My daughter's daughter...

Posted by: Dianne

My daughter's daughter... - 01/31/07 01:51 PM

She's eight and goes to a private school. She has come home with head lice twice now! Yesterday, ringworm! What in the world is going on with these families? They don't take care of their children's head lice and send the kids back to school so they reinfect all the kids again.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: My daughter's daughter... - 01/31/07 02:12 PM

I was director at a charter school for two years, and we had head lice run through twice. And it always seemed to hit the kids with the most beautiful hair.

When it was discovered, the child would be sent home immediately, and we would call every other child in to be checked. Boy, was that fun. You wear gloves and poke through the kids hair like a monkey family!

And when the child was ready to come back, they had to be checked again before we would let them return.

Posted by: Jane_Carroll

Re: My daughter's daughter... - 01/31/07 03:51 PM

Yea, lice like clean hair the best!
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: My daughter's daughter... - 01/31/07 03:54 PM

Then I'll never get it.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: My daughter's daughter... - 01/31/07 05:53 PM

Oh dear,... stress; comb and wash, comb and wash...I went through that when our boys went to Kindergarden. How does Ring worm manifest its self?

Kathy, is a charter school a private school? How big and how many classes? Sounds like quite a responsibility.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: My daughter's daughter... - 01/31/07 06:30 PM

A charter school is a part of the public school system, but without as many restraints as a regular public school. It was a small Montessori school for grades K-6 with about 85 students and four teachers.

I loved the work, the kids and their families - BUT - I had four teachers that were constantly going two against two and trying to throw me into the middle of it. They lied and I never knew which two were telling the truth. It was awful, and I would go home and cry many, many nights.

I am one of those people that feels such a great responsibility for getting the job done and done well, and I just couldn't do it properly with those teachers. The board I worked with didn't believe or understand the issues I was having - but after I left, they discovered everything I had told them about was true.

I left after two years, and really miss the kids.
Posted by: Lola

Re: My daughter's daughter... - 01/31/07 07:38 PM

Funny how you should mention head lice today, Dianne. It was one of the stories on the BBC because apparently contaminations occur mostly in the winter as coats are hung too closely in the cloakrooms. They said that rinsing with vinegar helps more than medicated shampoos. Also, curling iron seems to burn those nits/eggs which cling to the strands of the hair.

Hi, Kathy: I love Montessori teachers!!! My children attended Montessori and so do the grandchildren.
Posted by: Dianne

Re: My daughter's daughter... - 01/31/07 09:30 PM

My daughter said she has to blow dry her daughter's hair as the lice don't like the heat.

I think ringworm comes from animals and she is always finding strays and bringing them home. Kids.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: My daughter's daughter... - 01/31/07 10:00 PM

Dianne, this gives me the willies. I remember them checking the kids for lice at my chidlren's elementary school. I was so afraid they were going to get lice from the nurse rooting through their hair after digging through another student's hair who had it. It never made sense to me. Once one child had lice, they checked all the others in the class. I wanted to tell them to keep their hands out of my kid's hair. I feel sorry for your daughter and granddaughter. I understand it's tough to get rid of.

My sister's kids once had lice after traveling by train. YUK! Headrests gross me out.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: My daughter's daughter... - 02/01/07 03:59 AM

Dotsie, we had to change gloves after every single child. We went through LOTS of gloves!
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: My daughter's daughter... - 02/02/07 10:03 AM

Kathy, do you still teach? I can relate with leaving a stress situation like that. The most unthankful job is being at the top...and then being in the middle of conflicts...
Good thing you left for you're own sake.


Balance: "Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least."
--Van Goethe

Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: My daughter's daughter... - 02/02/07 03:13 PM

No Hannelore, I don't. I was actually the administrator for the school, not a teacher. Exciting things like budgets, board meetings, parent meetings, discipline, etc.

But I used to teach pre-school, back when I was 20. Loved those little kids!