Boomer women

Posted by: Dotsie

Boomer women - 05/08/03 04:34 PM

Thought it would be fun to put this under current events.

Last night was the first official gathering of women from the forum in the Baltimore area. About 30 women gathered at my house for a girl's night out and we had a blast. [Razz]

We ate, drank, and were merry. At the badgering request [Roll Eyes] of my dear friend Nancy, I gave an update on the project and invited the women who weren't in the forum to please join. What happened next was a total surprise. [Razz]

People were asking about the stories I was receiving and one women who drove 45 minutes and knew no one before coming, shared the story she had submitted for the book. The flood gates opened and women began sharing their stories with everyone, started talking over one another, pairing up with other women who had similar stories, and some chatting until 11:00 pm.

The beauty of the night was that everyone didn't even know each other before coming but it didn't matter. There was a mysterious presence in the room...okay Lord, you were at it again! I felt like barriers were broken and instead of the usual chit-chat women were sharing heart to heart stories.

In the end, we have decided to do this again and again. We will walk in the Race For The Cure carrying our boomerwomenspeak banner, attend shows, dinners, you name it. I am grateful for the comradeship that was shared and I truly believe that whoever chose to share didn't leave feeling alone with their stories...and those who chose not to share probably left knowing they weren't alone either. Praise God!
Posted by: Candice Johnson

Re: Boomer women - 05/08/03 06:14 PM

I am so glad that everything went so well. It sounds like some real connections were made. Who knew you'd get to see your goal of women supporting eachother right in front of your eyes.
Posted by: lionspaaw

Re: Boomer women - 05/09/03 02:29 PM

I tend to be great for thinking things up -- but I'm a terrible "organizer" to get those things done -- so here's a thought for all you organizers
out there [Smile]

Maybe Dotsie's boomerwomen's get together's and community function's with the boomerwomen's Tee's and banners could become a country wide event -- like a chapter kinda thingie -- doing things at mutual times -- but in different parts of the country ?????
Posted by: swimbo56

Re: Boomer women - 05/09/03 06:22 PM

just wanted to say that Wed. night was fun. So glad I went. Yes, more would be great. The country wide suggestion would be neat if it can be done. Will try and get this address to all my friends, I have alot all over.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Boomer women - 05/09/03 08:16 PM

Lionspaaw, great minds think alike! [Big Grin]
I belong to a writing organization and they have chapters all around the country. Someday!!! [Wink] Gotta have dreams! [Eek!]