The Unimaginable

Posted by: chatty lady

The Unimaginable - 12/04/06 10:29 PM

I was watching a panel discussion last night and they were discussing the most horrific crime against a living being I have ever heard of. Someone, either the mother or her whatever he is, male companion, both came home drunk and one or both of them put her three week baby girl into the microwave. It took a group of forensic scientists from several states to finally put a finding on what killed this infant. I listened, saw the babies first picture then out a pillow to my face and just screamed at the insanity that the innocents in this world suffer at the hands of devils. Pray ladies, pray hard, we need so much prayer to save this world??
Posted by: Saundra

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/04/06 10:43 PM

Chatty, I missed this horrifying crime. When did it happen?Are they in jail? Are they getting the death penalty? I can't imagine this wasn't carried on every news channel in the world. I am sickened by the crimes against humanity I hear about every day.

Today I heard about a man who microwaved his dog and got 22 years while rapists and child molesters are out on probation. Where's the justice?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/04/06 11:28 PM

They were both arrested. Her defense is she doesn't remember anything and he has refused to speak yet. He has domestic violence issues from the past but so far no one has been formally charged. I saw this late Sunday night. It happened the day before I think and not sure where but I heard them say N.J. They interviewed the womans mother, babys grandmother, and she insists her daughter has never been mentally ill or abusive to her other 3 older children, all of who were asleep in the house. She also said she doesn't think her daughter was on drugs. The story their telling is; when they awoke from their drunken night out the male found the baby and said it wasn't breathing and didn't look right. When the mother finally staggered in, they rushed the baby to the hospital and no one could figure out why she was dead. The findings by "all" the pathologists called in were that the baby was cooked/burned from within, meaning microwaved. I imagine the news will be carrying the story too, it was a news show I saw it on. I can't imagine why not if they do not....

That man deserved exactly what he got for torturing and killing that dog, and the penalties need to be harsher for child molesters and rapists running amouck amongst us.
These ass-o-es better be glad I'm not the judge.
Posted by: Lola

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/04/06 11:50 PM

What a horrid, horrid act! Crimes against children and the elderly are the most despicable of all. When I see atrocities against these most vulnerable group of society, I too, find it beyond words to describe what I feel. The UK has had its fair share of brutal crimes against children in the very recent past. It bothered me so much that I made up my mind not to watch them and shut myself off. Almost analogous to having had reached a point of emotional fatigue until my daughter said that I should brave it out. Oftentimes, I come across news such as these when I am on my own. That makes it doubly hard because there is no one to scream at or even express a gasp to what seems so unreal. So, I watch, to validate that, once a upon a time, that child or that elderly was a living being. The only comfort I seek is in prayer that lessons can be learned from such hurtful situations in that early signs which leads to such fatal circumstances for any child, or elderly, are detected and further harm are avoided. I pray with you and hope and trust against incidents such as this child's.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/05/06 12:42 AM

Thats shocking beyond belife,..........first iv heard of it or a micro being used that way on any sentient being...but a 3 week child horrendise...yea lola i stoped watching the news for my owen sanity or what felt like it's sake. i get too scared for my owen child and the world he's gonna grow up in. I also get torn and feel guilt when i am lost on some topic thats important and everyone talking about it. I know the news is very unbalanced as good news articales ....dont make the same type of news if that makes sence....well if those adults concerned can live with themselfs....once they rember what they dune do you think the would ever be able to forgive themself's.... everything and all one's actions have to be answered for at the end of day's, i hope god forgives them becouse the wee limited mortal that i am not managing to at this minet.... i am still shoked and as much as thse adults need prayed for the best i could promise too is to say i'd try....i am seldom this confused about humane nature....i don't ever want to experience this type of mindset from my owen thinking...sorry now im rambling
Posted by: Anno

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/05/06 12:49 AM

I do not have any idea how to respond to this. It is disgusting, horrid beyond belief, completely unbelievable, etc. etc. etc.

I do not believe in the death penalty, but today, maybe I do.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/05/06 08:40 AM

As hard as hearing and reading about this horrid stuff is, we must!!! We must be made aware and voice our concerns and our outrage to make sure that punishments are swift and harsh to discourage other insane people from even considering acts such as this... If we turn our backs and ignore these crimes because they upset us, who will be left to fight for the innocent? The man who put his dog in the microwave and got 22 years, got it because of the outcry from the people who cared....
Posted by: Dianne

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/06/06 05:49 PM

Always find your own way to make your voice heard in these matters. Find the court system where this will be tried and drown the judge and atty with emails.

I hope they get the death penalty.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/07/06 01:10 AM

Chatty, thanks for saying what you did about why we must be vigilant. Don't get me started. Ok, I'm triggered. What's the difference? In the 1960s my father put my sister, who was an infant with Down syndrome, on the porch in her stroller naked so she could freeze to death. My step mother and I found her just in time to save her, that time. But he ripped the phone off the wall so we could not call the hospital. We did go in her VW, me holding the baby, my step mother driving. While getting the keys and the coats, My step mother was shouting "murderer, murderer, murderer" to my father. My brother, who was about 4, started shouting, "murderer, murderer, murderer" to his own father, even though he did not know what a murderer was. Cold porch, microwave, the insanity is the same. I was 14 and knew I would not bring another child into that family. Now why did this thread become about me? Because as hard as it is to hear, evil people do evil things to the most vulnerable and innocent, and if we don't know, we can't change society. Abuse is the same, methods are different, and I fear not much has changed in the world of evil. I guess I should not have read this, knowing what I know
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/07/06 01:27 AM

You're loving heart and soul are what we need in our fight against evil dear lady so speak up, as you do know of what you speak and unfortunately it is by experience.
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/07/06 01:30 AM

This incident took place in Dayton, OH and I saw it on TV last night. What concerns me is that some other sick people will see this on tv and copy it.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/07/06 02:16 AM

Thanks Chatty. I was afraid to come back having said all I said, and there you were, supporting me. Daisy, it's inconceivable to think of copy cats. Who thinks of these things? How? Oh well, I was told by a counselor a long time ago not to try to make sense of senseless acts. It's too hard to wrap the mind around this child abuse.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/08/06 08:04 PM

daisy, I always think of the copy cat issue too. If one person is nutty enough, I'm sure there's a nuttier one out there too. It's such a rotten way to think, but it's the truth.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/08/06 09:43 PM

Lynnie, do you think it would be better if stories like that weren't publicised? I would think so. These sensation stories are just in the media to make money. I see no sense or reason to inform the public about such sick acts, especially because of the even sicker copycats.

They have a show here in Germany, (maybe they have something like it in the US), where they play skits of true crimes. They then show some mug shot of the criminal, and it is amazing how many have been caught this way. The problem I have with the program is that they show how the criminals perform their crimes in all detail. Some of the ideas, even I have to admit are extremely clever. But I think how stupid to give other criminals these ideas.
Posted by: Saundra

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/09/06 01:46 AM

It hit the little Daytona paper - saw it at the laundromat. It happened in Ohio and the death penalty is on the way. Sometimes I wish the death penalty happens sooner instead of taking over 10 years.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/09/06 02:43 AM

Hi Hannelore, to answer your question I do not think that stories of child abuse and other crimes should be kept in the closet. That would only lead to denial, and there's been enough denial. Nothing gets solved in silence and secrecy, and child abuse has got to be seen and heard to be solved. I don't see how reporting the story is "sensationalizing" it. good journalists will tell the story without injecting drama. The story speaks for itself as to how pervasive child abuse and family violence is in the USA. This story must have really bothered me. The night that I read the first post about it, and then I responded with a story of my own family, I woke myself up yelling HELP! I haven't had such nightmares in a while, but once in a while I am "triggered" to remember the domestic violence in my family. Fortunately, my husband let me feel safe in the hear and now when I wake up screaming. It just breaks my heart that innocent children, little babies, Infants! are being abused and killed. What is wrong with this world?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/09/06 05:15 PM

Oh, this is just horrible! So much abuse and so many abusers. I just don't have any other words, its just that horrific.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/09/06 09:09 PM

The death penalty is too good for this woman. She needs to suffer more and as long as possible. On Nancy Grace a forensic scientist told of how painful this death was and why. My God, I was shaking all over after hearing it.
Hannelore I have a problem with hearing of horrific acts and yet am afraid that if we didn't bring them out into the open (like the puppy mills) no one would know about them and they could just carry on their insanity in private. My entire disdain of the justice system in the country is with these dam judges, the police work endless hours catching this scum and these bleeding heart judges set them free. Same as in most abuser cases, we need stronger punishment, NOW, not in years after they commit their acts of violence.
Wheres Charles Bronson when you need him, remember the series of "Vigalante" movies, I cheered for him every time he wasted one of the scum sucking pigs out there ruining our beautiful world....
Posted by: Dianne

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/10/06 12:44 AM

I had a friend whose husband was sexually abusing her daughters from her first marriage. He was arrested but when they put just his name in the paper, it wasn't hard to see who had been his victims and some of the stupid kids at their school really gave them a hard time.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/10/06 03:04 PM

Lynnie, I'm so sorry to hear that you still have nightmares because of these horrible stories.

I support books written on this issue. I'm just not sure about television programs that live off of these crimes. I just wonder if these stories give borderline criminals ideas to do the same. Would you know if there has ever been a study done on that?
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/12/06 09:19 PM

hmm, words like "evil genius" and "criminal mastermind." Interesting. My father was a volunteer fire fighter. He was interested in the drama, chaos, macho, hero complex. I guess he was not getting enough attention at the department. One night, he set a fire. When the call came over the in-house radio that dispatched his department to fires, he was the first to get to the scene. He got his name in the paper for putting out a fire that he started in order to get attention as a hero! This was in the 1960's. When he committed suicide, his mother had in her wallet not a picture of him, but that story of him as a "hero" in the newspaper. 30 years later, when I was researching my father's life and death, I contacted his hometown newspaper for any other stories, and sure enough, that item on him came up! So my personal experience says that there is a potential for "copy cat" crimes in order for some sick maniac to get his 15 minutes of fame. I'm sure that in forensic psychology/sociology there are plenty of journal articles in regards to copy cat criminal behavior.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/13/06 12:35 PM

I get so torn up over these things, after i first read it it worried me to the point i could't sleep.

But you'v a very fair point chatty and others if someone dosent expose it then it lives and thrives in darkness.....nuthing get's dun.

The whole copycat thing's worrieing too becouse some people are influenced by what they read and see....not made do becouse of what they read just influenced.......but then you'r dealing with a mind on the verge anyway if they close to commiting thse types of acts.

The main pont is dose society as a whole become desensitized to the pain and sufferring of people as each story gets replaced by an equally shocking story???? then society gets into a place of the point that the lesser crimes are viewd as not that bad afterall in the light of ....XY or Z.

I don'tcare to know what pain and sufferring thse adults endured to have a mind and a hart that commited this crime agenst a baby.....the only thing is they weren't brought up in an atmosphere of love and kindness wear respect to all sentient beings was promoted in their househole.

I still don't think that any one persons pain gives them permission to act or live out that pain on another....we all have personal responcibilitie for all we do, regardless of weer we came from, that includes standing agenst my owen sence of apathy or what diffrence dose it make anyway....

i just get to lost to the horrer of it all...i really dislike bullieing or the week or vulrible being prayed on or abused in any fashion, the young or the elderly or even vulrible adults, for whatever reason.....

In all honesty if i was the judge i could't go easy on thse adults for whatever pain was in their past....becouse they chose to act out on it in this way....But i also got an understanding that their something far wrong with thse adult' a sence their someone elses victum's of something....I have ofen worked or been involved in treatment of adults who are on self destruct or destruct of everyone else....The one thing in common that they all had was pain in their formitive years or afterwards to such a great extent it warped them.....and i still don't think it justifies their actions becouse of the responcibility as a active adult...but it dose shed some understanding.....of or on the why's.....

Just for me the why's are important i fell safer when i can understand a thing.....but also how do you stop this spreadding on a personal level.

For me it's the erriadicasion of fear and harshment and pain...and the moving in of love and genuine respect for others..the constant understanding and valueing of all other's, seeing them as who they are, truly are a child of the universe another child of any and all situasions.

i still haven't gotten angery about this i am still stuck in the horrer and distress of it.... if you can stand this type of information swimming abouit your head and it dosent leave you too afraid or feeling vulrible or worse becomming inpartiole to anyone else pain then great, seriously then that's weer and how action can be taken to stop such types of actions agenst anyone....

It's just appropriate punishment needs to be taken but at the same time a shift in puplic concisness and understanding to the extent of the hurt we really can do to another...that may lead them to a place of brutallity in some future?

the threads reallty intrestting with all it's twist and turns and diffreing view's and reactions from you all.

i have just been avoiding comming back in couse it upset me the first time...and i can live with that my upset nuthing compared to the pain of that child...

one comphort (for me anyway) is that no matter what is or isent dun in responce to thse types of crimes heer then in the after life something will be dun about it, ...i can't see thse actions being compatible with any god i have read abouts law's on living right....their always some form of consiquence at the end of days...

i will leave at that for fear of rambling, if not already dun so

Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/13/06 12:58 PM

You don't ramble, Celtic_flame. I hear from where you are coming from. I couldn't react immediately to this post either. Some atrocities are just beyond words.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/13/06 09:47 PM

Believe it or not I almost didn't post this topic but I realized I was not helping anyhone by being silent. Its sad and horrific but must be kept to the forefront so harsher punishments will become a reality. Great answer Celtic Flame.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/14/06 04:01 AM

Celtic, no, you did not ramble. I appreciate your insight and information. I relate to what you said about the "whys" of it; if I know why and how it's a way of understanding. But some things are just not in our ability to understand. How can we make sense of something that makes no sense? I do believe that society is desensitized to horrific crime. We see fantasy crime on TV, in movie, in video games. It's not right! Also, there does need to be a shift in the collective consciousness to a love and light perspective. I was one of those people that you see who are self-destructive. I had to escape the pain. I thought by destroying myself I would eradicate the pain. I never wanted to hurt another, only myself. But I learned through a spiritual transformation that I was hurting God by destroying myself for God had created us in love and light. Even me. I think that those who harm others have lost their God consciousness. Will harsher punishments deter the deranged from committing crimes? For example, my father did not care about punishment. He was so warped he had no connection between actions and consequences. He would never NOT do a thing because he might get caught or punished. He'd just go ahead and do it, and try to worm his way out of the consequences if/when he was caught. What can we do? All we can do now is pray for the innocent souls that have been harmed.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/14/06 10:50 AM

But I learned through a spiritual transformation that I was hurting God by destroying myself for God had created us in love and light. Even me. ......Hope i have dun the quote bit right , it's lynees words

Do you know what's really sweet the "even me" bit....i had the same trouble.... it was inicually easier to belive others were children of god or the universe ...than applieying it to me....aint it great when the penny drops that we are too.....

Yea lynn you just summed up pricisly what it took paragraphs to work around in my head, and still didn't nail wat i was trying to say lol is the loss of the devine conection (lynn's quote, thanks) ......that leads to horrible acts being dune

Anyone's hurt and pain can go anyway inwards or outwards, it just look's for destruction....

I don't now how to word this so that it dosent sound patrinising, lynn.....but heer goes anyway..

the cool thing is you relized you'r personal responcibility...took charge and changed it....stoped what could easily been a chain reaction of crulty being passed throw the generasions from happening. Thats commendiable.

I twitter a lot about god... but hay.....I think that's all thats asked of us we just relize who and what we truly are...well perhapps not all but a big bit of it anyway

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/14/06 02:36 PM

Posted by celtic:

The main pont is dose society as a whole become desensitized to the pain and sufferring of people as each story gets replaced by an equally shocking story???? then society gets into a place of the point that the lesser crimes are viewd as not that bad afterall in the light of ....XY or Z.


This is exactly what I see happening with the younger generations and it's scary. Between the news, television, and games they are allowed to play, some are clueless about the extent and consequences of the crime.

celtic, twittering about God is a good thing. It shows spiritual growth. If you weren't twittering, you wouldn't be considering what He's calling you to do. Twitter away!
Posted by: Saundra

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/15/06 11:38 PM

Down here in Florida there have been numerous reports of bored teenagers beating homeless people to death. After the first report there seemed to be a rash of them so I consider them copycats. How can these boys think that beating people to death is better than being bored? Doesn't anyone read anymore? Where are their parents, their school systems, their values, ethics, morals...
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/16/06 05:10 AM

I agree, where are their parents? Locally, gangs are rampant and innocent non-gang related individuals are caught in the cross-fire. Both children and adults are victimized and some fatally. Sadly, a dog was found in an abandoned school building, abused and then set on fire. A $5,000 reward is now available in FL & SC to catch the gang suspects.
Posted by: Anno

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/16/06 01:10 PM

I have been holding back on this topic, mostly because I still don't know how to respond. But, I am going to try my best.

Weighing in on the Copy Cat issue. I believe that we should be informed of horrific issues and do not believing in living in denial or oblivion. However, I see no point in sensationalizing any story the way that Nancy Grace did on her show. Keep us informed, we don't need to be entertained (yes, I do consider this type of reporting as entertainment, albiet sick entertainment).

I have another thought about this topic, but I need to consider what it is I really want to say before I post anymore.
Posted by: Saundra

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/16/06 01:12 PM

I agree, Anno. It's all about the ratings for these shows. Nancy Grace is over the top and I don't watch her because of the exploitation.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/16/06 09:00 PM

It all comes down to the 'bottom line' ratings/meaning money. To hell with the victims or the ones they left behind. The gruesomer the crime, the better as far as the TV stations are concerned. They're as bad as the ones committing these crimes.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/16/06 11:34 PM

Celtic, you did not sound patronizing at all. I am still working on being secure in this world, so when you say I've done something commendable, I appreciate the notice. As far as the question: Where are the parents? I'll tell you it is amazing how many are on drugs; shot dead by drug or gang wars, working 2 or 3 minimum wage jobs to make ends meet, in denial, in jail, infirmed by physical or emotional wounds, pregnant with their 6th child by a different father each time, etc. A really good book about the state of affairs in our society re: poverty and child rearing is "Random Families." Check it out on Amazon and you will find a review I wrote of it. A colleague of mine was invited to a talk show to discuss her experience of childhood sexual abuse. She was told by the talk show producers that they could not use the tape they had made to interview her because she did not show enough "emotion." The producers kept coaching her: "more emotion, we want more emotion, shed a tear while you are talking!" She was being manipulated for the sake of higher ratings.
Posted by: Anno

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/17/06 01:01 PM

I said in an earlier post that I wanted to share another thought about this topic. So here goes.

I believe that we are driven by the energy that surrounds us - if we are surrounded by negative energy, we will be negative, and if we are surrounded by positive energy we will be positive.

That being said, if we are spending time and energy focusing on all the horrors that surround us, we are in a way, inviting more horror into our lives. Mother Theresa (please correct me if I am quoting the wrong person) once said that she would never march in a anti-war protest, but would gladly participate in a peace march. It is simply a change of focus.

So what is my point? Perhaps a shift in focus is needed in our world. I would love to turn on the news, see stories such as the beating of homeless people delivered in a matter of fact voice and then begin to sensationalize the children that are helping the homeless. We all know that there are many more children working to help than to hurt.

Just food for thought.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/17/06 04:12 PM

I agree with you completely. This goes along the thought of The Secret and Jane's book. Don't concentrate on what you don't want but what you do want. The stopping of violence, love and peace. Our minds are much more powerful than we think and our words could change our lives and others lives as well.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/17/06 04:14 PM

P.S. We have to remember that Nancy Grace lost her fiancee in a brutal crime and that is her driving force.
Posted by: Anno

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/17/06 07:04 PM

I did not know that, Dianne. I used her as an example, but not as the culprit. Thanks for the info - we must keep our information in proper context. Given this information, her reporting becomes more understandable.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: The Unimaginable - 12/18/06 03:36 PM

I guess I keep my faith strong because I deeply believe in and hope to go to heaven and be somewhere where children, animals and all mankind are in peace and harmony and there is nothing but love for one another. Too bad one has to die to find that.