Update of forum members

Posted by: orchid

Update of forum members - 11/01/12 07:43 AM

Just wondering about people who used to frequent here..where they are at in life right now.

Appreciate Di, MountainAsh, Ellen, jabber, yonuh, etc. dropping by.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Update of forum members - 11/01/12 09:23 AM

Some BWS members on facebook frequented here in days gone by, long before FB. Dotsie and Jawjaw are elsewhere but don't know where. Chatty is with The Lord, as you know. Don't know where Chickadee and Dancing Dalphine are; been trying to find them. That's it.
Posted by: Ellemm

Re: Update of forum members - 11/05/12 07:53 PM

Glad to check in here: I have been busy with work and studying Latin -- now in my third semester! -- but have been really sick the past few weeks. What with the wind and the drought and the occasional rains, allergies have been terrible here this fall -- and I have been knocked out with a combination of sneezing, coughing, wheezing and the like.

Today I'm finally breathing a bit better but it's slow going. The cat has had a great time sitting on me while I have been in bed so much. (If I don't take care of myself with this, it will progress to pneumonia, so I don't hesitate to get to bed).

Hope everyone is doing well and I'll drop by more frequently.
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: Update of forum members - 11/05/12 11:34 PM

Hi Ellemm, It's great to hear from you. Studying Latin, you say? Never done that, but my mother and her father did. They always told me knowing Latin really helped them understand language.

I know what you mean about having allergies and/or breathing problems that can quickly escalate into pneumonia. That happens to me, too. I've had pneumonia more times than I want to think about. And like you, I've learned to guard against illnesses that put me on that slippery slope! So glad you are taking care of yourself!

We'd love to see you here more often -- yours is always a voice of calm and reason in a crazy world of noise...
Posted by: Mountain Ash

Re: Update of forum members - 11/07/12 04:10 AM

Hi Ellemn
keep getting better...
Latin is so much part of our language I admire your dedication lifelong learning is so enriching..
Posted by: DJ

Re: Update of forum members - 11/12/12 10:04 PM

Hi all,
I'm an oldtimer who used to frequent here and just popped by by chance and noticed orchid's note that Chatty has passed away? When? What happened? Dotsie's hubby is my eye doc, and her sis in law is my hairdresser, so I hear regular news of her though rarely see her these days. But I rarely see most everyone.
Ellemm -- how cool that you're studying Latin!
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: Update of forum members - 11/12/12 11:57 PM

Hi DJ,

Good to see you here again, and we'd love it if you'd stop by more often. Chatty died on April 1st of this year. Here's an obit that might tell you a bit more. she is sadly missed.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Update of forum members - 11/16/12 09:43 PM

Ellen, I took Latin for 3 yrs. in high school. We had a dynamic teacher where over 200 students would voluntarily enroll for his course for the lst year.

It's a great foundation...to actually learn French, Spanish, Italian later because of the verb conjugations. Your English language vocabulary will also expand.
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: Update of forum members - 11/16/12 11:29 PM

Exactly what my mother told me back when I was in high school, Orchid. But I didn't have space in my class schedule to fit in Latin.
Posted by: Ellemm

Re: Update of forum members - 11/17/12 08:21 PM

Actually, I was kind of a stink pot in high school. I started out at a Catholic high school and we had to take two foreign languages. The standard was Latin and French or German or Spanish. Well, I didn't want to take Latin, probably because I was 14 and thought I knew everything, so wound up taking French and Spanish at the same time. I did at least 3 years of French at a public high school, then majored in Spanish and Political Science.

Soooo, I eventually wised up a bit and missed the Latin, so here I am. There's no doubt that Spanish is closer to Latin; anyway, it has been fun to see where all these languages came from.
Posted by: jabber

Re: Update of forum members - 11/18/12 09:36 AM

Studied Spanish in High School. When my son joined the 82nd Airborne and married an Italian girl that was motivation enough to study Italian. But honestly admit, can speak neither language fluently.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Update of forum members - 11/19/12 07:49 PM

In high school, I took Latin, Greek, and French, and am so glad I did. When I went on to Nursing School, Latin and Greek were the basis for all the terminology, so I had a head start on most of the other students.

I was fluent enough in French I could actually think in French and was able to have whole conversations in French when a group of us went to Montreal for Expo 67, even though the dialect was different. But that was a long, long, time ago. I would love to learn Spanish and Italian now, but I don't have time. I plan to retire next year, and I have a bucket list a mile long!
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: Update of forum members - 11/19/12 10:00 PM

You are all so accomplished -- I only took 5 years of French!
Posted by: orchid

Re: Update of forum members - 11/21/12 08:02 AM

I took French because I had to..it's requirement in many Canadian schools because French and English are official languages in Canada (there is federal legislation...).

Then I had to retake it to cover off a foreign language requirement in order to graduate with my English literature degree at university.

All of this...did result in me learning certain words and phrases which is helpful when in Quebec and France. without feeling overly clueless or at least know the 'gist' for everyday stuff. But no, I'm not gifted in languages. I know this: I need to read and see words in order to learn a foreign language.

Which is why my Chinese language has never expanded. Not that I feel like improving it at this time in life..it doesn't add anything intriscally great ..especially when people I know who speak it live in another province. (Language retention doesn't work well, when speaking it occasionally only with strangers.)

I heard enough German when partner spoke with mother before she died. But I never learned much beyond "thank you", "grandmother", "grandfather", kirschwasser,etc.
Posted by: orchid

Re: Update of forum members - 11/21/12 09:01 AM

But the good thing about learning a foreign language is learning how other people perceive the world. Flexes your brain. And how to connect words to the differeent "feel" of another culture.
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: Update of forum members - 11/21/12 01:55 PM

Hi Orchid, They way you absorbed a few words of German, I've also absorbed a few words of Norwegian. My paternal grandfather was born in Norway. He spoke excellent, unaccented English, having come over to the US as a baby. But his mother never learned English, so he was bi-lingual, and loved to share his language with us grandkids.

My mother, whose heritage is German and British, though she was born here in the US, became fascinated with the Norwegian language, and studied it at university before she and my father made their first trip to Scandinavia, back in the late 60s.

So as a family, we sometimes tried to speak Norwegian at the dinner table. Thus I know how to say things like "Please pass the potatoes," ( Vennligst angi potetene) and "Thanks for the meal." (Takket være for måltidet.)

My very intrepid mother also used to speak Norwegian to our dog -- who learned to respond to her appropriately. For example, I remember that "Do you want to go outside?" is "Skal vi gå utenfor?"

Fun things to know, but I certainly don't know enough to read Stieg Larsson's "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" in its original language. (But I guess he wasn't Norwegian, anyway. He was Swedish. Oops!)
Posted by: orchid

Re: Update of forum members - 11/24/12 09:58 PM

Well you know something Anne, still. I think I've become slovenly..my motivation to learn another language is not quite there right now.

Attention pulled somewhere else.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Update of forum members - 11/25/12 04:12 PM

I managed to learn a bit of Mandarin on our recent trip to China. It was a 23-day tour, so we had plenty of time to pick up some phrases, but in the end I only managed to remember a few. And then when we got to Macau and Hong Kong,we had to forget it all and learn different words, because they speak Cantonese there! We just couldn't do it. It was quite humorous (and frustrating at times) in Hong Kong...we kept forgetting, and would greet the hotel/restaurant staff in Mandarin and they were visibly offended and would speed off with an audible (and rather arrogant) huff.

But I was surprised that we were able to remember any words at all. I thought my brain wouldn't retain the info long enough, but was surprised and delighted to discover that it would. Maybe learning to speak Spanish over the past few years has helped keep those old brain cells working?

It's hard, though, I think, to learn a new language at our age, if we're not able to use it on a constant day-to-day basis.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: Update of forum members - 11/25/12 04:19 PM

I agree, Eagle Heart. I've forgotten most of the French I knew as a teenager; no opportunity to use it since then.