prayer request

Posted by: nevadaangel

prayer request - 12/03/07 06:23 PM

Girls, dont think bad of me and think i dont want to be part of you anymore, thats not the case or the reason i backed out of the christmas card list, it really pains me to do so, but iam fixing to as of tomorrow facing to have 6 teeth pulled and have to have a new partical made, iam having axiety attacks already about going to dentist, but upset too cause the add of the place i picked said it would only take 3 days to get partical, then when i go for conceltation, he says its a process, and its dragging it out over a couple weeks, and iam going to go through a period without a partical, and of course during this time i dont want any one to see how i will look without, so will be confining myself to home, and hope will have my teeth back for Christmas,

Donna aka Nevadaangel