Lucky: living pre-internet, internet-now

Posted by: orchid

Lucky: living pre-internet, internet-now - 08/23/08 05:35 AM

Honest, I feel our generation is lucky to live through the years of pre-Internet, pre-fax, and pre-cell phone years plus live through the present faster pace of technologically based society. Heck, I even remember the days of thermal paper for computer print-outs.

It gives me much greater appreciation of pros and cons of Patience to have things done at a slightly slower pace but compare it against pros and cons of today's technological multi-tasking and smaller bits of time to get things done..though done maybe at times more superficially. blush But not all things.

It makes me sharper and more alert...I know when not to allow computers to delude me that it actually searched EVERYTHING..when it did not search all possibilites.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Lucky: living pre-internet, internet-now - 08/23/08 11:10 AM

Well I for one can't imagine what I did without the computer etc. I remember cussing the IBM Selectric typewriter everytime I make a boo-boo and had to use white out. No call phone, oh my!!!
I like it much better having all the gadgets even if I don't use them all that often...
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: Lucky: living pre-internet, internet-now - 08/23/08 12:01 PM

Yeah, we do live in an interesting time being born when we were. We can remember the old non-electric typewriters all the way to what our internet world is like now. But like Chatty, I do appreciate all we have now. It's just that without it all things seemed simpler. With technology being great, there are always drawbacks and bit more trouble in society, in my opinion.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Lucky: living pre-internet, internet-now - 08/23/08 08:18 PM

Just to clarify, I don't long to go backwards to manual (I learned in high school on Underwood manual typewriters) nor electric typewriter plus the friggin' white-out (what a headache it was to do essays at university).

More I'm just trying to say that since we have experienced the spectrum of different technologies (or lack of), it helps, at least for myself, to have more patience when things break down or I lack immediate access to a fax machine.

Certainly in the business world, business transactions are faster ..good and cost-saving. But for some people their employers force them to make themselves available during hrs. beyond quit time, ie. cell phone, email, etc.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Lucky: living pre-internet, internet-now - 08/24/08 08:27 PM

Underwood, Royal, IBM Selectric. Like Chatty, I have all the gadgets I need. However, I have created a recipe box with cards with my passwords. Every site requires a password! And I vary them. I had the passwords in my cell phone, but what if I lost the phone? I had the passwords on my computer, but what if my computer crashed? So today, this very day, I have an old ugly plastic recipe box with alphabetical cards, and index cards with the passwords. How quaint!
Posted by: gims

Re: Lucky: living pre-internet, internet-now - 08/25/08 05:08 AM

I have a mini note pad with all of my passwords in it. It's such a bother when you loose or forget one... so I started writing them down... but I tend to forget to make note when I change one.

OH my, I can't imagine going back... programming on punch cards... the labor, the waste, the TIME! I hear what you are saying, orchid, but I sure do love this computer age... that does not include cellphones!, but I'll add Ipods.

My current patience level does not mirror my patience level of the past. It hasn't changed.... I still get frantic/antsy when something goes wrong.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Lucky: living pre-internet, internet-now - 08/25/08 07:05 PM

I keep a red notefile on my desk as well filled with my sites, blogs and other websites I contribute to. All have different passwords, what was I thinking! I also never sigh off except for my bank, that way I click once and am in. When changing over from the old computer recently, I had to re-do all the sign ins...What an ordeal that was, took several hours. This post made me think however. How would it be to be without all this technology like back in the 50's or 60's?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Lucky: living pre-internet, internet-now - 08/26/08 08:16 PM

I have a Word document with all my passwords. I'm forever adding, changing and deleting within that document.
Posted by: keyholes

Re: Lucky: living pre-internet, internet-now - 08/28/08 07:13 PM

Dotsie, I have an Excel sheet that I do the same thing with. It's getting tiresome, too. With bank sites, credit card sites, work sites, my own domain login info, numerous other sites like this one...good grief, it's like a job of its own, sort of like a little shop of horrors. It seems there's always a site I don't have right or put in the password wrong or something. I just wish there was a better way of doing this!! Has anyone come up with a good way to manage all those danged passwords!!! I barely remember to feed my cat some days LOL...with the menopausal brain fog, passwords have become a nightmare for me crazy