hot flashes 10 years post menopause

Posted by: jillblevins

hot flashes 10 years post menopause - 09/27/06 02:17 AM

I went through menopause almost 10 years ago. early, i'm only 52 now. Had minimal symptoms. small hot flashes. In the last few months I have started having some fairly major hot flashes.

In speaking with my physician we sort of came to the opinion that the probable cause is stress. Without going into details there is quite a lot of stress going on in my life at the moment. Stuff happens. She suggested effexor and that did help for a while. However, the effectiveness lessened, and I was suffering from some unpleasant side effects. So we've now switched to bellamine. It helps a little.

However, and here's my question. The hot flashes are unlike any I had during the whole menopause phase. Longer, stronger, much more sweating. I even have times where I've been chilled by the temperature outside or in the room I'm in and still I start sweating. Face, back of neck, chest, etc.

I have not ever used hormone replacement because my mother had breast cancer and I felt the risk was greater than the reward. During menopause I lessened the flashes by taking vitamin e and black cohosh. About a year and a half ago I stopped taking those because I had gastric bypass surgery and for a while any medications were a little iffy because of healing. The new hot flashes didn't start until about 4 months ago. My surgeon and my regular physician do not thing the surgery has anything to do with the hot flashes.

In doing some searching I'm not really finding other reasons for hot flashes post menopause other than the stress. Is that true? It just feels like my whole system is not regulating its temperature correctly. Can you give me any other reasons? Any info would be appreciated.
Posted by: Dancing Dolphin

Re: hot flashes 10 years post menopause - 09/27/06 03:32 AM

Welcome to our forums, Jill. You'll find lots of women here who will do their best to offer suggestions and tell you of their experiences.

I wish I could help, but I'm sure someone will jump in soon. Hang in there!

Posted by: LSmith5434

Re: hot flashes 10 years post menopause - 09/27/06 06:24 AM

Jill......I will be 60 next month and have been in menopause since I was in my 40's. It's slowing down now.
I've been thru the phase you're in now.
I had started a new job and I was having to go home and change clothes because I would sweat thru my clothing.
I'm at the phase where I feel a sense of dread and then the hot flash hits.
Don't give up will get better, and you may not go on as long as I have.
My mother didn't lose a bead of sweat. Never had a problem.
I was hoping having a hysterectomy would leave me free of the problem, but that was not to happen.
You're going to get a lot of stories on here, and every one of them are meant to help you.
The ladies here are great!
Posted by: Pam R.

Re: hot flashes 10 years post menopause - 09/28/06 02:33 AM

Jill, my hot flashes are here for the past 5 years. They are intense. Yep, the forehead, cheeks, neck, shoulders, back and chest. I have been so bad the past couple of months that I even broke out in what looked like bites on my chest from all the sweating. There is no rhyme or reason for how bad they get. Sometimes, however, I find when I am a bit stressed at work over a project or nervous about something they will get worse. I use a desk fan at work, and a fan at home on my night table at night. The A/C is always on in the car blowing in my face while driving. Everyone tells me it will pass, but when? I have never taken any HRT due to my heart attack 3 years ago. No doctor seems to have any answers for me except that it will end soon. Others tell me it could last another 10 years. I just bear with it day to day.
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: hot flashes 10 years post menopause - 09/29/06 12:43 PM

Pam, check out A man invented a bed fan that attaches to the bottom of your bed to kep you cool at night. Be sure to watch the video on his site.