air conditioner filters

Posted by: Dotsie

air conditioner filters - 08/17/07 08:55 AM

Just a little reminder that we need to change the filters for the air conditioning to work best. And while you'r at it, check your smoke detector batteries too.

We had a power outage last night and were using candles which made me think to check the smoke detector in our kitchen. Urg, the batteries had been disconnected and I didn't know it. I'm glad I checked. Every now and then, the thing goes off while using the over which is located very near the detector, so I'll unplug the batteries and I must have forgotten to hook it up again. This makes me shiver. I once lost a friend to a house fire. We had gone to 1st through 12th grade together. Pitiful. She and a brother both died. It was in the early 80s and I don't think they had a smoke detector. Make sure your smoke detectors work.
Posted by: Vicki M. Taylor

Re: air conditioner filters - 08/17/07 08:06 PM

good advice, Dotsie. Smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.

Our air conditioner has a one year filter. It's about 6 inches thick. It sits right above the UV filter.