Close Call

Posted by: Dee

Close Call - 08/01/09 03:21 PM

Day before yesterday I'd driven to Meterie, next to New Orleans, to visit Larry while he was on rest at his hotel with the RR. We'd had a lovely day together shopping and dining out. He had to get on his train and take it to Mobile and I was driving to Gulfport MS to stay overnight with my best friend, Nancy, who had flown in from Miami. I was about five miles south of Lake Ponchatrain, driving in the far right lane with the cruise control set on 60 (the posted speed limit). I looked in my rear view mirror and watched in horror as a white van speeded directly at me from behind. The drivier, a man, was holding a cell phone to his left ear. I'm guestimating that he had to have been doing at least 70 or more. I had one of those moments when you think about more than is possible within 1 seconds time. I remember thinking, "Damn, he's going too fast." and then "Damn, he's going to hit me" and then without any time to react I braced myself for impact and remember hearing the loud bang as his van slammed into my truck. I was driving our 2009 GMC Sierra truck. After being rear-ended I pulled over and was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. I watched as the man got out of his van and he was shaking his head and was obviously pissed at himself. I called 911 and they pinpointed my location by my cell phone. They said they were sending the police. I got out and the man, about 28ish speaking with an accent that I could not pin point asked me if I was okay. His front bumper was dinted in and broken in two places...there wasn't a scratch on my truck because he'd plowed into the tow bar ball...thank goodness Larry put that on our truck despite us not ever having used it. The man looked really nervous and asked me not to call the police since my vehicle wasn't damaged. I told him "you just plowed into me going way over the speed limit on the interstate!!" He said his brakes had failed but yet he wanted to get in his van and drive down the interstate. He then put his arm around me which I moved away from him at that point and asked him not to touch me. He then said he was having family problems, his wife wanted his kids and I didn't understand. I called my hubby...Larry said if there wasn't any damage not to bother and that it would probably take the police 1-2 hours to arrive anyway...well, wouldn't you know that at that moment the police arrived (less than 10 minutes of the wreck) and the guy who hit me really looked nervous). I talked to one of the officers away from the guy that had hit me and told him what had happened. He went to talk to the guy. Then he came back and said the guy said I'd been in the MIDDLE lane, darted out in front of him and slammed on my brakes. I could not believe what I was hearing and told the officer "Oh, hell no." I didn't mean to say hell but I was just so shocked that this man made up this story. The officer took my license, registration and insurance and walked away. Presently, I saw them putting cuffs on the driver and lead him to the back seat of their patrol car. The most I thought the guy would get is a ticket...the officer returned and said, "Well, now we know why he didn't want you calling us. He has several tickets and he's driving on a suspended license." I told him I hated that he got into trouble and before I could say anymore the officer said, "He was acting stupid. You hit somone, you're going to get a ticket. This guy is going to jail and his van towed." He gave me back my stuff, said they'd do a report and notify me if I wanted a copy. I had stopped shaking by then and calmed down considerably. I called Larry back to let him know what had just happened and my girlfriend in Gulfport to let her know I'd be a little late arriving at her home. Life can spin on a dime and change in the blink of an eye. We have a Chevy Prism and had I been driving that vehicle the outcome could have been a whole lot different.
Have any of you been in a car accident where you saw it about to happen knowing there is nothing you can do about it? Talk about a helpless feeling.
Posted by: diamond50

Re: Close Call - 08/02/09 03:28 AM

So sorry about what happened. I would have been just as shaken up.

Posted by: Lola

Re: Close Call - 08/02/09 07:40 AM

A close call indeed, Dee. Relieved to know you were not hurt.

Been in one in the States in the 80's. Rear-ended a Pontiac sedan with my Volvo station wagon after the driver decided to stop on a yellow light even when her car was already a third out into the intersection and she had been driving 40. And, so was I, as I intended to cross the intersection before the light turned red. I was a two-car distance from behind, shifted to low gear before slamming on my horn and brakes on a two-lane road with cars behind me and on the side. Knew I was going to hit her because it had rained and I was skidding. The impact pushed her car right in the middle of the intersection. I went down to check on her but she said: "I'm fine and would drop it if you would." She had no damage to her car as she drove a tank but my car dragged the bumper. And she happily drove away.

I drove to the gas station in the corner to have the bumper pulled and was told it was likely the other driver did not have documentation i.e. insurance, driver's licence etc. because she could have easily claimed for compensation. No one was hurt, no police was called and no pecuniary claims.

It was my first car accident but, I was not shaken up. I was furious. Felt thankful at the same time however, because I had a tire-screeching VW Beetle behind me who managed to miss my rear by a few inches!
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Close Call - 08/02/09 12:03 PM

you went through a lot...and coped. that bumper was your salvation.
I am sure you will have memories.Main thing is keep driving.
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Close Call - 08/02/09 03:01 PM

“Life can spin on a dime and change in the blink of an eye.”

How true Dee!

All I can say is, thank God you weren’t hurt! And I think it was correct that you called the police as well! I would have too.
What a scum ball for that man to lie like that,…and to think you wanted to protect him. Your good soul shines through once again.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Close Call - 08/03/09 01:49 PM

I am so glad you were not hurt. Too many people talk on the phone
while driving a vehicle. I hate that. It's against the law in
this state but no one seems to care. And texting, they drive
while texting, too. Several accidents have occurred recently
when people behind the wheel have been texting, 'round here. I have not personally had a near miss. But I'm glad you're okay. And I pray you're not too traumatized from the ordeal.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Close Call - 08/03/09 02:28 PM

Dee, my sister lived in New Orleans so I can pretty much picture where you were. How frightening. I can't believe you weren't hurt. Are you stiff today?

By the grace of God, you were in the truck. What a blessing that was.

I'm totally creeped out that he put his arm around you. What's up with that? Did anyone else stop? I can't imagine being on the highway with cars zooming by while you ttwo were standing there. That sounds horrific enough.

After him telling you the story about his family, I figured he was a nice guy wanting a break, but turns out he was a creep; chanign the story about the accident. Honestly, who can you trust?

I was in the back of my sister's car, sitting behind her, the driver, with another sister in the passenger seat. We were in a funeral procession. I saw a car approaching the intersection from the left, and said, "Do you see this car on the left?" She siad she did, but couldnt' do anything to get out of his way; slow down, speed up. Whateve hse did, they ended up hitting us right on the side I was sitting. Thus began a year of hell for me. After the year, I finally had the shoulder surgery and healed. I should have had the surgery the week after the accident, but I was told it would heal without surgery. What a mess.

Glad you are behind your PC chatting with us. So glad!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Close Call - 08/04/09 07:58 PM

Well I hope they lock the punk up and throw away the key. He could have killed someone and never should have been on the road. Glad you're okay and it wasn't any worse Dee.
Posted by: Dee

Re: Close Call - 08/05/09 03:09 AM

Diamond 50, Lola, Mountain Ash, Edelweiss, Jabber, Dotsie and Chatty...thanks for your concern and sharing of driving scares. I guess my guardian angel was doing overtime for me that day...and yes, it creeped me out when he put his arm around me. But, after all that, when he lied to the police...I guess it was his way of trying to get out of what he did...he knew he was in hot water. It seems to hit me more the farther away the rear ending gets...I mean, this guy could have killed someone or sent me into someone else had I been in my little car.
Dotsie..they still drive crazy in was at rush hour so everyone was in a hurry to get home...that's why I was in the far right lane...I wanted to stay out of everyone's way. And that's another thing...NO ONE stopped...I don't think they slowed down. Perhaps because there was no debries or bodies on the road. Sheesh.
Lola...that must have been a scary thing for you to go through...I would still be goodness.
Jabber...I do not get the texting while driving at all...good anything that important? I actually witnessed a woman with a book in hand as she drove through the small town just south of me...she'd been at a stop light to the right of me. I noticed her book and would you believe she continued to read, look up, read, look up, etc., as she drove down the road. I was gob struck!!!
Posted by: jabber

Re: Close Call - 08/05/09 02:16 PM

That totally freaks me out when I see someone reading and driving
at the same time. And I have seen people do exactly that while
traveling. Folks drive and read a map. And that really ticks
me off. And here's another no no: I worked with a guy whose sister got killed because she was driving, while putting her makeup on.

I love that Maria Robinson signature!
Posted by: Dee

Re: Close Call - 08/06/09 02:58 AM

Jabber...I don't know why folks don't just pull over for their map-reading/make-up.

Anne...thank you sweetie...I am counting my blessings, believe-you-me.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Close Call - 08/06/09 02:07 PM

I agree. But the most aggravating thing to me is seeing so many other drivers talking on the phone. If I need to telephone someone, I always find an appropriate spot to park first. People are dying because common sense is not being applied where the use of cell phones is concerned.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Close Call - 08/06/09 03:03 PM

Dee, I'm guessing you aren't sore at all? I still can't get over the fact that you weren't hurt. The other day, we saw a bad boomer morotcycle accident shortly after it happened. We were on 695, where people go at least 55-60, and there was a paramedic leaning over a man on the side of the highway. It looked like two boomer men were out riding and one got hit. The other guy was next to his bike on his cell phone. I imagine he was calling loved ones. I can't stand motorcyles, especially on the highway.
Posted by: Dee

Re: Close Call - 08/06/09 07:23 PM

Dotsie...fortunately I wasn't hurt which really is a miracle in itself considering...I guess there's something to be said for being in a really big vehicle. I didn't even get a seatbelt bruise. Thank the Lord.
I'm not a motorcycle person either...I would not allow my sons to have one...knew too many people who lose their lives riding one.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Close Call - 08/07/09 01:55 PM

Dotsie & Dee,
First Dee let me chime in with, "I'm glad you were not hurt,"
once again. And I agree with the both of you that motorcycles
are way too dangerous. They scare the beegeebies out of me
when we're traveling on the thruways and expressways and those
tiny, little scooters weave in and out of traffic. Some of 'em
pass us like we're standing still. They must be doin' 70 miles
an hour, on a couple inches of tread. Every year while we're
in Florida more than one motorcyclist loses their life! I probably said that somewhere before, but boomers repeat themselves, sometimes ya know!
Posted by: Dee

Re: Close Call - 08/11/09 03:28 PM

Jabber...yes, it's amazing how fast folks can go on very little tread beneath them...and so many without protective clothing. Many cyclists say it's not the cyclists say it's other drivers that put them in danger and that's very's sad when someone loses their life in any accident.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: Close Call - 08/13/09 06:38 AM

Dee, it really is a miracle that you weren't hurt at all.

The guy who hit you is a complete and utter jerk, and I hope he stays locked up for a while.

People text, talk on phones, apply make-up etc. because it's all about them, right? What's such a big deal about hitting someone when you might've missed the latest gossip? ACKKKK!!
Posted by: Dee

Re: Close Call - 08/25/09 01:08 AM

Meredith...last week I received a phone call from the owner of the company whose employee hit me. (did I say that correctly?). He said he would have called me sooner but had just gotten the police report and my phone number. He asked if I was okay and if I needed anything. He was very apologetic and told me the guy who hit me had a lot of legal problems and if I needed anything to give him a call. I told him I was okay, the truck is okay and not to worry. I'm just glad it all ended well. Well, except for the guy who hit me. I don't think he'll be hugging any old ladies hoping they'll not call the police on him... smile
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Close Call - 08/25/09 01:45 AM

Sounds like a happy ending for you. Glad it ended well.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Close Call - 09/15/09 09:16 PM

I wonder how many innocent, law biding people are hurt and killed by reckless drivers on our roads today?