Another Mine Accident

Posted by: chatty lady

Another Mine Accident - 01/24/06 06:47 AM

And two more miners die. This seems to be getting worse and worse and I hope someone is doing something to stop these poor mens deaths. Its bad enough they have to work under the dark cold ground in deplorable conditions...These men are heros.
Posted by: Sadie

Re: Another Mine Accident - 01/24/06 06:58 AM

They are heros . My husband is from West Virginia and his father was a coal miner long time ago . My husbands father got hurt in the mine and had to stop working . He had one toe missing and his face got messed up . I heard a lot of stories of those miners . Good pay , but you take you life in your hands going undergroud , but this is carried down from family to families in some cases . My husband father after he recoved got a job in the local prison as a guard and he loved that job . Old farmer he would talk to anyone and knowone was a stranger.
Posted by: Songbird

Re: Another Mine Accident - 01/25/06 06:20 PM

I understand the governor of WV is pushing for mine safety regulations. Is it a little too late? I do hope that something good comes out of these tragic accidents.

It is still devastating for the families of those who perished [Frown] , and the community itself.