Wii Fit

Posted by: Eagle Heart

Wii Fit - 01/17/09 09:06 AM

I have to share about this. First some background. I hate exercising, always have. I've tried joining gyms, taking classes (yoga, tai chi, swimming), and do enjoy some aspects of these classes, but detest so many other aspects that eventually I stop going (things like walking on ice and snow or in rain to get there in the first place, having to dress, undress, shower in public, not to mention publicly display my total ineptitude at everything). It hasn't helped that for a couple of years I've had some measure of social anxiety. So, put it all together, and exercising has been the one big failure in my life.

BUT NOT ANYMORE! I splurged at Christmas, and bought myself a Wii and Wii Fit. I cannot adequately describe how perfect this machine is for me in addressing every quirk and issue I've had with "going out" to exercise. I can do it right here in my own home, in my comfy clothes; I do it at my pace; Wii Fit gives me my own personal trainer (though admittedly, he's vocabulary-challenged, repeats the same things over and over...but I can handle that while looking at those rippling muscles - an added bonus I didn't expect!)

Anyway, I'm enjoying exercising so much that I actually look forward to it every day. And have been putting in anywhere from 30-55 minutes every afternoon (and doing some of the stretching, balancing exercises throughout the day as well).

I feel better, not only physically (I no longer look four months pregnant), but also mentally, because I feel really good about persevering...it's the longest I've ever gone with any exercise program. It's fun, makes me laugh, it's diverse. I'm doing strength training, balance (my balance is terrible - I never realized it before!), yoga and aerobic exercises, all wrapped in fun games.

I don't mean to gush, but I'm sharing this here because this little white box was well worth every penny I spent. For anyone who has any kind of social anxiety and can't get out to exercise in public venues, this might be the answer.

And no, I don't work for the company. I just like sharing something that works for me after years and decades of feeling like a failure for not finding a way to exercise on a regular basis.

I can even touch my toes now! Without bending my knees!
Posted by: Anno

Re: Wii Fit - 01/17/09 10:23 AM

And I must gush a bit more about this wonderful toy, too. In addition to all of the fun exercises on Wii Fit, we also have the Wii sports. This also is a fun way to get in some exercise.

I have never been a game girl. The only time I have played video games is when my nephew was a young boy and he had a Nintendo. But this is a whole different experience.

Nintendo has done a marvelous thing for this country. Getting people, even us oldsters, off the couch and moving. I even had my mom and dad playing with us over Christmas.

I LOVE my Wii!!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Wii Fit - 01/17/09 01:11 PM

and i love his wii too i even got some well one adult game (tomb raide) for christmass, ah to as agile as lara crogft, maybee eagle but not me lol.

someone will have to explaine the rules of baseball as i keep getting foul balls and i don't know what iv done wrong!!! Thats my only christisisum of the game lol.

have you tried the boxing, i can't or could't flapp my arms for that long BUT i can now but L still beats me lol.
I am bad at gold but great at bowling lol.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Wii Fit - 01/17/09 06:14 PM

Celtic, I haven't tried many of the Sports game yet. Just the bowling. I also bought Wii Play, and that's the one that I'm exploring when I'm not using the Wii Fit.

Wii Play has some fun games on it. I just went fishing this afternoon, and played billiards (but I'm having difficulty figuring out how to get the Wii to recognize my remote movements for billiards - maybe it's the same sort of problem you're having with baseball). And I finally figured out level five (or six?) of "Find the Mii" - that one had me baffled (the level where you have to find the two odd ones.) Once I figured it out, I got all the way up to level 17!

It's so nice now to have options for those little stretches of time where I don't want to just veg, but I don't want to tackle housework either...it's providing the "fun" outlet that's been missing for so long.
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Wii Fit - 01/17/09 06:55 PM

Is Wii the thingy where you can interact with the TV screen, like being a bowler for instance, or play baseball, tennis etc.?
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Wii Fit - 01/17/09 07:23 PM

Yes. In most games, you hold a little remote in your hand (or you can buy extra gadgets like the golf club, baseball bat, fishing rod, etc) and you move it to perform the action...for example, you actually have to crouch down and move your arm as if you're bowling.

The Wii Fit is a little different. It has a board that you stand on and you do the exercises/play while standing on the board, and the Wii records your movements, then tells you how good (or bad) you're doing. Most of my Wii Fit experience (so far) has a lot to do with balancing the body and/or shifting my balance properly in order to perform the exercise/game (one of my current favourites is where I'm a penquin and I have to shift my body balance in such a way as to catch enough fish).

It's no wonder I'm in so much discomfort - my balance is so out-of-whack, it must be putting pressure on my spine, feet and affecting other parts of me as well. The Wii is teaching me how to balance properly, and how to relax my muscles (they're always in knots).
Posted by: jawjaw

Re: Wii Fit - 01/18/09 10:08 AM

I want one. Wii = F-U-N
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Wii Fit - 01/18/09 11:26 AM

queen the are definatlie fun,

eagle when playing billards you got to pull back and let go of B BUT stay on the same level....as you go forwared to strick the ball. your cross at top of wii remote changes the angel.

i think i am swinging to earlie or late for the basball, as i asked a canadian frend who said i had to bat the ball within the v shape , spo it must be too earlie or latre with my swing, L given a day was exilent and i think its great for his sense of deept perseption but more importantlie his fine and gross motor skills, co-ordinmasion and timming.
we play sonic and sonic unleshed and piratyeds of the caribiane, its sword fencing but still active as you got to do stuff in the games.

I hardlie got to watch tv over christmass lol he's on the compter gettting change to right amount to play songs on a juke box, so he dose't work out he's learning counting lol.

so wii fr fun computer for learning. I am saving for the balance board and either the snowboarding game, or wee fit. its about £60.00 heer so its quite a lot. I also want the familie game mat which is about £50-£60 too worth it but quite an investment.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Wii Fit - 01/18/09 11:27 AM


reading some of your post about your eye sight when a child, L has to ear glasses all the time now and he's hospital visitses once a mounth at the moment to mesure his stigmatisum, its as bad as mine but he's so young. I never relise how much it could effect him untill reading your posts, he fightes me in taxie everymorning for first week about weering his glases, his frend told him he looked yuckie, now he's all eyes looking about himself proparlie seeing for first time the top of trees at other side of embankment of the rever, he's actulie stop preotesting now as i think he prefaires look of world in focus lol.

just wanted to tell you that, and i din't know it effect coulers and such, to such a degree.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Wii Fit - 01/18/09 11:28 AM

eagle how did you work out or what is the system for recognising the other mii'S i still at a low level

put i can reliable do 100 on ping pong smile
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Wii Fit - 01/18/09 04:49 PM

This sounds like a really neat little gadget. I think I'll go and check one out.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Wii Fit - 01/18/09 06:36 PM

Originally Posted By: celtic_flame
eagle how did you work out or what is the system for recognising the other mii'S i still at a low level

Celtic, are you talking about the level where you have to identify the two "odd mii's"? It took me so long to figure it out!

Edit: Celtic, I had originally posted how to get past that level, then thought maybe I shouldn't do that...do you want me to PM you the trick?
Posted by: Anno

Re: Wii Fit - 01/18/09 07:34 PM

Celtic, you are hitting the ball too late if you are getting fouls. A foul just means your ball landed out of bounds.

I like bowling and boxing. I get a ton of exercise from boxing. And, after work, it is perfect to pretend...ah....well....I best not say.

I am getting better at tennis, but you should see Dennis and I in a tennis match. He was once a tennis pro, but now, not so much.

I sorta enjoy wii play, but find the billiards game a bit strange. I do like fishing, tho.

I just noticed that Wii has a few new games for the fit board. I must admit, that is my fave. I am a mean down-hiller and snowboarder, and all of my yoga has paid off. My balance is near perfect (97%, gals!). But I stink at tightrope and I cannot figure out step for the life of me.

Yes, gals, this has been a great investment. It's so much fun to laugh while you work out. Yes, it's not a strenuous workout, but it's better than nothin.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Wii Fit - 01/18/09 07:46 PM

Anno, have you tried the aerobic games yet? Some of those are fairly strenuous after a few times in a row. Especially the dance one (it makes me laugh when all the other Mii's look back to see what the heck I'm doing.)
Posted by: Anno

Re: Wii Fit - 01/18/09 07:54 PM

I love watching the other Mii's looking at me. That is why this whole thing is so much fun. I feel encouraged by these strangers!

I have done the running and hula hoops (is the hula hoop in the aerobic one?). I hate aerobics! But, yes, I do try and do them all. I don't think I have earned the dancing one yet. Maybe I should work out more so that I can try that out. I wouldn't mind not looking 5 months pregnant, either. smile

I must admit, sometimes when I am running, I want to reach out and slap that guy that keeps turning around and smiling at me. I just want to stop!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Wii Fit - 01/18/09 09:39 PM

Originally Posted By: Anno
I must admit, sometimes when I am running, I want to reach out and slap that guy that keeps turning around and smiling at me. I just want to stop!

Or tell that cute personal trainer to learn some new words?
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Wii Fit - 01/19/09 02:34 AM

This is amazing. I have never heard of this Wii, here in the backwoods. Do you actually work up a sweat like in a real gym?
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: Wii Fit - 01/19/09 02:34 AM

This is amazing. I have never heard of this Wii, here in the backwoods. Do you actually work up a sweat like in a real gym?
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Wii Fit - 01/19/09 11:04 AM


Sorry caps

GAGLE yes pm the trick lol/.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Wii Fit - 01/19/09 11:06 AM

Originally Posted By: Edelweiss3
This is amazing. I have never heard of this Wii, here in the backwoods. Do you actually work up a sweat like in a real gym?

lol well i am so unfit that i do work up a sweet in a warm house, or it saves me putting the heating on earlie evening.

BOXING lol L beats me but maybee thats becouse 9i so unfit and him so hyper OR becouse i can't hit his mii lol.

but yes ew you do work up a sweet AND get out of puff lol. especialie when running or jumping over logs in family tranning mat!
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Wii Fit - 01/19/09 11:09 AM

Originally Posted By: Anno
I love watching the other Mii's looking at me. That is why this whole thing is so much fun. I feel encouraged by these strangers!

L went mad after geting comphortable with mii. We have nearlie 100 of them , well lot s and lots some men with beareds and make up! that might be women, he's made one or several from each race, tall short slim chubbie etc.

they scare me sometimes lol.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Wii Fit - 01/19/09 11:10 AM

Some of the aerobic games work up a sweat, especially if you do several in a row.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Wii Fit - 01/19/09 03:39 PM

This sounds like so much fun. I just wonder if it's like buying exercise machines; you buy them, use them briefly and then they rot in the corner. You still using your Wii faithfully?
Posted by: Lola

Re: Wii Fit - 01/19/09 03:43 PM

Nope. I only excel in trampoline. Bought the Air Guitar though but still have to rock n roll.
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: Wii Fit - 01/19/09 04:25 PM

So far I've been using my Wii Fit for at least an hour every afternoon except Sunday (Sundays are reserved for the grandchildren.) I still enjoy it and can't wait to get it up and running every day. I also play other Wii games later in the evening after hubby's gone to bed...if things are slow here on the forum, I go upstairs and play for an hour or so, then come back to check BWS one last time before going to bed.

What I like is that the Fit exercises have gotten me into a routine now that's enjoyable. And I find myself "practising" some of the exercises at other times of the day even without the Fit board. I feel better, though my weight is still roller coastering up and down. Hopefully that will stabilize soon.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Wii Fit - 01/19/09 06:45 PM

yip dotsie its on dailie heer, no rotten yet but their is a bad smell smile lol
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Wii Fit - 01/31/09 12:15 PM

should we have a wii sport mini olympics lol.

i can do 100 at ping pong but only get to level seven in the matching or picking out the odd one out? i have gotten furtherir but can't seem to now (i rember the swimming ones) i can't pick out the two odd ones out lol. L desgusted with me.

i can score 6 goals at laser hockie lol.
Posted by: Anno

Re: Wii Fit - 01/31/09 01:11 PM

Sounds like an interesting idea, celtic. I am not very fond of the wii play games. There is one or two games I like, but I think the rest of the games seem archaic when compared with the other programs.

Dotsie, I play about once a week. I am not a daily user, but I do have fun with the exercises. We have about 6 different cds - Wii Fit is one. The other one we have that involves lots of exercise is Wii Sports. That is my favorite, actually. Bowling doesn't involve much activity, but boxing really gets areobic.

I am happy we invested the money. It's good family fun too.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Wii Fit - 02/01/09 01:07 PM

its the wii sports i am talking about....and the wii play the one that comes with it to teach you the nunchuck and mote controls, their the ones all 3 of us have.

eagle even pm'd me the secrite for how to get up the levels with the picking out your mi person and i still can't get past level six wearas she can get to 16 or 17, absolute gebuise lol.

i suppose with the boxing we could see how many points we had as we can't compare scores for boxing lol.

i am still getting fitter and stronger with the boxing as it exercises the sholder that aint the best lol and its worth it.

the games apart from tomb rader i have are all kiddie ones, exilent but unless ya wanna swapp tips on sonic unleshed then thats what i spend most of time doing lol.

it keeps me young smile
Posted by: Anno

Re: Wii Fit - 02/01/09 01:13 PM

I know there is a way for your Mii to come to my computer and my Mii to visit yours. Wouldn't that be a hoot!!

I will talk to my nephew and let him help me figure it out. Unless one of you can first.

Here I am, bowling with Celtic and Eagle!!! Oh, how fun.
Posted by: celtic_flame

Re: Wii Fit - 02/02/09 08:27 AM

it be like an exoduse anno as L made about 100 of them....hes fond of it think he gets a sence of power or something, seeing himself as the creater of all things lol.

i thiunk you can hock them up to the internet and we can play online, good thinking but i don't know how yet. hope your nephew dose

get back later wwhen ya can
Posted by: Dee

Re: Wii Fit - 03/14/09 04:59 PM

Hi Ya'll,
Sounds like a Wii is the way to go...it gets so hot down here in the south that going outside for a walk is impossible for weeks at a time...are they really expensive?