Hip Grandma's Handbook

Posted by: lohigh58

Hip Grandma's Handbook - 09/19/07 05:27 PM

My newest book is "The Hip Grandma's Handbook," to be released on September 28th! It may be pre-ordered now, at amazon and other booksellers. Just search under the title and my name - Linda Oatman High.

I'm available for presentations on being a Hip Grandmother, and also for writing workshops and school presentations!

Best wishes,

Linda Oatman High
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: Hip Grandma's Handbook - 09/27/07 01:37 PM

Welcome, Linda. Tell us what kind of things can find in your book? What does it take to be a "hip grandma?"
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Hip Grandma's Handbook - 09/27/07 01:52 PM

Our local maternity hospital has classes for Grandmothers.
It is to show Granny the new trends for baby/child care.One point was how to lay a baby on his back rather than on his side.Research has shown cot death can be reduced following this.The midwife stated that these classes would help both Mother and Grandmother if the Grandmother is babysitting.
Mountian ash