Learned A lot

Posted by: Candice Johnson

Learned A lot - 04/17/03 08:19 PM

The association that I work for has an annual convention of about 4,000 people that the entire staff goes out to to work.

This year we were in Anaheim and while I was a little worried about how it would go, everything went really well.

The unexpected thing that happened, is that myself and two other co-workers grew a lot closer. We are all really close anyway, but there is something to be said about spending every waking moment together for a week!! While we worked really hard, we had a good time goofing off, eating out, drinking, spending our one free afternoon in Disneyland, and just talking, a lot. I laughed about it on the last day because we just sat and ate and didn't talk really because we were all talked out.

There's a little part of me that is sad, too since I know I am working on starting up a free lance career and hopefully will not be around to take this trip next year. We all laugh about which one of us will be John and break up the band, and they all know it's going to be me!!

Although we all know that nothing last forever, we certainly appreciate the closeness we share as coworers, we're alomst like family. My one co-worker told us that he is expecting his next baby in November, so we are all excited for him. (Eventhough I already guessed and had told two other co-workers that I suspected. Now I'm known as Nancy Drew.)

Does anyone else have this kind of relationship with coworkers? Any ideas on keeping up the relationship once someone leaves?

P.S.- If you want to see what took us all last week to do, you can check out teh article we wrote on the Convention at our online newspaper, here.

[ April 17, 2003, 01:22 PM: Message edited by: Candice Johnson ]