Foreign, interracial adoptions & atypical parents

Posted by: orchid

Foreign, interracial adoptions & atypical parents - 02/11/07 11:38 PM

I've known several couples who have adopted foreign babies. I couple is a relative of my brother-in-law. He is Chinese-American, his wife is Caucasian. They adopted a Chinese baby girl, followed later by another Asian foreign baby. Can't remember the nationality.

The other couple is lesbian couple. The one person from that union is a highly respected tax lawyer from a major international accounting and tax firm that I worked for several years. They adopted a Chinese baby girl. Later they then adopted a 2nd baby girl from Vietnam.

The lawyer told me of their country visit to Vietnam, where they met the family that gave up and said good-bye to the baby girl. When I heard the story, I was bewildered. I found the sad/scenario just so sad. And so foreign to me. Obviously the family hadn't abandoned the baby... But I didn't ask the question out of politeness.

I want to be broadminded and I respected this woman, the lawyer because she is a person of professional integrity and respect among men and women in the firm. However I just wondered at the time, if the Vietnamese family had any idea they were giving up their baby daughter to a lesbian couple. Somehow I doubt it.

Anyway, I gave to the lawyer a book I had read and thought it might serve a purpose later on.

Probably a better book for child, would be book(s) written by foreign adopted children themselves.
Posted by: NewLeaf

Re: Foreign, interracial adoptions & atypical parents - 02/15/07 07:27 PM

Wouldn't the adoption agency inform the parents giving up their child about what type of "home" their child would be going to?
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Foreign, interracial adoptions & atypical parents - 02/15/07 09:19 PM

orchid, what exactly do you want to know about foreign adoption? My oldest two children are adopted from Korea. The youngest I gave birth to.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Foreign, interracial adoptions & atypical parents - 02/16/07 03:33 AM

Do you know Dotsie of cases for foreign child adoptees, of family members who met the adoptive parents and gave up their child? (vs. from an orphanage?)

When I heard the circumstances, it sounded so...strange. It sounded as if the relatives gave up the child, because the new adoptive parents met the family. There was crying involved by the family members giving up the child. It was a very emotional scene.

Sounds like a desperate situation (financial or whatever) for family members to give up a child that they already had for past 1-2 years.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Foreign, interracial adoptions & atypical parents - 02/17/07 03:26 AM

Yes, Orchid, it must be difficult for parents to give up a child. I assume it is a desire for the child to have a better life.

It is so difficult to put ourselves in the shoes of the other person, especially when their lives are so foriegn to our own lives. Desperate times equal desperate measures. My heart goes out to parents in situations like these.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Foreign, interracial adoptions & atypical parents - 02/17/07 11:35 AM

that must of been so hard for the parents to do....i wonder if it is any harder directly giving the child over or if in some small way its easier handing the child over then its easier or some small comphort getting to see that the child is going to a good home. When imagining the child at a latter date then you be able to imagine them with the family you had seen them with. Maybee just a small comphort in a very uncomphortable and painfull situasion....My hart gose out to thse people and their loss

Orchid even if the family wernt aware that they were giving the child to a lesbian couple the adoption agency certinly was especilly that they gave two children to this couple. Not everyone thinks its a bad choice or see the parents sexuality in a negative light. Some research has been undertaken showing that their is no disadvantige to lesbianes adopting children and being parents.

obviously extensive studie has been dune in this area as they had to change the law to allow lesbianes to adopte. Often, after people get past their prejidice to sexuality and stop shoutting that its just wrong or irmoral then they find that their no real reason to fear or worrie about lesbian parents.

I have a couple of mates who have one child and just in the final processes of adopting their second....the child is allready being waitted on in great anticipasion, thats gonna be a happy day and a big celibrasion.
