If I only knew.......

Posted by: KAY B

If I only knew....... - 01/05/06 08:56 AM

Today I filled my ever drooping front tire with air.
For years my dad or brother would take care of it for me.....or the station when I had an oil change.
I learned something new in 2006!!! [Smile]
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: If I only knew....... - 01/04/06 10:37 PM

Kay, after my divorce I had no idea you were suppose to change the oil every 3,000 miles or so! By the time I was informed, my poor car was a mess, and it wasn't even that old. I know now.

Posted by: NHJackie

Re: If I only knew....... - 01/05/06 12:57 AM

I learned all about things like oil changes from my husband. I don't do them myself, but I do pay attention and make appointments when I need to. Chuck taught me how to change a tire, but I was never brave enough to do it. That's what the auto club was for.

What can I say? I'm a spoiled brat. My daughter can change a tire with the best of them!
Posted by: LSmith5434

Re: If I only knew....... - 01/05/06 01:34 AM

As a teenager, I found out that if you wanted a guy to be interested in you, you'd better be interested in his car!
My husband of 41 years was very impressed that I could change an carborator, and all the other stuff needed to help him while racing his Corvette. Think that's what got him to propose to me. He needed a "pit crew."
Our daughters were not allowed to own a car until they could change the oil, replace the spark plugs, change a tire, and read an owners manual.
When I was into Coaching Girl's Fastpitch, I had the team over for an "Oil Changing Party." Their parents loved me for teaching their girls how to take care of their cars.
Have to admit it was fun watching them with oil running down their arms, and onto their faces.
Good memories!
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: If I only knew....... - 01/05/06 01:40 AM

That's true, Lynne. When I was a teenager and I met my husband, he was a mechanic. I used to go to his shop and help him wet sand Mercedes and Porsches, before he sprayed them. I can't tell you how many car shows we went to together! I used to cehck my own oil, but never changed it.
Too messy...
Posted by: yepthatsme2

Re: If I only knew....... - 01/05/06 04:24 AM

My first husband had his head forever under the hood of a car.
He spent more time with the car, than his family.

I know plenty about cars... hubby and I take our cars to the garage to be fixed.
I'm so thankful he knows nothing, about "fixin cars".
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: If I only knew....... - 01/08/06 03:47 AM

Every driver boy or girl, man or woman should know the basics of car safety and care. Thay just should...
Posted by: flipperjo

Re: If I only knew....... - 01/12/06 09:39 AM

my dad provided a car for me when i lived at home. he made sure i checked the oil, washed it and rotated the tires myself. i also learned how to change filters, start it with a broken alternater bolt or by spraying stuff into the carburator when it was cold. those were the days!
Posted by: Searcher

Re: If I only knew....... - 01/12/06 09:55 AM

I was a diva! never learned how to do anything with a car! But then, years later, I learned, diva's are short-lived......learned fast, after that.....
Posted by: Dianne

Re: If I only knew....... - 01/14/06 04:26 AM

Flipperjo, I think you're my new hero.
Posted by: flipperjo

Re: If I only knew....... - 01/16/06 10:05 AM

thanks dianne, but my dad was the real hero!

here's a good one:

when our kids were little we decided to take a road trip to WI for a dairy show (we were milking cows then.) the day we left, hubby changed the oil on the car and didn't notice that the new oil filter didn't have a gasket with it. we left at 9 pm and lost all our oil in the first 20 miles! it took till midnight to get a new filter and oil in the car. when the mechanic at the station asked who has changed the oil that day, hubby said, "the hired man"! Now whenever someone around here does something dumb, the hired man did it!

[ January 16, 2006, 02:05 AM: Message edited by: flipperjo ]