
Posted by: Dotsie

everywhere! - 05/21/04 03:43 PM

Since I started this project it seems like everywhere I turn I see baby boomer women! We are everywhere.

Most recently I've seen lots of boomer women with what appears to be grandchildren. How did that happen?

Then I see these little young things pushing strollers and they look like kids themselves! [Eek!]

What's happening? I guess we're getting older! We seem too young to be grandparents.
Posted by: smilinize

Re: everywhere! - 05/21/04 05:09 PM

Dots, I'm with ya'. The older I get, the younger everyone else looks. It's amazing. People in their seventies look like they're barely middle aged and people in their twenties seem like teenagers.

Must be some old age defense system kicking in.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: everywhere! - 05/25/04 05:38 PM

Smile, ANOTHER old age defense mechanism! [Big Grin]
Posted by: smilinize

Re: everywhere! - 05/25/04 06:02 PM

Hey, I need all the Old Age defense mechanisms I can get. I'm under attack here. Old age is trying to get me!!!
Send in the troops. I need BALLISTIC MISSILES!!!

Anyone have a defense plan??? Any ideas?? How can we defend ourselves against this terorist. Old age is everywhere.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: everywhere! - 05/25/04 11:53 PM

Everyone that knows my mom who's now 84 says, "Charlotte thinks young, shes young at heart." It's true, she has always enjoyed the company of younger people. When I was in High School sometimes I'd come home from a date or work and several of my friends, boys and girls were there visiting my mom. She works a full time job even today and says if it weren't for being surrounded by younger people she would probably stay home and die. So if you can be young at heart....My sons have always said I was and that may be the reason I look 50 at my age of 64(almost. If my body could keep up with my mind I'd be jumping through hoops...LOL! [Big Grin]
Posted by: smilinize

Re: everywhere! - 05/26/04 05:29 AM

My Mom is 80 and gets invited by the teens with her church on all their trips. She's going to Mexico soon to help them build a church. The teens are the ones who inssisted she go.

She just finished a complete redecoration of her house. Supervised new construction inside and out and she must have sewn a mile of new curtains and papered and painted everything in sight. She amazes me.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: everywhere! - 05/27/04 02:52 AM

One more thing we seem to have in common Smile, neat!!! [Wink]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: everywhere! - 05/27/04 04:54 PM

chatty and smile, you are so blessed to have moms who set such a great example. I think people who stay busy don't have time to think about getting old.

When our kids are grown, my husband and I intend to get involved in youth work. Youth and faith, what a way to stay young at heart. Don't you think?

Also, my dad lives in an apartment complex where 2 colleges place students for housing. He said he'd much rather be there than around old people. His grandsons joke about hanging out with Pop-Pop and all the hotties. [Eek!] Hey, the guys aren't so bad looking either! [Razz]

He's so nice to the kids too. He buys them Tasty-cakes, lets them use his vacuum, lend them shovels when it snows, brooms, whatever. I think it keeps him young.

Just reading about your moms is an inspiration to me.