How unique is BWS???

Posted by: dancer9

How unique is BWS??? - 12/27/07 12:26 AM

I looked high and low for a forum to replace the one I belonged to for almost 7 years! I wanted to say at this point that I am certain I will probably stay with this forum.

This forum is great. I tried all sorts of forums! I tried those you have to qualify to belong, I tried those open to anyone, I tried them on different subjects and even those for my age group! I tried those for women in business that you had to be successful enough to belong to!!

This forum was one I tried once and remember not getting an answer, or something silly but the second time I visited it, it "caught me."

What caught me here are the women! It is a well run forum that covers all aspects of life, and that is a good thing.

The safety here, thank you to those who run it, is great,
but it's the women! I am surprised it's not bigger than it is but it might be soon!

I wanted to, at this point of being a member here, thank everyone who has befriended me and allowed me to post as "myself," and answered those posts, even at times encouraging me! It is a special thing for me who has dealt with jealousy on a forum and has been sickened by bigotry on other forums, or seen cliques that don't let you in!

You are all very special! Each person here is different and comfortable being themselves and THAT is special, I think. This is a BIG deal to be able to accomplish with a group of women on the internet.

This site is breakthrough from what I've seen.

Kudos to Dotsie, but KUDOS to all of you too! You make this a great place to come and have coffee or come to do whatever you need to do!

I will stay since you will have me!

P.S. I may even learn to use all the features!

Thank you,
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 12/27/07 12:33 AM

What?! I did not know you would even consider NOT staying. YOU add a unique dimension.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 12/27/07 12:35 AM

I gave myself a trial period! YOU add a unique dimension!
I'm just glad I found a new place to be on the internet. I like a group on the net that doesn't mind seeing each other and trading addresses, leaving everything open. It's so honest and people like YOU, Princess are so dynamic that it became home!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 12/27/07 02:42 AM

Both Princess and you my friend Dancer have brought so much to us all. We are all the things you said BUT then again so are you. We and you fit together like hand to glove, a velvet glove. Of course you will stay, you belong here now. Don't make me come to Arizona to convince you...
HUGS, Chatty
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 12/27/07 04:21 AM

Let's have a love fest: Chatty, you made a difference for me to stay here. I was hesitant at first, because everyone seemed to know everyone else, and how to handle the technology involved. I came on, made a brief introduction at someone's suggestion. Then I got shy, and went away, and then received an email invite from Dotsie to return. That worked, you see, the Princess needs a special written invitation on a silver platter! Chatty, you are a steady and insightful presence here is so vital! L, PL
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 12/27/07 08:08 AM

I too think BWS is unique although I tried only one other forum (and left after 2 weeks because of cattiness.)

Maybe more stories another day but I'm on Day 3.5 of a migraine and it's hard to think, let alone type.

I had to lie down after that last paragraph, the keyboard was too loud sorry. I've been in bed almost all day. Think I need to go back.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 12/27/07 12:09 PM

Meredith, I hope your migraine is moving on now! BWS has been a godsend to me this year. I was just looking for women around my age to talk about everything with and I happened across BWS. I finally had some time to do this sort of thing. I've been in and out of different forums over the years but they were usually specific to a topic. Here, we talk about whatever is on our minds and I can be sure that people will jump in no matter what. I always look forward to checking in and seeing what's happening. It's like stopping for coffee with friends....every day!
Posted by: dancer9

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 12/27/07 05:37 PM

feel better Meredith!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 12/27/07 08:56 PM

Thanks for all the kind words about the forum community. I really didn't know what to expect when I launched it. I just wanted to give boomer women an online voice. What has evolved is such a blessing.

Meredith, feel better. Also, I gave your ear rings and necklaces as gifts. They were a hit once again!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 12/27/07 09:26 PM

Thanks all. Head still hurts but I'm closer to functional. We were planning to go to the Long Beach Aquarium today but cancelled because I'm still not that well. It would be too much standing on my feet (and lying down in the middle of the aquarium is NOT an option!) Also, fish are quiet but kids are not.

Maybe I'll dust one of my dressers after lunch. That's about all the excitement I'm up for right now.
Posted by: Anno

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 12/28/07 02:15 PM

Take care, meredith. Been there myself and it is awful.

I don't know how unique this forum is - I have not found any others that have interested me much - but I sure feel at home here.

I will admit it was not overnight that I felt at home. It took a bit of work on my part. I found that when I was willing to open myself up and trust the women here, that I began to feel like I belonged.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 12/28/07 07:23 PM

It's easy to keep the overview here. It's harder to keep up with other forums where a lot of chatting is going back and forth. I especially like the fact that anyone can just pop in and leave a comment when she has the time. As Ann said, it feels like home.

So how did the dusting go Meredith? I just had a quick visual of you lying by your dresser, waving a white dusting cloth back and forth. I hope the war is over Meredith. Those nincompoop migraine invasions better retreat to never land, …. never to come back…ever ever.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 12/29/07 02:03 AM

Dusting was too much effort yesterday so I crawled back into bed. I did manage to clean that dresser today -- two hours worth -- plus the window sill and all the stuff on it.

And for those curious souls who want to know "How can ANYONE take two hours to dust one dresser??" -- it isn't just dusting. It's the 12 large (36-drawer) plastic cases of beads, each drawer of which gets its little drawer handle cleaned with a toothbrush, and the dozens of plastic containers on top of the cases which also get the dustcloth-&-toothbrush treatment.

There are 3 dressers and one desk in this room, each of which is covered in STUFF. Stuff on top of stuff. And more stuff on top of that. And each one (and all the corresponding stuff) gets cleaned/dusted twice a year whether it needs it or not! HA!

I still have to "do something" with all the papers that came off of that dresser, and then I'm finished with today's housework. Maybe another 1/2 hour's worth, when I'm done here. I'm not overly fond of housework, but paperwork down-right scares me.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 12/29/07 07:33 PM

You have my complete respect for the task you have completed. I am soon going shopping for jewelry at your store.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/03/08 06:14 AM

Dancer, I can't wait to see what you choose
Posted by: Dee

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/03/08 02:36 PM

Meridith...I wish I had the patience you must be awfully rewarding to do what you do. Knowing something you've created will be enjoyed by someone.
Dancer, you always seem so full of life and energy...I can see you dancing around now. Send of of that energy my way, would you?
And dear Hannelore. I feel you and I have been friends we knew each other in another life...although I don't believe in reincarnation...if I could have handpicked a best friend she would be you.
And Anno, Dotsie, Anne Ladyjane and the've all been there for me in one way or another...provide encouragement, advice, support...there are no hateful hearts here, at least with any of us on the forums, and that's what I like about it. it's a safe place to share my deepest feelings, ask questions and share my thoughts without fear of being rediculed for it. Thank you, Dotsie.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/03/08 03:40 PM

Dee. sometime around 1708,….I used to be that pesky flee behind your left ear. Man, did you ever scratch at me like crazy; (You were a cute shaggy dog). I clung on to you for dear life. Yup, ... just like now. (((HUGS and a nip…heh heh)))

I just spoke yesterday to Hubby about a dream I had. And that is visiting all you ladies that are so close to my heart. And you know what he said? “Will do.”. Maybe it’s possible in a year or two. So we got to hang out together that long. At least that very long! Is that a deal?
Posted by: Dee

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/03/08 04:17 PM

You're so funny, Hannelore!!! Maybe that's why my ears itch so much these days... see what you started? LOL.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/03/08 04:41 PM

Maybe that's why I love dogs. lol
Posted by: Saundra

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/03/08 08:36 PM

Dancer, I'm so happy you joined us. It's like running into an old friend. That's how I feel about the women here. And I believe this is the most unique place I'll ever find. It's like home.
Posted by: Saundra

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/03/08 08:38 PM

Meredith, I hope that migraine left and you can return to your jewelry and your writing. I'm sure you've tried every known rememdy to relieve your pain.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/03/08 08:41 PM

Thank you, Saundra,
Hearing that makes my day, really.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/03/08 10:34 PM

Dee, creativity does not take patience, it just flows. Making beautiful things does not take patience, I absolutely love doing it. What takes the limits of my patience are the post-holiday chores I have to finish every January: my business taxes, cleaning my house, and and organizing/attending to what feels like three solid city blocks of paperwork and paper... thingies. I have no idea where it all comes from, but for years I've suspected that it spontaneously generates at night and then autonomously reproduces until it swallows my house. Honest.

Saundra, thanks for your caring. I lose about 5 days every month, usually several days at a time. The only absolute cure is decapitation, and that's a little radical even for me.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/03/08 11:13 PM

i not belonged to a forum before BWS but my positive experinces heer has helped me to trust and over last copuple mounths joine a forum called cafe mom that ann directed me too. I have to admitt i don't drop by their all that often and i onlie intrested in one not men lol mums with kids that have the same disabilitie as mine.

I did do chatt rooms for about 6 mounths and a bunch of women meet up in same chatt room, the familuraritie was great but you weer just pestered constentlie by other people, it was horrible it fell apart as i think the horriblness just got too much for most as it did for me.

ANNO hit the nail on the head with this places getting magical wen we decide to open up and trust, i have made that transisition and have lost most of my gardedness to the point i don't view it as public reallie, its just me and you ladies and we all having a chatt.

DANCER GLADE to know your staying.

HANNILORE. It was your quick witted kind humer that had me inicialie comming back, i loved it then i loved it now.

LOLA fr being smart and challinging me in a great way about religion and my sons educasion

MERIDITH for being so knowlagable about loads and loads of stuff.

my list could go on and on and on, in short diffrent people at diffrent times keep me intrested in whats going on heer. i think of you when you have problems and get upset for some life situasions, i cheer when someone over comes a life obsticale.

i think i am bizzare that i get an emotional responces to some typing on my screen lol. ok ok its been a long time sinces any of you have just been some typing on a screen you became flesh and blood to me a long time back....

i have and get a yearniing to meet a few people heer just for a good chatt or prediction of advice i know i would get.

so yes based on my non limited experinces of internet forums you people are just great in any walk of life, on line or off line.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/03/08 11:34 PM

has anyone seen LOLA and ORCHID.
i havent heared from either of them sinces before christmass.
just while we on subject of how great we are heer got me thinking abou thse two ladies who arn't about, or at lest i haven't seen them about. Have you?
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/03/08 11:38 PM

The holidays are such a busy time...sometimes I think people just take a breather. We've heard from orchid not long ago but lola? It's been awile!
Posted by: dancer9

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/04/08 12:39 AM

I thought I'd seen Orchid post. Not Lola though.
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/04/08 01:53 AM

Yes, I've seen Orchid post, but not our across-the-pond Lola. I just love the way Celtic speaks to us, she said: "i think i am bizzare that i get an emotional responces to some typing on my screen lol. ok ok its been a long time sinces any of you have just been some typing on a screen you became flesh and blood to me a long time back....

i have and get a yearniing to meet a few people heer just for a good chatt"
What a great way to say what I am thinking! L, PL
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/04/08 02:08 AM

Oh Meredith, how I relate to the decapitation comment in regards to migraines. Many times I prayed for a miracle in my lifetime, and I got the answer in Imitrex. Did we talk about this before? Have you tried Imitrex or its cousins? Is there some reason why you can't take it? I too lost 5 days a month, 60 days per year. Imitrex doesn't always help. New Year's Eve I felt the migraine coming on. My table top fountain was gurgling as usual, and the sound started to hurt my ears, so I unplugged it. That sensitivity to sound was a sign. At midnight, no kiss for New Years, I took an Imitrex table instead. All night, a migraine. The pill did not work. At 5 am I woke my husband and I asked him to help me prepare an injection of Imitrex. When my hands are sweaty and shaking, it's too hard to do anything. He jumped right out of bed, and got the shot. I still had head troubles and nausea all day, but without Imitrex it would have been tragic. By the way, when I complain about my husband, please remind me that he jumped out of bed and got the shot. He did not say, "What are you waking me up for?" or "Why don't you do it yourself?" He said, "Why didn't you wake me sooner?" Then, on New Years Day, he made noodle soup. So, Meredith, there is a question for you in here, about the Imitrex. And I am wondering why you clean your house only once a year in January along with doing the taxes? Maybe there's your trouble: too much dust! L, PL P.S. What does this post have to do with BWS being unique? It's unique to me because it's the only place where I write long-winded essays and I trust you read them.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/04/08 04:13 AM

LOL Lynnie, I clean more often than that, but November-December all my energies are towards jewelry and craft fairs, so my house gets a little worse than usual. In other words, I do bits and pieces as needed all year round, but in January EVERYTHING needs cleaning. Especially because I do most of my work at home -- I could not live in a pig sty. This time of year, though, I have more time to do all the little things that no one else sees, and it makes me happy to know that they're done. With a toothbrush, more times than not.

Yes, we've talked "drug" before. I have Imitrex tablets and shots, and Maxalt tablets. My husband administers the shots because I'm in too much pain. They work 3/4 of the time -- but when not, I have the pain pills: Tylenol Codeine, Vicodin and morphine -- which sometimes don't work either. Plus I've tried various homeopathic products that haven't worked at all.
Posted by: orchid

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/05/08 06:18 AM

Celtic I've been here and checking daily even when I was vacation as described recently:

Recently just adding a post here and there.

I consider this forum more "mature" in terms of its memberships' outlook. We don't sink into cattiness and petty insults. If you can believe this, I was nearly thrown out of co-ed cycling Internet forum for being misperceived as too left-wing, etc.
Posted by: Dee

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/05/08 01:58 PM

You're funny, Hannelore...
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/05/08 05:39 PM

We'd make a good comedy team Dee...You set me up all the time. tee hee.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/05/08 09:22 PM

meredith, another thing your hubby is good for...administering shots!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: How unique is BWS??? - 01/06/08 03:55 AM

Dotsie, you're so positive! In counting his good traits, I haven't run out of fingers yet...