Against war?

Posted by: Dotsie

Against war? - 01/20/03 04:36 AM

I received an email informing me that we can telephone President Bush and register our opinion about the pending war with Iraq.

Simply call 1-202-456-1111 (the While House opinion line), from Mon-Fri, between 9-5 EST. A machine will detain you for a moment and then a pleasant live operator will thank you for saying, "I oppose", or "I approve".

It only takes a minute!

I believe we have to speak up!
Posted by: Kathryn

Re: Against war? - 01/22/03 05:06 PM

I too am fearful of the direction we're headed on two fronts. But as I know many who will have to serve, I think it's important to remember to be supportive of and thankful to our co-citizens who have to implement the president's plans. Whether they agree or disagree, they have no choice. I had a cousin who was killed in Vietnam and have quite a few friends who served there, only to return home to ridicule. We have to let the government know that we disapprove of their actions but we also have to support those who will fight Bush's battles.
Posted by: WizardofZA

Re: Against war? - 01/22/03 07:37 PM

I don't think anyone is "for" war, including President Bush. No one will convince me that his motivation is oil or revenge or anything sinister like that. However, I do believe there are times when it necessary to protect ourselves from those who propose to destroy us. I agree wholeheartedly that our armed forces need to be supported by all of their countrymen, and I also believe our President has every good intention of avoiding war unless it is absolutely necessary to protect the citizens he serves. I guess my question to those who protest is, "What is your alternative?" Unless given a very good reason not to do so, I support our President. And yes, I have loved ones who would be involved, a nephew in the Army and a future son-in-law with the FBI, assigned to a counter-terrorism unit.

[ January 22, 2003, 01:09 PM: Message edited by: WizardofZA ]
Posted by: DJ

Re: Against war? - 01/23/03 04:54 PM

In response to the question "what's your alternative?" to invading Iraq -- one thing that protestors say is, "let's not do this alone but get support from other countries." And since the UN inspection, they've all been backing away, except for England. Why? Do we really want to alienate them from helping with our bigger goal, which was to combat terrorists? We've lost a lot of international good will since 9/11.
A big worry that the Pentagon has now is what happens next? In fact, some of the biggest protestors are seasoned veterans in the Pentagon. Do we commit our already hurting economy to rebuilding Iraq? There was a recent article in the Atlantic monthly about Iraq become our 51st state because after we obliterate it, we'll have the obligation to reguild it.
Another alternative response is, "wait." The UN inspectors have still found nothing to indicate that Irag has anything that can potentially destroy anyone, and no one has found any links between Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaida.
So, with these two alternatives, why should we commit the lives of our young people? (I have two eligible sons).
With so much missing information, and so many questions, I personally would not pick up a weapon and throw myself into this battle.
Posted by: Candice Johnson

Re: Against war? - 01/24/03 05:32 PM

Here's another fact of the War to think about. This report is from the Brookings Institue, a well-respected think tank.

Although there is global consensus against the morality of sending children into battle, this terrible practice is now a regular facet of contemporary warfare. There are some 300,000 children under the age of 18(both boys and girls) presently serving as combatants around the globe,
fighting in approximately 75% of the world's conflicts. A war in Iraq would only boost these numbers. "One of the potential costs of a war in
Iraq may well be that U.S. military forces are forced to engage in combat with Baghdad's child soldiers," writes Peter Singer. Saddam Husayn's
deliberate recruitment of children into armed units may be a clear violation of the laws of war, but it is also a fact that U.S. policymakers
cannot avoid. Children may not belong on the battlefield, but they may well be present in a war with Iraq. The only question is whether our
troops will be prepared for the stress, trauma, and demoralization that accompanies fighting against children, a special category of individuals traditionally considered outside the scope of war. Brookings Article

[ January 24, 2003, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: Candice Johnson ]
Posted by: nillawafer

Re: Against war? - 01/24/03 10:22 PM

now that is disturbing. i had not even thought of that. some of these madmen leaders in other nations around the world will stop at nothing for the sake of themselves. using children to win their battles sickens my heart. it is truly horrible to think about "our boys" having to kill children for the sake of peace. they are doing the job they are trained and expected to do. because they have to do what they have to do in war, i have the utmost respect for our soldiers. it is the madmen that make children lose their lives and are used unnecessarily that have to be stopped. war is beyond hell. i, however feel it is part of global solution to conflict that must be used in times like these.
Posted by: hearmeroar

Re: Against war? - 01/29/03 03:47 AM

Let's not forget the part of the Lord's prayer, "and deliver us from evil."

We should all be reflective and prayerful during this time. Our prayers should include our enemies, as they are a part of God's beautiful creation and no-one is beyond His grace.

As for using children for war, we did that during the crusades. You would think we (as a world) would learn from our mistakes. The best we can do is start at home with our own children and be loving and comforting while we explain how all this works (as if we can conceive it ourselves.)
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Against war? - 01/29/03 03:36 PM

Last night while making dinner I was watching the 6:00 news. (so I can't break the habit of catching the latest in town scoop).

They were interviewing our soldiers heading off to what sounds like war.

This gentleman was showing a picture of his four daughters and mentioned that he was going to miss two of their weddings while he was away.

When asked how he felt about it, without missing a beat and without a tear in his eye, he replied with the courage and conviction of our men in uniform, "It's the price we pay for freedom."

I was moved to tears to think that this one soldier would miss his daughters weddings, to fight for me and my loved ones.

If this war does happen, maybe there is something the women in this boomer community can do to show our support to the people in uniform and their families.
Posted by: Kathryn

Re: Against war? - 01/29/03 06:25 PM

For some years Dear Abby has had a web address that you can use to write to soldiers,sailors etc.
I think it's There are other sites that you can access that will let you email those serving overseas. Maybe that is a way we can show our support. At the same time, if you are opposed to this war I received an email about a silent protest. I'll email Dots the details and she can decide how best to post it. But it involves sending 1/2 cup of uncooked rice in a baggie with the scripture, "If your enemies are hungry, feed them." Romans2:20 attached. The bags are to be mailed to the White House. I'll forward details.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Against war? - 01/29/03 11:14 PM

Kathryn, I have been in touch with the people at,, to find out if there is any legitimacy to that email. I will keep you posted. By the way,, is a great site for those opposed to the threat of war. The site contains information about starting, attending, or supporting rallies, etc.
Posted by: Micki

Re: Against war? - 02/07/03 04:02 AM

I guess I am an older Boomer woman...I have been alive through several of them and have seen my co-boomers die and come back maimed beyond belief. I have never lost a family member, but many friends have.

That said, and knowing what a big chicken I am personally, I know I could not ever go over there and do anything myself, but I have great respect for those that can and do. I support them 110% PLUS. I know how my father feels about his country and how he fought in both Korea and World War II, and was severely wounded. To this day, he cannot see an American flag flying in the breeze, or lighted in a display, or hear the anthem or any patriotic song without tearing up. We went to a funeral parlor the other night for the American Legion services for a friend of his, and when they played "Taps", we were both crying. When there are bullroasts or other things like that at the Legion, they always close with "God Bless America" and we all make a circle and hold hands while we sing it--EVERYONE, of all ages and races and walks of life, joins hands and sings. If there is a band, they always play "I'm Proud To Be An American" and we all stand up and sing it, too. I guess what I am saying, in a roundabout way, is that I know many of you have sons amd others that would be going to war if we did. I will say sort of what my father did to one young woman who was denigrating the possibility of war....if we let this madman go, we will be really sorry in the long run. If my generation had let Hitler go, where would we all be right now??? None of us wanted to go fight, but it was necessary, as it may well be now. So, we have to do what needs to be done when it needs to be done.

The last thing we need is another 9/11...and I for one believe that this is coming as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow. And I believe that Hussein is in cahoots with that crazy man, and we will be sorry if we let them go.

Off my soapbox now, and have my flame-proof suit on, so firer away....

Posted by: lionspaaw

Re: Against war? - 02/07/03 08:12 AM

Originally posted by Micki:

Off my soapbox now, and have my flame-proof suit on, so firer away....


Even if I disagreed with you one hundred percent -- which, by the way, I don't -- I would still defend your right to say it -- afterall -- that's what our young men and women are willing to go to Iraq and fight for -- our freedom of speech.

I am of the Viet Nam era -- I married a friend of mine shortly after he returned and being there took his soul. He was still searching for it at the time of his violent death 3 yrs later. My hope is that if we decide to go to war -- let's kick butt and get our military folk home before we lose more than just the "war" again.

And, perhaps we should consider bringing all our people home from all over the world - throw out the trash and close our borders to the rest of the world. Yes, I know that's what America is all about -- the melting pot of the world -- but, the "times are a changin'" -- once again -- maybe its time to take care of our own.

All I can do is pray that the powers to be have a very strong survival instinct and we will find a peaceful solution to eliminating the madmen of the world -- because we all have so much to lose if we don't.
Posted by: countrygirl51

Re: Against war? - 02/12/03 05:47 PM

The thought of war absolutely terrifies me, because the enemies we will fight this time have no compunction about using nuclear weapons, biological warfare, and whatever other dirty tricks they have up their sleeves. My oldest son served during the first Gulf War in the early '90s in the Marines and spent some time in Saudi Arabia.
However, I also support President Bush 100%, as well as the men and women who will fight this war. I sincerely wish former President Bush would have finished the job he started in the first Gulf war and that Saddam were gone forever. But since he didn't, it is now up to his son to get the job done. Until it is done, none of us will be safe from terroristic threat.
I believe that delaying action pending the inspections reports is only giving Saddam more time to hide his weapons, which I do truly believe exist, and he is playing a cat and mouse game with them, moving and hiding them by deceptive measures. His people are lying about their existence, because he holds their families' safety as retribution for betrayal.
I pray to God that this war will be a short one, and that we will be victorious without loss of any of our troops. But war in inevitable, either now or later. I would rather fight an offensive war than a defensive one, here in the States.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Against war? - 02/13/03 08:02 AM

My fear is that once a war breaks out, we are going to have terrorist attacks in our country. I believe there are people here waiting to do some dirty work. [Frown]

I live very close to DC...
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Against war? - 02/13/03 01:31 AM

Hi Ya'll,
I'm new here today and I just had to say something. I found this sight thru the NAWW Weekley newsletter and it sparked my interest since I am a boomer woman also. I am in no hurry to go to war but after spending 20 years in the Air Force, I believe that if this is something the USA needs to do, then I support the President and my country in any way possible. I don't believe that we will go to war if it's unnecessary - but if so, we need to definitely be on the offensive end. If there are people in America who are waiting to do some dirty work on our home soil, they will do it sooner or later. I don't think they will wait patiently either - we have too many enemies who want to see us suffer. Let's just pray the military can take care of business as soon as possible and get our "boys and girls" home quickly! It's really tough to be separated from your spouse and kids. Been there, done that.
Posted by: lionspaaw

Re: Against war? - 02/13/03 01:46 AM


and THANK YOU for your 20 yrs of dedication to our country.

My brother-in-law is stationed outside of Omaha and my sister works on the base (Air Force) -- and this is truly scary times for us all.

When my son died -- my sister was scheduled to fly home -- but Sept 11th happened. They shut that base down so fast that it was absolutely a miracle that she happened to have come home for lunch -- or else her 9 yr old daughter would have come home to an empty house. The only thing she knew about her hubby for 36 hrs was a call of 10 sec saying -- pack my things and pray -- so I truly admire what the military families go through.

I find it so hard to believe that France and Germany and Russia have turned on us like this. Had they backed us -- and the whole world was breathing down his neck -- Saddam would have backed down -- but they have had so much time to run and hide now that we may not find these weapons until it hits home. Now we look like the bullies [Frown] -- and I truly hate to think this -- but if we were attacked again -- at least THEN the world would know what we know -------
Posted by: Candice Johnson

Re: Against war? - 02/13/03 10:28 PM

Dotsie Wrote:
"My fear is that once a war breaks out, we are going to have terrorist attacks in our country. I believe there are people here waiting to do some dirty work. I live very close to DC..."

Try living in DC? The Washington Post is going to have an 8-page insert about what those of us in the metro area should do to protect ourselves in the event of an attack on the city. You can't get in and out of a Home Depot because people are buying plastic sheeting and duct tape for windows and vents. This little girl at the school I volunteer at had a bag of clothes and a tooth brush that her mom sent her with in case the school was locked down. Her mom also wakes her up throughout the night to make sure she is ok and hasn't been hit with some kind of gas.

And let's not forget the huge middle eastern population in my area. Things aren't as bad as they were post-Sept. 11 for my friends, and I don't want it to get that way. One was spit on by people as she walked across the bridge to get home after they shut down the metro that day. Another girl (Muslim) at work didn't come in for a week because her family and church did not think it was safe for her and too risky since she was pregnant. I hate to think we would turn on each other, but I have no doubt if attacks hit us here, we will.

So, does anyone want to buy a condo in Alexandria? You'll get a good deal.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Against war? - 02/14/03 06:34 PM

Curious to know if you are doing anything about the threats.

I have decided that I can't worry too much about it. I am not buying duct tape, plastic, etc. I believe God has a plan for my life and as long as I stay tuned in to His plan for me I can't go wrong. I am going on faith alone!
Posted by: lionspaaw

Re: Against war? - 02/15/03 02:01 AM

I may be very naive about this -- but I don't trust the CIA or our government when it comes to telling the truth [Smile]

I think that they have to keep us scared and on our toes in order to keep us backing them with their effort to oust Saddam -- especially since the rest of the world has chosen to turn against us.

Do I think we are right to fight against terrorism -- yes -- Do I think we are on orange alert for legit reasons -- no

but I think what bothers me more than even the other free countries of the world turning against us -- especially since it was the United States that kept them free (because of WW II) -- is that Americans are turning on other Americans in just the verbal POSSIBLE threat of problems -- stealing items from each others buggies at Home Depot -- what have we turned into ???????

I'm a very sad person tonight [Frown]
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Against war? - 02/15/03 10:04 PM

You asked if anyone else was doing anything about the threats and I know I'm not. I pretty much agree with your tactics. After having been thru chemical defense warfare training - I for one - am not doing anything either. And I live near the base here where my husband works. I'm buying no plastic, duct tape, etc.

[Smile] Now if I still had my gas mask and chem suit I might just dust them off and hang them in the closet, but I really believe it wouldn't make much difference. I took more precautions for hurricanes when I lived in Florida and for blizzards when I lived in Germany.

[Frown] Maybe I'm a fatalist at heart when it comes to the ugliness and cruelty that man imposes on man. Not to say that prayer and faith don't have a place because they definitely do and I'm the first one to say I believe in miracles. But I also know that some things can't be stopped by the average person and this one is way out of our pay grade! Sorry if I sound like a wet blanket.
Posted by: Micki

Re: Against war? - 02/16/03 03:35 AM

My friends that work in DC for the FBI are stocking dry milk and canned goods, and buying water, extra blankets, etc, but not I. My theory is that IF it hits, I will go outside and take a big ole breath and get it over with as quickly as possible. I, too, believe that this is God's plan and His will. What will be, will be and I can't stop it or do anything to change the outsome of things at those levels, so que cera, cera!!