Senior Week!

Posted by: Dotsie

Senior Week! - 02/04/03 03:54 PM

The dreaded question about Senior week has come up at our house.

Some parents say, "Over my dead body", others ,"Only if I can come along", and some say, "Yes" without thinking.

I know this doesn't happen all around the country because I have talked to friends who didn't know what it was until moving to Baltimore.

Well, the week after high school graduation many of the graduates go to the beach for a week. I have heard some awful reports about recent senior weeks. The police are out in full force, people get arrested, parents get calls from land-lords/police...blah, blah,blah! Ridiculous amounts of alcohol, sex, fun, and oh...the beach!

Well,our son is going too and some people think we're crazy and others wonder why people won't let their children go. They will be going to college in 2-3 short months.

Thinking back...I recall that my parents let me go. Partly because they knew my older brother was going to be there too...(I was dating one of his best friends), and because I guess they trusted me.

I am going on the trust thing with my son. He knows about consequences and hopefully he will continue to use the good judgement he has used to this point! Live and learn...and pray lots!
Posted by: nillawafer

Re: Senior Week! - 02/05/03 06:12 PM

oh don't worry....think back...way were a girl...think about how the guys acted back then [Razz] .....then let it dawn on you that you have a guy.... then consider todays day and age... multiply the guys actions back then by ten and then think of your son at the beach [Eek!] relax and enjoy these times in your life. they go by so enriched by
Posted by: Kathryn

Re: Senior Week! - 02/05/03 06:35 PM

Dots, us too! But once they turn 18, they can pretty much make choices we disapprove of. I am not thrilled and fully expect that it will not be an experience of which I'd approve. But we are not paying for the trip or signing any contracts so if they go....all I can do is pray!