So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc.

Posted by: orchid

So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/08/11 05:24 AM

I'm addressing this initially to Mustang who is weighing her options of home accommodation for her new job. But anyone here can weigh in with an opinion.

I've done something even more radical, I bought a home. And will be moving soon. Dearie is helping me move some stuff where I am now. Rest is still in Vancouver. Not a big deal to me now. So mortgage at this time again in life...I did have one years ago but paid off, sold home, etc.

So I will have 2 homes (no I don't own 2.) to travel between. I decided that necessity means for me to have a job and work away for awhile. So I don't want to pay rent ...

My attitude is: see how things evolve jobwise. If something goes really wrong, I sell it and move back.

I know that this is a radical step. But actually deareie is thrilled for me. So am I since I like the new place than where I am now. I just have to pay off mortgage as quickly as I can.
It's near a bike route. smile
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/11/11 07:18 PM

Buying an affordable home on a bike route sounds like the perfect solution for you, Orchid. Good for you!
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/11/11 09:31 PM

Orchid, I've been meaning to respond to this for days now, I'm so sorry for forgetting. I agree with Anne - it sounds perfect and wonderful for you! Congratulations and I look forward to hearing how much you enjoy moving in. Do you have a backyard for planting a garden?
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/11/11 10:05 PM

I agree with you, Eagle Heart, planing a garden is something I hope Orchid can do. I am beginning to think that all of us need to find some plot of ground somewhere - either in our yards or in a community garden - and start growing our own veggies. Flowers would be nice, too. I haven't made the time to do this for decades. Will have to push myself... Or else continue to do what I have been doing and frequent a friend's produce stand. She loves gardening, me not so much!! I just like to eat food I know is safe and healthy.
Posted by: orchid

Re: So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/12/11 03:20 PM

Admittedly I'm not much of a gardener.

But most interestingly, I will have 2 separate off from the kitchen. And the other off from the bedroom. Not that I was looking for 2 balconies. smile So most definitely I should buy at least 1 small outdoor eating table chairs set.

The closest would be container herbs. Actually dearie likes doing that type of minor gardening. I seem to forget to water plants. Calgary has way more sunny days than Vancouver or Toronto. But shorter growing season.
Posted by: Edelweiss3

Re: So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/14/11 03:27 PM

Congratulations to your new home, Orchid. If I could, I would bring you a loaf of bread and a cup full of salt. That is a German tradition, wishing a new neighbour that he will prosper and never go hungry.
Posted by: yonuh

Re: So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/14/11 08:12 PM

I love that tradition, Edelweiss. When I lived in New Orleans, it was customary to leave a bottle of wine and a loaf of bread in an apartment for the next tenant so they would have some sustenance while moving in. I just love hearing about those kinds of traditions!
Posted by: orchid

Re: So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/15/11 01:54 AM

It would be so great if there were common welcoming traditions like that! We've lost abit of some common rituals...
Posted by: yonuh

Re: So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/15/11 02:03 AM

I think some of them are regional - like the New Orleans 'lagniappe'- and as people move so much, they get lost with the new people who don't know them.
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/15/11 10:06 PM

We moved a lot when I was a child. The early moves were military, and after that, we moved due to my father changing jobs.

I recall that whenever we moved the neighbors would come over with welcoming gifts: a meal, flowers, a list of recommended local services complete with addresses and directions, etc.

Sadly, this practice seems to be lost. No one has ever brought me a welcome gift - nor have I brought one to a new neighbor.

So I'm glad to hear he practice of welcoming neighbors isn't totally lost!!
Posted by: yonuh

Re: So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/15/11 10:25 PM

Does anyone remember Welcome Wagon?
Posted by: Eagle Heart

Re: So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/16/11 01:41 PM

I do, Yonuh! I remember them coming to the house when we moved to a new town when I was nine years old. They brought all sorts of neat, a basket of apples and some other local food treats. My Mom ended up getting very involved in various charity things in that place (eventually receiving a governor general's award for over 50 years of volunteer work), and I think she might have volunteered with the Welcome Wagon for a few years in that town.
Posted by: Anne HolmesAdministrator

Re: So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/16/11 05:26 PM

I also remember Welcome Wagon, and I thought of them when I was writing my earlier post.

I didn't know if they still existed...but I did some sleuthing since you brought them up too.

Apparently they are still around, and pretty much a women-owned business, but it doesn't sound like they make home visits any more...

At least, from first glance at their website it looks like they've abandoned home visits in favor of mailing new residents coupons for local businesses. In all my moves as an adult, I can't say I recall receiving any such coupons...
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/17/11 02:02 AM

I was welcomed back in the day in two of our homes. It was fun and great meeting someone who knew the lay of the land so to speak. Never did see anyone since moving to Vegas...Oh well!!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/21/11 07:45 PM

Hey, congratulations Orchid!

Well, the Feds offered me low pay then came back with some more $. However, its not as much as I'm making now. The cons are the distance b/c it is 80 miles away and gas is increasing and the pay is only $35K.

The pros is that I could work a 5-4-9 schedule. That being every other week is a 4-day week, thus I'd have 2 3-day weekends monthly plus Federal holidays. Also, a guaranteed 3% raise for the next 3 years. (yet, the Feds guarantees can be taken with a grain of salt these days!). I've spoken with the Director who guarantees a great work life and JOB SECURITY.

My sister lives about half-way and I may ask if I can crash a few nights there.

My home is NOT selling and may not until 2014/15. I may try to rent.

This truly is my dream job and don't know if I should take that leap and have 20 years with the Federal government and working with and for the US Forestry Service.

Gosh, if you'd like, please call me after 9:00 PM EST!

I may be reached at (8 0 3) 2 4 0 - 6 8 5 9
Posted by: yonuh

Re: So am I nuts, for Mustang, etc. - 03/21/11 09:50 PM

Mustang, I say if it's your dream job then do it. You don't want to look back and wish you had taken it. Life is too short to have regrets at the end of it.