This holiday season

Posted by: Dotsie

This holiday season - 12/09/07 02:33 AM

I thought it might be fun if we shared what we are doing to prepare for the holidays. Maybe we can get some ideas from one another and help each other have a pleasant holiday season even when we think we're going crazy.

So what have you done to prepare?

We got our tree last night. It's up and the lights are on but not all the ornaments yet. My oldest son and I got all the stuff put in the shed from the fall, and hubby decorated the front of the house. We have a manger scene that sits beneath a tree adorned with white lights, a wreath and garland with white lights and a spot light on the door. All of that is done.

My son and I went Christams shopping today. Now hubby and I are watching a Christmas movie. It's a goofy one - Deck the Halls. It's stupid, but funny at times.

Tomorrow we'll go to church. I'm hoping for some beautiful Christmas music.

What are you doing?

Do you have a Christmas party, go to parites?

What do you like best about the holidays?
Posted by: orchid

Re: This holiday season - 12/09/07 04:22 AM

My tabletop Christmas tree, trustworthy thing is over 20 years old but now out since end of November. It has unique decorations --some souveniers from places I've travelled, some little gifts, some handmade and given to me: a Venetian glass candy decoration (from Venice), a little plastic German beer stein (when I was in Munich), Santa Claus in dory (Cape Cod), a few Chinese cheap but cute toy characters (ie. straw goldfish), an East Indian tiny doll in sari, pipecleaner Christmas figures originally for gifts, chili pepper decorations (from New Mexico), a beautiful fake paper violin with gold bow, a hand-painted face on a shell by a nephew, etc. It's a tree that has no duplicated decoration but full of meaning and memories dangling and dripping from boughs.

The tree is the only Christmas decoration we have in house, but it has enough meaning for us.

Tree is minature and fake, since my homes have been condo-sized and over the years it's at a scale for children and anyone to look at it for awhile close-up.

When I send out Christmas cards to family and close friends, I do use a calligraphy marker to do it calligraphic script on envelopes and inside cards.... I used to make my cards...ages ago. Some of it elaborate calligraphic in circles,etc. that I did frame some pieces as gifts.

By now, if I didn't do minimal calligraphy on cards, after all these years, someone will comment..

We play more classical tunes and Christmas music.
For reasons that aren't totally rational, nearly every year, I tend to buy several weeks in advance, at least 1 of the Christmas issues to a cooking magazine. I seldom try a recipe, but love looking at the recipes, ideas...which we have used occasionally.

Near Christmas, I do enjoy watching how the Grinch stole Christmas or White Christmas. All nostalgia, but just things I did do with family members near/on Christmas..

Where we live is near a water body that flows out to an ocean inlet, where there are small motor and charter boards. And there is a city tradition of Christmas Lights Boats..where the boats do parade /sail up and down with lights on the boats. It's quite lovely..we don't much snow below the mountains, so it's easier for boats to show off like this at night.
Posted by: diamond50

Re: This holiday season - 12/09/07 07:45 AM

The parties have begun and it will be a whirlwind until
mid January.
This year we will be giving alot of gift certificates or
shopping online, especially that most of our grandkids
are older and harder to buy for.

The little ones will be getting toys and clothing : )

Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: This holiday season - 12/09/07 11:36 AM

i creating out cristmass trtadisions becouse lucien is so young, the onlie consitent thing so far are new pj for christmass morning, yes get up get washed get changed into new cousie christmass pj, keeps things relaxed and comfortable on the morning ittself.

overand above that i dont't have much that is rigid so far apart from cooking too much food as usule lol.
becouse luciens so young the day can still be handed over to him, we don't have familie over heer so no necessitie visites but it be nice to see some familie over the holidays. A walk some time on christmass morning is nice their is a big tree filed park within 5 minets walk from my house, the people out walking on christmass afternoon all seem relaxed and happie its nice to be ou then, the trees, the good natured people, as long as its low key i am happie enough.
so i get some nice ideas as to how to creat a christmass for us reading your posts.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: This holiday season - 12/09/07 02:26 PM

This year is simple, simple, simple!! Sounds kinda sad but I'm already looking toward next year to do my usual stuff. We love Christmas with a passion but struggling with a new business has put the biggest damper on the holiday fun this year. So we've simplified. I was sad, SAD for 2 weeks not wanting to care about any of it. But I've decided that it's okay. This will give me a whole new perspective, and probably a better one on what it's all about. We decorate, outside with lots of lights. Two beautiful trees that we rescued from the bulldozer next door...both are lit up sooooo pretty! The rock garden is round and has a few figures, lit (little) snowmen all around the rocks and a Christmas tree in the middle. Every building is blazing, too. Inside...WOW....we're so abbreviated this year!!! We have 2 4 month old kittens and simply cannot do my Christmas village (makes me sad)and the usual inside decorations. The tree is barely surviving with those little boys! So, I guess we're trying to make it as nice as we can. Not a lot of parties, certainly no where near to what I was used to a few years a quiet, refective year.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: This holiday season - 12/09/07 02:46 PM

if you ladies would cast your minds back to when the kids weer little how did you marrie santa clauss with, jesus....or what age weer the kids when you started doing this, what age did the kids get it at??
Posted by: Countrygirl

Re: This holiday season - 12/09/07 03:23 PM

Celtic flame, we always taught our kids that Santa was a cartoon character like Mickey Mouse. We told them about St.Nicholas though because he was a real person, but our main emphasis has always been on Christ. The kids didnt miss out by not believing Santa was real ~ in fact they were grateful for our honesty.

As for how we're celebrating Christmas this year....we have bought everyone goats, seeds, trees, etc for Third World Countries. We've got some foodie treats, but haven't gone overboard, I've decorated the tree and house with homemade decorations, nativity scene, etc and we're looking forward to some quality time together. My hubby has more than just Christmas Day and Boxing Day off work for the first time in 22 years, so we're very excited he'll be able to have a proper holiday!
Posted by: Jane_Carroll

Re: This holiday season - 12/09/07 03:23 PM

Bertha has a pink tree in her room...what else? My daughter bought it for me last year...I found some really neat satin balls that are pink and turquoise and that kind of also has a few choice flamingos and frogs sprinkled around on it...and a metal peacock a friend gave me in college...I topped it with an ornament my other daughter made me that says "HOPE"...I get up before I journal and have my quiet time by the light of this little tree...I love it...

I also have a live...more traditional the living room...I haven't done one of these for the past several years...the girls finally gave up being upset...but this year I just wanted has all the old's first Christmas 1979 and 1980 are still my favorites! I also still have many of the ornaments that the girls made in grammer school...and some funny ones I made for my very first married Christmas...they were "Glue Me, Glue Me" ornaments and were little kits that you glued together...I still have Santa, Christmas Tree, Angel and a Mouse that have survived these 31 years...

I'm having the writing group over tomorrow night and that will probably be it for entertaining until my daughter and her family get here on the 21st...

I've never done much outside...and don't plan to this year...'s been too long...I don't remember how we addressed that...
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: This holiday season - 12/09/07 03:38 PM

We celebrate Christmas Eve. We’ll be going to the 5:00 children’s mass, and then on home to let our grandchild open her first present. Our traditional Christmas dinner is Fondue. This year we will have more people than usual over for dinner and to exchange gifts.

Me and Hubby
Son, Danny and wife and grandchild
Son, Mike, and wife ( expecting baby this Febuary!)
My Mom
Mike’s in laws with the X
Mike’s sister in law with husband
Mike’s wife’s grandmother.

We’ll need extra Fondue pots. Mike’s father-in-law is a fantastic musician and has a beautiful voice. He’ll bring his guitar along and I’m sure we will be singing the night away with little Anaiya pirouetting around the living room.

Tonight Hubby, my Mom, Grandbaby and I are heading for downtown. They have a beautiful Christmas market set up. Thousands of candle lights are aglow, and hot wine and hot honey coated almonds scent fill the air. At 6:00 beautifully dressed angels appear on the townhouse balcony. There they play harp,flute,organ and violin, It’s a sight to behold in the dark of the night, seeing their robes blow in the wind, and their golden wings shine in the candle light. I can’t wait to see Anaiys’s face when the twenty four angels appear. Here are just four of them.


I hope you all have enjoyed your second advent. We don’t have snow, but it’s very cold, so the fireplace is roaring, and the decorations are twinkling out from every corner.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: This holiday season - 12/09/07 08:44 PM

Wow, this year I am so far ahead of myself. I baked and have some frozen for Christmas Eve/Christmas. I take about 12 dozen cookies to the Nursing Home and another 12 dozen to Safe Nest, a shelter for women and kids in peril. So those are done and ready to go...

My shopping is all done, did mostly the catalog thing again this year, that works so well when everyone is many miles away...

Christmas Eve is church and then usually spent riding through the park viewing the light show, then home to relax and get things ready for Christmas Day which will be spent at my sons home. I will make my traditional Italian beef and Italian sausage with peppers. We have a big potluck type celebration, we nibble shamelessly all day long...

I have been watching Christmas movies nightly since Thanksgiving, some are sappy but I am too this time a year so it works for me...

My cards went out early and I am waiting to enjoy and display all the cards yet to come from all my Boomer sisters...
Posted by: Di

Re: This holiday season - 12/09/07 08:52 PM

Sorry to sound like a bummer, but we do not "prepare" anything but ourselves go get THRU it w/out total depression.

I get mad at myself for "buying into" the media's way of guilt-tripping people into thinking that it's for "kids, families" etc.

When we want to give gifts, we give all year round. God showed me how to be a giver, and not ONLY at this time of year. Thank you, Lord!

So, thankfully we have a business that is very busy during this time of year that helps divert our attention. We do not go to malls or church or any events. We just get THRU it quickly.

And, come Dec 26, we are READY to move on!!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: This holiday season - 12/09/07 09:46 PM

Here I do again! But maybe Di, if you DID buy one another gifts, and DID try getting into the spirit of Christmas and DID go to church you would feel better about a lot of things. Maybe buy some games, coloring books, crayons and visit the childrens ward of a hospital, or take cookies to a veterans home, you would feel less sorry for whatever it is you feel so sorry about...

Those people would give anything to have their health and the freedom to do whatever they wanted to do to enjoy the holidays...

Want to get away from 'total depression?' Go see their smiling faces and the thanks in their eyes just to be alive one more day...

Its just that life is a one time thing, this is it, and its so sad to waste the time missing out on things that could add to life to make it worthwile.
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: This holiday season - 12/10/07 08:59 AM

I work about a bazillion hours per week -- or at least it feels that way -- starting 1st week in November. Craft shows, galleries, my website and people coming over to the house to buy. Usually the house sales are pretty large this time of year -- people buying all their jewelry gifts, or those needing custom jewelry to match outfits. And of course, I have to make it in order to sell it.

3 parties last week, and I'm partied out. And stuffed.

I don't celebrate Christmas (not Christian) but sometimes "adopt" a family or child for gift-giving. Usually I get extra food from the farmers' market and donate it to a shelter that serves food on Christmas.

I also belong to a spiritual group called Wisdom Circle. We meet next Monday to discuss what we as a group can do to give or volunteer in our community for the holidays.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: This holiday season - 12/10/07 09:02 AM

Chatty, your wise “motherly” advice once again has hit the nail on its head. That's why you are so loved around here.

Di, I'm posting a "Thought For Today", which I found on line. Author is unknown.

The deepest wounds we all carry are locked in our subconscious (out of our awareness). Deep memories and subtle impressions, from unfinished experience, rooted in the past. The pain from those wounds comes to revisit, to block and paralyse us in the moment called now. We all know it comes without warning - "Why am I feeling this way, I didn't mean to do that, I don't know what made me say that." Healing does not mean finding and treating every single inner scar which send it message to haunt us. It means going even deeper, past those wounds, beyond those distant memories and recording of unfinished business, to the core of our self, to the heart of our spirit, where we find the light and warmth of our own core qualities of love and peace. They are eternally present within us they are what we need to heal all our inner wounds.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: This holiday season - 12/10/07 08:52 PM

This is great fun to hear what everyone is doing.

Thanks for joining us Meredith!

country, what is Boxing Day?

Hannelore, how was last night? It looked beautiful. You all find such fun things to do.

ladyjane, your outdooors sound beautiful.

chatty, send some of those cookies this way!

orchid, I love calligraphy, but can't do it.

Di, i wrapped your red pepper soap for my nephew yesterday.

jane, my daughter also has a pink Christmas tree in her dorm, which she'll be bringing home for Christmas. I just love it. Ross got it for her this year.

celtic, you are blessed to still have a little one to celebrate with.

diamond, what we wouldn't do to celebrate Christmas in Hawaii!

Yesterday, after church, I did more Christmas shopping, then came home and wrapped a bit. The guys went to the Ravens game and we lost miserably. While they were wet from the rain, and miserable due to the way the Ravens played, I was comfy and warm while listening to my Godchild and his all boy high school choir sing beautiful Christmas carols. The first half was mainly hymns. It's a Cahtolic school. The second half of the show consisted of all these fun Christmas songs. Everyone in the audience was bopping along. The guys were all dressed in tuxes, over 70 of them on stage, and they all had red bow ties and carnations on their lapels. It was a real treat. This Godchild is so neat. He sings in the choir, does the school plays and also plays sports for his high school. This is most unusual because lots of boys his age choose the arts or sports, but not both.

I've done nothing to prepare for Christmas yet today. Tonight we are going to finish trimming the tree. Most of the ornaments are still sitting in the crate.
Posted by: Di

Re: This holiday season - 12/10/07 09:09 PM

Has anyone heard of the Blue Christmas services that some churches are having. I am so glad they are finally getting with the program. They need to stop sticking their heads into a cave regarding some folks who have difficult times with "this season". Check this out...
Posted by: Di

Re: This holiday season - 12/10/07 09:12 PM


I am hiding under a rock this season. Not trying to be a party pooper, but rather trying not to poop other people's parties. This is my first year of holidays with no family. Interspersed between the holidays was Mom's birthday. Mom and I used to go to our best friends' parties (for the most part, no alcohol) but I still feel too alone to participate.....seems the more people in the room, the more alone I feel. So I will party with my big sweet furry CAT; he is always in a great mood .

I feel for you, Anne. I've had too many Christmas' like yours. VERY hard time of year. But see my post above about some churches finally hearing us!
Posted by: gims

Re: This holiday season - 12/11/07 01:34 AM

Di, That's interesting... never heard of blue Christmas services. I'd like to attend one to see how it's held.
Posted by: Sherri

Re: This holiday season - 12/11/07 02:48 PM

Hello friends, It's been a while since I have posted but couldn't resist this thread. I haven't started decorating this year but I do have to get my package to Germany ready today so it will get there in time! Kids will not be home this year for Christmas again.

We will be celebrating Christmas this year with 14 of our 16 grandchildren when they all gather here on 12/29. Our Navy kids from San Diego will be home one week from today. Craig, Amy and their three kids will stay with us for 12 days. That should be fun!

This year we welcomed 3 new grandbabies into the family and it will be sweet to have those three babies meeting each other for the first time. My sister will be here as well, she has had a rough year with major surgeries and another major one coming up soon. She missed Christmas with us last year so we are praying her and her kids will be able to make it to our house.

It's been a long year, depression has been bad, I have lost the desire to write and have had a hard time dealing with many issues involving our children which have been serious. We even had temporary custody of three of them for a while!

I am thankful thatI am not totally down right now. I have a lot to be thankful for, my sweet husband, my kids, and my precious grandkids.

Chatty, thanks for still thinking of me and sending me little notes and forwards even though I haven't been active here this past year.

Merry Christmas to all my friends!

Posted by: Countrygirl

Re: This holiday season - 12/11/07 05:31 PM

Dotsie, Boxing Day is the 26th December. It gets it's name from the days of domestic servants in big houses over here. The servants had to work through Christmas Day but got the next day off and were given boxes(gifts) from their employers - hence 'Boxing Day'. It's a recognised holiday here in the UK.
Posted by: Edelweiss

Re: This holiday season - 12/11/07 08:18 PM

Merry Christmas to you too Sherri! You have such a BIG family. Don't know how you do it all. Just taking care of one grandchild is strenuous enough for me. I hope you have help in care taking. And I hope you are able to take care of yourself as well.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: This holiday season - 12/11/07 11:45 PM

Well Anne take pride in the knowledge that you are NEEDED here by me and all the rest of your Boomer sisters. I look for you everyday when I enter here to see what you are up to now. We agree on so many things especially about men. I am a bit more harsh on them however because:
"Been there, done that, have the t-shirt, am buying the hat." So to speak. You can always come here where you are needed and add your intelligent replys to others in need of your wisdom and jokes. We love you girl!!!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: This holiday season - 12/12/07 04:33 PM

boxing day!!! isen't that tradisionalie when families have too much of each other over christmass and start boxing one another in the street????

joking, allthough one would wonder some christmasses the things one see's in the streets.

MY MUM (not that she a higher authoritie than you countrie girl) she told me that christmass was to be keept solie as a religouse day and the 26th was the day for opening presents, so not to get the meaning of christmass confused, or did she just need us to work in the familie bussnesses lol.

with lucien we open presents in januarie, febuarie, march lol ....rember last year hmmmmmmm.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: This holiday season - 12/12/07 09:32 PM

ANN shipping the employers off in wooden boxes is creat day, of sant boyoncie. Its March the 22nd
Posted by: Dee

Re: This holiday season - 12/13/07 04:29 AM

Country girl is correct...boxing day is when gifts in boxes were given to servants and workers of families who had them. My English Landlady and Landlord introduced me that that tradition as well as many Christmas dinner with them, the trupence in the pudding, Christmas crackers, and brussel spouts...I love them. I miss not being there with Bridget and Barry but we exchange Christmas gifts each year and this year I sent Bridget a Paula Deen Christmas Cook book and asked her to open it early. She received a few days ago and hopefully will find something Southern to add to her traditional English meal.
Posted by: Dee

Re: This holiday season - 12/14/07 03:10 AM

Hi's nice to see you again, as well. I've missed you all so much. How's it going?
Posted by: Dee

Re: This holiday season - 12/14/07 04:32 AM

Good for you Anne....nothing like taking time off and catching up on sleep. Cats are cool...I don't think I'll have anymore but I miss having them.

Hang in there and it sounds like you've gotten rid of a man who was trouble...good for you.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: This holiday season - 12/14/07 07:25 PM

Anne, I loved reading this because I was beginning to believe that Wilson (my kitty...or one of them) was the only one in the world to do the morning-wake-up-torture thing! He starts by smashing his wet nose in my face...then he goes for pulling my hair with his teeth. If that doesn't work, he jumps on the bureau across from the foot of the bed and dive bombs me...hard!!! Sometimes it's my legs or my tummy...or wherever. I've had cats all my life but never one that will go to this length for his morning can of food! He has other antics, too, like swatting at the blinds (makes nice noise...and he knows it bugs me). If all else fails, he howls...LOUDLY!! He's a love but in the early, dark A.M. I'm less than amused!
Posted by: dancer9

Re: This holiday season - 12/15/07 12:52 AM

Well, the question was, what am I doing for Christmas?

I have my home decorated, I do a whole "Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Mardi Gras tree every year. My decorations depict all the holidays and I put it together right before Halloween! It's fun because it's so pretty to have them all together and the memories of each holiday are depicted there on my tree! I have many ornaments and decorations so now if I buy another, I usually put another away to use when I want to and to give to my son because most are collectables. I feel like it's a holiday starting at Halloween!

The next is Christmas of course so this year I will have my younger son with me for some days before he flies to Minnesota to spend part of the holiday with his grandparents as his grandfather became ill. I love to have him because we have such a relationship that we sometimes start to laugh and can't stop, like when you keep setting eachother off? He thinks of my husband as a second father since his father is in his life very strongly so it all goes well!

I will finish my Christmas cards which I try to personalize soon.

I like to get everything ready so when I have guests I can just sit and relax, enjoying them and not stressing over food or anything else.

My older sister calls my home her "favorite." That's nice.

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: This holiday season - 12/15/07 03:55 AM

dancer, I also like to plan ahead so when company is here, I can relax and enjoy them. When is your son getting home? I bet you can't wait.

So what's everyone doing this weekend to get ready for the holidays?

Tuesday I took Dad to a family luncheon at a local restaurant that caters to the elderly. I know for certain that I was the youngest one there. One of his cousins is a total inspiration to me. She's battling cancer for the third time and she NEVER complains. She said she's only felt like a cancer patient the first time she lost her hair. She's an awesome role model.

Wednesday Ross took his dad to a Christmas luncheon and I had my prayer group here for lunch. There are only four of us left so it was simple. We sat at the dining room table which is all decked out for Christmas. We got caught up and prayed and ate together. Everyone brought something so it was simple. It was relaxing, peaceful, and yummy.

Wednesday night was the Girl's Night Out Christmas gathering at a friend's house. Six of the seven of us were there. One is getting her masters and is dying because she always had class on the nights we met this past semester. We're hoping next semester is better for her. We talked about our first mother of the bride's big wedding, drank wine, laughed, oh, and we ate too.

Thursday I spent doing an all day outlet shopping with a few friends. We laughed as much as we shopped. We've been doing this long enough that we could probably do one another's shopping since we know each other's families so well. We walk throught he stores saying, "That looks like so and so. You should get that for him/her." And so we do. Or we'll see a certain top and say, "That looks like Joan. Where's Joan? Get her over here. She needs to buy that." It's hysterical. This year, one of the 19 year old daughters was already home from college so she daringly went with us. She had a blast. She survived. The only problem was that she took a picture of her mother on the floor in the Lenox store with all these plates surrounding her while using her calculator, adding up her purchase...and sent it to her dad so he could see his wife in action. Naughty girl! We're thinking we might need to frame the photo.

Are you doing anything this weekend to get ready for the big day?
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: This holiday season - 12/15/07 10:28 PM

I have managed to avoid going grocery shopping this week so far but I HAVE to go on Monday for sure. I hate grocery shopping. I need my meat for Christmas, more cookie ingredients and more yarn. Plus I still am mailing cards. I keep getting cards from people I wasn't expecting so I have to send one back to them, right? By the time Christmas arrives I am going to be exhausted. I would love to curl up with the Christmas lights on, and music softly playing and read a good book, while I munch on goodies all ALONE!! I know, bah-humbug...
Posted by: dancer9

Re: This holiday season - 12/15/07 10:39 PM

Sometimes I feel the same way, Chatty!
Posted by: humlan

Re: This holiday season - 12/15/07 10:54 PM

If I am lucky, that´s what I´ll be doing on Christmas Eve..our big day here. Well, not totally partner will be with me. But I am still not 2 sons may just decide to spend the day with us..that´ll be ok, too. If I am forewarned so that I can fix some more food..and perhaps more special food. Otherwise, I think that just taking it easy and feeling in Christmas is wonderful after all the years of preparing and stressing to get everything done just right. It was ok then..but relaxing and being on your own is lovely too. O yes, I do agree!
Posted by: orchid

turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/16/07 04:02 AM

Partner and I have been lazyily looking at our cookbooks..planning for our Christmas dinner...on Dec. 21.

Abit early but we plan to go snowshoeing in the mountains and then rent car to drive down to some wines and have 1-2 nice meals. In British Columbia this is possible in the interior of the province during winter.

So his daughter will join us for meal.

Neither he nor I come from Christmas turkey families. though certain years each of us have tried to have turkey for Christmas meal.

So each year, Christmas meal will be different..usually gourmet and elaborate.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/16/07 09:48 AM

humlan, you seem good at embracing life regardless of what's going on. Love it.

orchid, what ar eyou thinking about cooking? Want some ideas?

Snowshoeing in mountains sounds delightful. When do you plan to do that? I've never snowshoed. About the only thing I do these days with snow is enjoy the beauty of it, walk in it, and shovel it...but not this year with my bad back.
I miss the days of going to the snow hills with the kids. We have a couple neighborhood hills where everyone would congrugate when it snowed. It was a great time to catch up with everyone in the neighborhood and enjoy watching one another's kids.

Yesterday I ran to the post office and mall early. Then I took Dad to get him a new pair of shoes for Christmas. He really needs nothing so I thought it was a good idea to get him some Merrills - nice and comfy for his old feet.

In the afternoon, while my son did his shopping and my husband and daughter raked for the last time, I baked chocolate chip and peanut butter chip cookies. LAst night we went to a Christmas party for about an hour and we were home by 8:30. Yes!

Anyone baking cookies? What kind?
Posted by: orchid

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/16/07 04:23 PM

Sure Dotsie, some more ideas. In the past, our meals have included scallops, mussels, bison, etc. I would like him to make his wonderful pumpkin/butternut squash-mango soup.

One thing we don't do is casseroles. Neither he nor I are into dishes that are casserole-like.

For dessert, we're buying an elegant cake from a gourmet cake shop nearby. There's a guy trained in France who does really neat-o cakes --tiramasui chocolate cake, guava-passion fruit, green-tea with lichee, hazelnut chocolate with fine layers of raspberry gelee.... And most cakes aren't overly sweet.

We are having this meal on a day after I finish work. Usually I do help, but this year, because of my own work schedule, he will be doing most of the cooking. I can't get home until 7:00 pm because of my long commute

Since his daughter is going to be at meal,it's like something extra special he'll be doing for her, as well as for me. Seriously, he's become kinda of in this creative cooking mode at this point in life..

I don't understand it entirely, but it works out. I do my thing also. Yesterday I made from scratch, smoked salmon with goat cheese and dill focaccia. We polished off...a huge pan of it.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/17/07 12:48 AM

COOKIES, well so far I have made:

Peanut Butter
Chocolate chips with walnuts
White chocolate chips with cherry chunks
Mexican wedding cake or Snowballs, I call them
Sugar cookies with various sprinkles
Rum balls with pecans
Chocolate coconut clusters
Rasberry bars with powdered sugar

And thats it for this year, before my poor oven explodes...
Posted by: gims

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/17/07 06:07 PM

We will probably have steaks and potatoes again this year with our daughters and their families. Then WE'LL HAVE DESSERTS.
Other than that, we're doing nothing. Too many other things going on at this time.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/17/07 06:29 PM

I know I mentioned this in another thread a couple of months ago but....ever since I came "to be", we've had chicken pie on Christmas made in the same pan that my Abenaki grandmother and great-grandmother made it in. It's the strongest Christmas tradition we have. My Mom always did it and now my sister-in-law has the honors (we go there for dinner). I get fascinated every time as I watch this pie get served up out of that old, old pan. I also make a punchbowl dessert...mmmmmmm
Posted by: dancer9

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/17/07 06:34 PM

intresting tradition, Lady Jane! I like it! Chicken Pie!
Posted by: dancer9

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/17/07 07:05 PM

I'll be there soon, Chatty! lol!
dancer9, close enough to smell them!
Posted by: Countrygirl

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/18/07 01:09 PM

Ladyjane, yummy! I love the sound of your chicken pie! I always make a chicken stew for Christmas dinner. I cook it on Christmas Eve so all I have to do the next day is the veg. I do roast potatoes, roast parsnips, stuffing balls, sweetcorn and carrots. Almost everything gets put in the oven so it's really easy! Then I do a traditional Christmas pudding with cream with a choice of a different dessert of some kind for those who don't like pudding. I find it works out so much better than trying to roast a big bird in the, my daughter is vegetarian so it's easier for her not to have a big carcass on the table!!
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/18/07 01:23 PM

That sounds so good, countrygirl! I think the leftovers are even nicer! I LOVE making a Rattlesnake sandwich....nice bread, cranberry sauce, turkey and stuffing all warmed up!
Posted by: jabber

Love Christmas... - 12/18/07 01:51 PM

You ladies sound busy. Christmas Eve my adoptive brother, sister-in-law and their oldest son come here for dinner. Then we exchange gifts. Christmas Day we go to his youngest son's house, a few miles away. My mother-in-law stays with hubby and me for the Holidays. The tree is up and decorated. The house front is lined with white icycle lights. There's a multi-colored, artificial tree where the birdbath stands in the summer: a stone circle that's filled with soil and stands on the west side of our driveway. Candles are in the bay window. I cleaned most of the closets, draws and now have to wash the floors, etc.: do the usual cleaning that no one notices but me. I love Jesus and Christmas. And I thank God that I'm an American. I thank God that I found this site, too!
Blessings and prayers...
Posted by: dancer9

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/18/07 06:01 PM

Lady Jane, my lovely friend,
WHAT is a rattlesnake sandwiche???
I'm living in the desert, imagine.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/18/07 06:22 PM

hmmm, yes, dancer that might freak you out a bit considering where you're from! So sorry....(I'm giggling a bit though). It's as I described above....some really nice, nice bread with the leftovers in it...turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce with mayo...and nicely warmed. Where the rattlesnake term came from, I don't know. Some really nice New England inns and hotels serve it up by that name, too.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/18/07 06:36 PM

In my neck of the woods, where they hold rattlesnake roundups, you don't mention the R word without having something like "shoot, kill, or destroy" attached to the sentence. Ewww...
Posted by: dancer9

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/18/07 06:46 PM

Wow, Lady Jane, look what you can learn here! I'll recommend it to my husband if we are in that area of the country!
Uh huh ~ rattlesnake indeed! We shoot them.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/18/07 07:22 PM

I know, JJ...I very a-scared of your neck of the woods because they shoot everything...including yankees.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/18/07 07:27 PM

dancer, yes come up this way sometime for a Rattlesnake lunch. You and hubby may love it. And it won't look at all snake-like.
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/18/07 07:49 PM

LOL! Now, now...LJ...we don't REALLY shoot tourist...only when they are in season, honest injun!

And YOU are welcome here any old time! I don't even own a gun. Nu uh...sure don't.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/18/07 08:14 PM

We have a very rude bumper sticker up here for summer tourists that says
"Welcome to Maine!
Now go home!!"
Not very nice, is it?
Posted by: Di

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/18/07 08:40 PM

It's kinda sad. I miss Christmas so much (from the past) yet DH and do NOTHING! No decorating (I hate to put stuff up only take it down) visiting, no special meal nor gifts. It's just not what we see Christmas as being.

So, we hide under the blanket until Dec. 26. I wish I could afford for us to be with family. We just can't. Plus with six dogs we are tied down. (We LOVE our dogs, don't get me wrong..and would never leave them)

Just wanting to voice my sadness. I have not had a "Christmas' with family since 1992.

Not seeking solutions here....just to let others know that many are sad during this time of year. The media plays a HUGE part.
Posted by: dancer9

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/18/07 09:30 PM

I'm so sorry for the way you feel, Di. I wish for you, better Christmas's and a new "family," you can build for yourself of loving friends!
Posted by: dancer9

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/18/07 09:31 PM

In Arizona, we have "snow birds go home," and "Arizona Native," stickers for those who are native. People also leave their registration stickers on to prove how long they have been here!
dancer9 native
Posted by: dancer9

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/18/07 09:34 PM

lol, Lady Jane, SO true!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/18/07 11:29 PM


Not too accomodating but tourists to us that live here are a real pain in the as-phalt, he, he!!!

Say Di, why not go out and buy some Christmas goodies for the family that is there in your home, you, your hubby and the dogs? Why not make the best of the situation. I swear I would love to give you a big fast drink of APPRECIATION for the things you DO have...geesh!!! Times a wastin and so's your life dear girl...
Posted by: orchid

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/19/07 03:55 AM


It's kinda sad. I miss Christmas so much (from the past) yet DH and do NOTHING! No decorating (I hate to put stuff up only take it down) visiting, no special meal nor gifts. It's just not what we see Christmas as being.

So, we hide under the blanket until Dec. 26. I wish I could afford for us to be with family. We just can't. Plus with six dogs we are tied down. (We LOVE our dogs, don't get me wrong..and would never leave them)

Just wanting to voice my sadness. I have not had a "Christmas' with family since 1992.

Di, would be nice you and DH just have a lovely evening meal together on Christmas Eve or Day.

I have not celebrated Christmas by myself...since it's either with my partner or earlier in life, prior to him, it was with my (big) family with siblings and all.

But am certain if one day...and it will happen decades later, that I may celebrate Christmas by myself. Then, when the time comes, Christmas does deserve a lovely meal and thoughtful contemplation --no matter where one is at, in life.
Posted by: ladyjane

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/19/07 12:08 PM

Time IS a-wasting!! It would be easy to have a ball at just have to do it!! We make our own celebrations and a choice to do it. It's in the "choice" as to what and how you do it. Otherwise it becomes a game of self-pity and not positive thinking!
Posted by: meredithbead

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/21/07 07:56 AM

This year I donated 50 pieces of inexpensive jewelry to a local "Christmas clearinghouse" for low income families. I put them in nice gift boxes, five pieces to a box in matching sets.

Because of my work schedule, I couldn't bring them in until the actual day of distribution (as opposed to the week previous.) As I was putting the lids underneath the boxes (so the contents could be seen) the little girls were oohing and aahing and all 10 boxes were gone in 2 minutes. (The kids were allowed to choose only one thing!)

Everyone (kids AND staff) kept thanking me, and I just thought, "It's such a little thing."

Maybe next year I'll bring 20 boxes.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/21/07 11:36 AM

A wonderful thing is what it was Meredith. Imagine some of those precious little girls never getting anything beautiful to make them feel girly and special. Then to receive your exquisite jewelry. Bless your generous heart...
Posted by: dancer9

Re: turkeyless- but still Christmas meal, fun - 12/22/07 12:29 AM

Your donation is so, so generous and wow, it will make some girls/women's days! ( I wish I were one! I'll be buying mine though, with pleasure.)
I know my women and I know my clothing/accessories, and I can't tell you how it feels to give someone who has almost nothing something pretty that makes THEM feel pretty! It is so, so uplifting for them! I've seen miracles cross faces of women and girls who have been made more beautiful by things and their self esteem rises before your eyes!

You are very, very kind. I admire you for what you are doing.
