My other public work:

Posted by: dancer9

My other public work: - 10/15/07 02:11 AM

I should say that I am involved in the American Pain Foundation and am a new presentor for them. The aim is to educate people and health care workers about chronic pain and to pass an initiative.(sp.)
I suffer from Chronic Pain after breaking my neck and slightly injuring my spinal cord.
As a presentor I was quite the success. Since speaking for them is new for me, I am not sure what sort of success I will have with audiences. I've a lifetime of audiences and I'm hoping I do well again, and again.

thanks for having a place to put this.

dancer9, pain patient, serious one.
Posted by: WhatStopsYou

Re: My other public work: - 10/15/07 06:04 PM

Good luck dancer9! I'm sure you will do awesome! Let us know how it goes.

Posted by: dancer9

Re: My other public work: - 10/15/07 11:47 PM

So far, it is expanding in my face! It seems I have quite the effect on people and "hit them in the heart."
If this is so and they like me as they do, I should be able to reach many, many people.
They are now trying to pump up audiences for me with as many people as possible.
I'm not surprised, I'm good at my job. but ~ it's new and interesting so I'll post as I go along.
I'm next having a meeting with some who are "higher up," than the ones who recruited me. I look forward to that.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: My other public work: - 10/16/07 03:09 PM

dancer, this is such a great topic for boomers who are living with what is now being called "boomeritis." Google it. It has to do with us ushering in the exercise craze and over-using our bodies.

You go girl!
Posted by: dancer9

Re: My other public work: - 10/16/07 06:56 PM

I can never forget it, Dotsie. I will work to help this cause because I am reminded everyday when my pain "breaksthrough." My pain is similar to cancer pain or pain that MS sufferers can feel and it's not going away.

As a leading specialist put it: "They operated on you in time to save your life but not your arm or stop your pain. Those you will live with forever."

This is my life, a part of it and it will always be. So, I will have my reason to carry on and try to get the message out forever.

It's sad but true, pain is undertreated and more and more boomers ARE facing it as you said. I hope to make things easier for boomers to get treatment and know how.
