, you're wrestling with a third party in the relationship - addictions do become third parties - and can be deal-breakers. He may have to be the one that makes a choice between his wife and his mistress (the computer game)...and if he can't make that choice, that will be an important factor in your decision.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 06:30 PM

Eagleheart, is a tapestry..yes yes! And it´s time to take the decision I made to be with this man seriously and stop ridiculing myself to myself. Why should I do that? We have been thru quite alot..he and I. Both good and bad. And coming from this basis..where I stop questioning what I was thinking when we hooked up..will allow me to think forward. Where do I want to be and who do I want to be? Perhaps I should ask him the same questions about himself? And see how we tally..yes..I think so.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 06:41 PM game have probably heard that term. It´s real. And the problem, for me, is above all, that it sucks in all his thoughts and plans...which most addiction does. Before he would say, "I have to think about what you said and get back to you"..not anymore. We have discussed just this many times. We have made new plans to do other things and curb computer time..but it doesn´t work. Our radio clock by the bed is always turned toward his computer when I come home from work. Meaning he has been on his computer. He doesn´t always do the housework that we agreed was his..and I see it as part of his computer time. He starts work later than I do and works later into the evening. 2 evenings a week he comes home after 11pm or 12pm. So he has computer time in the mornings and in the evenings as we are night people.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 06:46 PM

Humlun I just love your natural and sweet vulnerable way of describing your situation. You are so real to me, and first of all I just want to send you a big sisterly hug.

The first thing that came to mind when reading your post is how on earth do you do live a “normal” life with an 18 year old sleeping in your bedroom closet? Seems to me that all of you need some of your own space, but the space is not there. What if you moved to a larger apartment before you make such a drastic separation move? That may solve a couple of problems within its own. Then the computer thing: If your SO isn’t willing to cut it down for your sake then I would tell him either that or me. It’s his choice. You could suggest set times. Set an alarm clock, and when it rings, you both meet at the kitchen table for a glass of wine. Who knows, if he is addicted, he may be grateful to you that you are finally drawing a line, and telling him to get a life.

I haven’t read all the replies, so if I’m repeating someone else’s thoughts, then that’s why.

Thinking of you in Sweden, dear Humlun.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 07:31 PM

Anne327, I think, at present, that the underlining issue for me is the lack of sharing.

But I do hear you about keeping him at home and away from bars,etc. He loves being at does my 18yr old. The latter can just sigh with relief when he comes in and say, "Ohhh how nice to be at home finally and totally chill". So, as a couple, we are doing something right. Creating an atmosphere of complete relaxation and acceptance is important to me!
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 08:03 PM

my adult daughter and I have a pact..never decide anything important on a Friday night.Add to that January.she and I have shared values.
When we air our concerns its like letting the birds out of a cage.Thoughts flutter.Be calm and the worries can be handles.
The grief of your Susan will always colour your life..but I hear a strong woman when you advise others.Passionate too.
R. has settled into a comfort zone..he does need to recapture some romance.Think about it anothermaole in the house..wonder is he isnt being argumentive..Your son needs space..being the wise woman you are you want to give hime this.Are you worried if he doesn't have space he will find it elsewhere.This feeling is the empty nest and it hurts.
When we were in fertile years we had hormones to blame.The ebb and flow forms such a big part of our identity.
Your job requires energy and are being recognised(your rise and the whiskey!!)
Can you explain to R. that you are feeling low...and even if he wont go to a film..light the candles and watch a whole movie..
you say his sons mother is restricted so he R. will have little experience of a strong woman who is as developed spiritually as you are.
Personally I realise that my husband understands me better than anyone BUT only because of having listened to me huffing and puffing on my high horse.
Allow R. to evolve.If he can understand children he can transpose their development into the adult domain.
Rest your weary thoughts Humlan...I care.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 08:06 PM

Hannelore..yes, and he doesn`t complain at all, my SO that is, not ever about my 18yr old lurking behind our wall! I must the world´s greatest b.... to be!

The next step is not to swarm down on R. when he comes home late this evening with all the suggestions that I have received here on this thread. He is working until 11pm. He has a headache and I have a stomach ache due to our "discussion" this morning..we do some of it by messaging on our phones.

How did you know that we would meet in the kitchen for our glass of wine..if we do it????? Because we surely would meet just there. But not at the table..there is no table. My 18yr old has his computer set up in the kitchen. Ours are in our bedroom. And yes, my SO has mentioned that he sometimes feels like so much time has gone by and that he has somehow missed when he plays his computer game.

I have alot to think about and discuss with my SO (R.). Essentially, I suppose we shall have to consider getting a bigger place (money??)..but this would give us something to work for, plan for and dream for. Maybe we are ready for it now..hmmm. We LOVE this apartment and the area we live in..but we are outgrowing it. I can see that now. I was immediately looking for a place beside the couch, by the big window..for his son to sleep in. But that won´t work. I mean his kid is 12 long will it take before he will want his space too???

Ok..and the sharing and caring and considering of eachother´s thoughts and feelings..that´s very very important..but one may facilitate the other. I can see that... big sisterly HUG back to you!!!
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 08:12 PM

dont feel bombarded with all that has been said.
Same as when counselling the faciliator allows ideas and breakthrough to evolve...perhaps a walk tomorrow...?

Thinking of you not so far away..
Posted by: humlan

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 08:34 PM

Hannelore..just a quick son plays the guitar too. In the kitchen. He just found/discovered a really heavy riff (he makes his own music too)..something like "I heard it thru the grapevine"..only much heavier, 2008 style. I love it!!!!

Who am I kidding..who else could live with me and my 18yr old in this crazy cramped household? Certainly not a man of my age?....Add to that that I have IBS..the runny when it rears it´s ugly head..I have to RUN to the bathroom. And we only have the one!!!

Are we still on sisterly hugs??? If so.. One real big one for you again!
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/25/08 08:51 PM

Humlun are you sure you are 60? I think you are the youngest 60 year old I've ever encountered. Maybe your SO is too old for you? I totally agree, just looking for a new place will keep you two busy and renew some bonding.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that you will find an apartment with two baths, at least two bedrooms and all for the same price. You might have to move out a little in the outskirts...but it is worth it. We moved out of the city limits, because we decided a home that meets our needs is more important than location, and have no regrets.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/27/08 01:14 AM

I just saw this thread and read it through. Wow.
The needing more space issue is what it is, it needs to be addressed for two growing boys.
The relationship? I do agree with the comment that if the game is where he has a relationship, it may be time to get some space from him. He may have a decision to make regarding addiction and his life.

You need to "feel," this one with your heart and give your heart time to be clear. However you connect with your heart, it knows what is right. It's really not a matter of what we think about your love for him, it's what you feel. I have read a LOT of "thinking" but you, and only you, can feel this one through.
Take your time and follow your heart.
I am an Italian artist. Say no more there, right? I would tell you what I am telling you. We love, or should, from our heart, and our heart only loves when it is loved back or we are not loving, we are yearning. So ~ whenever you get in touch with your heart, your deep feelings and if you feel loved, and loving, you know what to do. Yearning is not love and is no life for anyone. If we are yearning, we are not in reality, we are in fantasy.

What does your heart say? Find it and let it answer. You have nothing but time, really

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/27/08 02:36 AM

humlan, I've just come across this post. Shame on me.

You are so wise and so dear that I have no doubt you will figure out what is best for you. I know there's a lot to think about, but is your biggest issue the computer. If he is not playing games, do you think he will be connecting with you, your son and his son? I have a feeling, he will. Other than the computer games, he sounds like a keeper. YOu two sound very comfy together!

I'm sending togetherness thoughts and prayers your way.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/27/08 09:05 AM

My heart is with you, Humlan. You sound a bit overwhelmed and rightfully so, my dear.

Please keep in mind that any addiction is usually a symptom of something else going on in life. That's not advice, just a simple statement.

Hugs to you.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/27/08 03:03 PM

I haven´t been able to answer or read for about day or 2 because a little person took over our bedroom this week-end..R.s boy. He´s just left with his dad for the long bus ride up to the takes him, the boy I mean 3-4hrs. Dad (R.) will leave him at the Buss Station in Sth. You see he and his mom live up in the north of Sweden. So to visit his dad, his son (I´ll call him D.), has to travel down to us. It´s a tough situation..very very tough..but both R. and D. accept it as part of life..they are much more easy going and accepting than I am. D. was only about 3 when his parents seperated and he is now 12, as I said before.

D.was born premature at 28 weeks, I think.He weighed just under 1000gm when he has born.. his mother had to get 5 liters of blood. She suffered from pregnancy toxemia. Both of them we just around 20yrs of age when they had this traumatic experience. Very very traumatic experience. But D. survived..came home some months later and so did his mom. But both are marked (according to me) by this experience. My SO, too of course..but he´s not one to talk about things too some extent yes,..but not too too much. There was one time I was worried about D. (his son) because he was having problems at school with both friends and schoolwork..but I went too far in my mullings and chewing over things and probably giving advice when it was not needed or wanted. R. is that way and somehow this can be good for me too. Me being the way I am... But I do feel alittle tears well up as I write this bit. I did´t mean anything bad..but it all backfired. I pushed too far..talked too much. I can do that at times. But that was maybe 2-3 years ago and now, we are here! I keep my nose out of their business..and it works ok most of the time.

Mountain Ash, I thought alot about what you wrote about his only relationship and the girl. She is probably much much nicer than me..but we a very very different and that is all he knows. And it, of course, depends on what HE wants too..he may want a quieter, less demanding relationship. I have put this question to him anyway..because in my thinking, this is question that is basic to our relationship. Some men/women don´t want a stimulating relationship..they want more peace and quite.. more delegation and division of roles, whatever they may be..not only male and female type of rolls... I want peace and, yes..but I need adventure too.

Dotsie, we "sound very comfy together"..yes, yes we are. And I have LOVED this because I have not felt comfy in my home until now. No unspoken vibs about what I am doing, what music I am listening to, that I am having a whiskey..etc etc. Actually, R. loves me for my weaknesses and blemishes, too. He says that´s what makes me human and not super woman. What a wonderful wonderful thing... to be loved and understood when I eat that bag of candy eventho I vowed I wouldn´ myself, of course. No lecture or look that tells me how weak I am (which I am ).. We both like relaxing..taking it easy...

Dancer.."yearning is not love"..I gotta think about that one..can´t you yearn for more in your relationship? And that yearning bring you both to a new place??? This is my spontaneous question now.

My dear R. has gone into his "shell" or "cave" if you will. and it´s difficult to reach to him. I hope that he is the past this would be the case. But now there is the World of Warcraft in his I am never
too sure "where" he is. This gaming is probably a symptom of R. has said himself in our past discussions. Part of it is the sex part..the difficulty of having it, now that my son has moved in with us permanently (2 1/2 yrs ago). The irony there is that his father, my ex hubby, is living in our old house with over 200sqm of space!!! But they can´t live says my son. He loves his father..but they can´t live under the same roof.

I have to wait a awhile for my R. to start talking..I know that he will..well, he has to. In the meantime, I will be bursting with all my thoughts and feelings..and probably sort´of leaking steam now and again, I am sorry to admit.. to his defense, we haven´t been able to really talk as his son has been here this I mentioned. I have just given him food for thought. Which makes him very tired almost fatigued..I think he hides behind this tiredness to get space to think..or just to get space. But that´s the things isn´t it..? Should I go on, if we can´t

Grateful for anything you can add or give me..anyone...thank you so much for just reading this..anyone that does...
Posted by: dancer9

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/27/08 05:00 PM

That is taking what I said about yearning out of context.
I believe that if one ONLY feels yearning, it is not love.
Yearning is, of course, part of love, yearning to see the one we love, yearning for their safty and health, etc...
But I believe we feel loved if it is love. Love cannot be solely yearning.
If you feel loved in this relationship and you love, then it is love and that is only my own belief. I know people who only yearn to be loved, or loved again, by their S.O.'s and this is a painful position.
All power to you if you feel loved as you love him! If this is the case, with work, anything can be solved in my own opnion.
Simple, I know, but singing and dancing love stories over and over all through my career, one learns a bit about love. I've been exposed to all sorts of love through working and have formed an opinion. Simply as it is.

Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/27/08 06:10 PM

Some people stop really listening if we push the did say R.worked late on the night you posted.So he will have had little time to process the situation.Perhaps its a good idea to prioritise what are your concerns and concentrate on the most important..The here and now.
Is there any chance to get away together .away from his computer .I know of other women who say their husbands come to bed late because of computer use.
You deserve to be happy and a short break at the weekend may be an idea.
Have a good week at work..
Posted by: humlan

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/27/08 06:52 PM

Dancer, I get it. I understand what you meant now. AND you are making a very interesting point at the same time..being able to acknowledge that you love and are loved. Sometimes this truth can be frightening too..hmm.
Posted by: humlan

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/27/08 07:00 PM

Yes, Mountain Ash..I can stop listening myself if someone pushes the point too long and too often. Unfortunately, I tend to be the hound of heaven (or hell) myself at times..I am aware of this. I just get stuck in a groove and can´t see anything else for awhile.

We are going to take a break in discussions of any we are both busy both days and evenings until Thursday evening. Then we plan to have dinner out..if we are still alive and kicking..and just check our thoughts with eachother. I have warned him that I can "leak" some during the week because I am frustrated.

Your week.end idea is very very good. I actually have money that my colleagues put together when I had my 60th. We could use it to get away. We have always loved to doing that together! You are an angel..thanks for that one!!!
Posted by: humlan

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/27/08 07:10 PM

Hannelore, I love yur new post picture (avatar). I think you look younger..seriously!!!! As tho it makes a difference to who you are, my love.

Well, I may be young in spirit because of the company I have the honor to keep ..both at work and at home. But my that´s somewhere between 62 and 100yr old. Depending on the day and the situation!

Yes, we may just have to move. The sex thing is a problem that we both miss very much. It was very good...We are actually outside of Sth..pretty far out..beyond the subway system. BUT maybe you´re right? Even further out may be an answer to the economics of the move. Hmmm... We do have a car. Then I thought that I must have talk with my son about the fact that he is 18 and even if he says he´ll be around for awhile after he gets out of school..this spring/summer. I mean..he may not after around. Housing costs ALOT around STH. A three bedroom apartment with 2 bathrooms goes for over 1 million Swedish crowns even if it´s situated pretty far out. I think that we have to start looking at the housing sites again.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/27/08 07:18 PM

I know, Humlan, I'm a biggie for the "straight up," and for the truth, honey.
I know you are hurting and you are feeling so deeply. Please take your time and know that it is one thing for me to say this truth but it is quite another to be able to answer it!
Only you know how to answer it in your deepest of hearts and you take all the time you need to do so.

Love is everything, really. It's nothing to play fast and loose with.

I wish you every bit of dreaming and playing and feeling as you come to whatever conclusion your heart finds.

Posted by: dancer9

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/27/08 07:25 PM

Wow, Humlan, Do you know what your housing costs translate into in American money?
Posted by: humlan

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/27/08 08:24 PM

Thanks should not be tossed away easliy..ever. And sometimes in the past..since my divorce, I have just said to my partner (the one I have now)..well, that´s it. That´s the end,then. It took me sooo looong to leave my former husband of 32yrs marriage that I am sometimes sick of having relationship problems again. BUT I KNOW this is part of I am patient somewhere anyway. At least, I think that I am.

1 million Swedish crowns is about 140,000 dollars right now. My partner helped me figure out. He´s the mathematical genius in our twosome. But then there´s the question of salaries and taxes and blah blah. We,Swedes, tend not ot have too much money to work with or save. It goes to taxes that do make medical bills much cheaper, for example.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/27/08 11:28 PM

Thanks for getting that converted for me, Humlan, or thank your partner!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Help! Should I take the step? - 01/27/08 11:36 PM

Humlan, first allow me to apoligize for having missed this post until today. NO post is too trivial, and no ones problems, whatever they may be should ever be laughed at, or taken lightly by others. That would never happen in BWS, because we care too much for one another.
My advice to you would be to stay put for now. Do your best to have a heart to heart discussion with R. Tell him your true feelings. It sounds like you have a very open dialogue with him anyway. Maybe you could also take an interest in his game...It might be fun, and is apprently something he enjoys. Maybe put a time limit on the time spent playing the game, and you do something you like during his game time. As far as the boys being there, you need a bigger place, 2 bedrooms, and/or a pullout sofa perhaps. Whatever else happens, be grateful he is playing a game and not involved with PORN...That is a slap in the face no woman should have to endure. Many women here have suffered through that and it never ends well.
I hope some of these ideas help, and bravo for the relationship, you are braver than I. You're also correct that it is NO fun growing old alone...and lonely.