Use of Articles

Posted by: hotflashgal

Use of Articles - 08/05/07 02:45 AM

OK...I need some advice. I have become aware of a website that has used an article that I have written. However, they did not give me credit for writing it and although my company name is mentioned in the article, they did not even provide a link. Does anyone know if this is permitted? Thanks.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: Use of Articles - 08/05/07 03:53 AM

There are a few ways you can look at this. Technically, your article was copyrighted as soon as you wrote it and published it - online, in print, wherever.

I guess you need to decide if having your article posted on that website will help your business. If you think there's some benefit there, then contact the owner and explain the situation. Tell them they have permission to use this one article so long as they credit you (at the beginning of the article if you want - and add the link!), but to ask for permission before using any of your other articles.

If you don't want them to use your article, then write to them and respectfully request they remove it immediately. They did not get your permission, so they do not have the right to use it.

Best of luck on this!
Posted by: Jane_Carroll

Re: Use of Articles - 08/05/07 12:07 PM

I've never had this problem...but I think da Queen has...she should be back on the throne shortly...
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Use of Articles - 08/06/07 01:15 AM

Yuhoooo....I'm finally home! Yes, I have experienced this problem...over and over.

Here's some "poop"as we call it, and some questions on articles and essay's.

1) Did they "borrow" the article from somewhere online? If so, did the article contain a copyright anywhere on it? If not, the info CAN BE (NOTICE I SAID CAN BE) considered in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. And this makes it usable by others. HOWEVER...if you had a copyright on the site and possibly a statement that said, "These articles are copyrighted and may not be used without written permission ..." bla...bla...bla. all means they cannot use the article and are in voilation of the copyright. You can pursue it with legal action if you want to do so.

2. Is this an article that you are compensated for? Are you losing money by them using it? If so, you might want to let them know that by using the article, they're essentially taking bread off your table. Of course you would say it nicely, and always with respect. I will warn you ahead of time that even though you use the best words, and try to be as kind as you can, some people will still be offended that you DARE to ask that they either compensate, give you credit, or remove the article. I've been called everything from a snot to a bad huntin' dog for even asking. Go figure. I finally told one woman that I was coming over to use her car tomorrow. She said, "Huh?" I said, well you don't think anything about using work that brings money into my household, so I'm going to use YOUR car instead of mine, save my gas...and wear and tear. Duh?

3. It might "pay" you (pun intended) to do a simple "google" on your work from time to time. I've found one particular article of mine on 37 different sites. 99% of them were nice and either gave me credit, or removed it promptly. The rest called me names for requesting that they remove it, or give me credit, and promised to send the article out to the world. Sigh...

Hope some or any of this helps. Only you can determine the value of the work and whether or not you feel violated. If the article is serving a purpose and you don't mind it being there, BUT would simply like to be credited for the article, then tell them. I'm betting they will be happy to comply. Maybe. Possibly.