Bio-identical Hormone Discussion w/GYN

Posted by: Daisygirl

Bio-identical Hormone Discussion w/GYN - 09/06/05 06:37 AM

I had my GYN appt. last Friday to discuss bio-identical hormones and my dr was very receptive to it. Even though the MD/DO community doesn't accept it yet, he thinks that in a couple of years, they will all act like they invented the entire concept. He said his office has about 12 women on it and it's working very well.

He suggested that I go to a website called and get tested for Progesterone, Estradios and Testosterone to start. The saliva test gives more information than a blood test and they are not readily available at your local laboratory. They send the kit to you, you send it back after following instructions and they then send you the results.

I haven't decided how I will get the actual hormones. I can either use a local compounding pharmacy or I can order them on line. There are several sites that I have not investigated yet, but I can call and talk to a human and get the information I need to order.

I've been on birth control since I was 45 to control some symptoms, but it stopped doing the trick. I have been off them for about 2 weeks and my symptons are now horrible! You need to be off any type of hormone to have accurate test results. I can't wait to feel like myself again!

Has anyone else tried bio-identicals?

Posted by: browser57

Re: Bio-identical Hormone Discussion w/GYN - 09/06/05 06:01 PM

I have been on bioidenticals for 6 months now, and I am very pleased with the results. I am 58 and was on synthetics for many years. Then - like so many of us - stopped after the S#**t hit the fan a few years ago when the nurses study was halted abruptly.

But, I was not about to go back to such a sub-standard life style. My mother had succumbed to Alzheimer's disease and I truly believe that hormones (or lack of them) is partly responsible for that condition.

Anyway, back to the bioidenticals. My doctor tested by hormone levels with blood work. I was off the scale in testosterone and low in everything else. It took several months to get to normal levels - and I now am using a topical cream: Bi-Est 0.2/DHEA 2.5/Prog 20/ Test. 4MG/ML

Don't know what it all means - but I have NO problem with hot flashes, the brain fog has lifted, and my libido (which had dissappeared completely [Razz] ) has returned..... I can honestly say that I now have a quality of life that I didn't think I would have again.

I recently went through a tough year of dealing with aging parents. Lost my Dad on Easter and Mother - just 3 weeks ago. Through it all, I found that I was physically and mentally OK. I don't think I could have said that without the hormones.

Life is really a complicated journey - I know this isn't the answer for everyone. If you can find a doctor that will work with you (mine has always been on the cutting edge of alternative treatment - nutritional, magnets, etc.) and we are learning together. I use a compounding pharmacy in my area - but have to pay up front. My insurance does reimburse me partially - which is great also. It's a little bit of a hastle - but worth it to me. Good luck. If I can answer any of your questions - please let me know.

[ September 06, 2005, 11:09 AM: Message edited by: browser57 ]
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Bio-identical Hormone Discussion w/GYN - 09/07/05 07:04 AM

Browser, I am very sorry about your mother and father passing but glad you were well enough to handle everything.

It's good to hear another success story. I have not heard anything negative so far. I have a feeling that I've had symptoms for years and probably would have felt and "thought" better had I investigated this option sooner. Of course, it took these extreme symptons before I could admit to myself that I'm aging. I can't wait to get started.

Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Bio-identical Hormone Discussion w/GYN - 09/28/05 09:14 PM

I also read about menopause when I was 45 and decided that whatever the risk, I'd take it with hormones rather than sweat like a pig when speaking in front of a group of people, forgetting things I should know like the palm of my hand, being irritable and bitchy and a total flake.

In the past, drs gave all women the same doses of estrogen and progesterone, but with bio-identicals, you are only replacing what is missing so you are more balanced. The theory is that women do not have the same side effects. I just started my prescription this week and I'm praying it will work.

If I croak before my time, so be it, I'd rather die semi-young being myself rather than live a long life being someone I don't know. I am single and also have to be able to support myself and I'm not sure I could do that without a little help from my friends.

Posted by: browser57

Re: Bio-identical Hormone Discussion w/GYN - 09/28/05 10:53 PM

I agree, Daisygirl!! My mother was a breast cancer survivor. I'm in such a high rish bracket - it isn't funny. But, it's my choice. I take very good care of myself (diet, exercise, meditate etc.,) and I have regular check up's. Watching my mother slip away in the fog of dementia - just reaffirmed to me that I will take my chances with bioidentical hormones.

I'll take 70-75-80 GOOD years versus loosing my marbles and being completely dependant on others - not even knowing how to brush my teeth.
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Bio-identical Hormone Discussion w/GYN - 09/28/05 11:32 PM

browser, my mother was a breast cancer survivor also and I did have a heart to heart with my gyn about the risks. IMO the benefits outweigh the risks.
Posted by: browser57

Re: Bio-identical Hormone Discussion w/GYN - 09/29/05 08:53 PM

Ladybug, I'm well aware that there is no cure for dementia. All I know is that I watched my mother slip from a witty, fun loving (never remembered the punch line to a dirty joke - but it never stopped her from telling them....) to a withdrawn 90 year old that thought she was 13. Calling for her mother and crying herself to sleep. That went on for nearly 5 years.

That's why I will do whatever I can to hopefully keep myself from following in her footsteps. I use hormones - bioidentical. I eat right, keep fit by exercising 3/4 days a week. Take a variety of supplements that I also know might be a waste of time. My DH and I fight over the crossword puzzle every night. Life is just a big crap shoot. With a little luck I'll get run over by a semi truck on the way to the casino when I'm 85.....

[ September 29, 2005, 01:54 PM: Message edited by: browser57 ]
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Bio-identical Hormone Discussion w/GYN - 09/29/05 10:19 PM

Actually, the drug companies are not happy about bio-identicals because no one has a patent and they can't make billions on them. That's why the docs don't know that much about them, they aren't being marketed.

When it comes to hormones, there are no definite "facts." In the book "The Testosterone Syndrome" by Dr. Eugene Shippen, he states that "Testosterone is one of the key components in protecting your brain against Alzheimer's disease." There are many different opinions out there and all I can do is research, sort through them, and finally, do what makes me feel better with the least amount of side effects.

Ladybug, you are very lucky if you have had few symptoms, not all of us are that fortunate.

Posted by: Bookie

Re: Bio-identical Hormone Discussion w/GYN - 09/29/05 11:42 PM


I have not tried to Bio-Identicals yet but a friend of mine has been on them for over a year. She looks and feels fantastic and the really seemed to help her moods level out let alone put a halt to those nasty hot flashes.

I thought I had finished with MP but alas my symptoms a couple of years a go were only the beginning....I'm really feeling like the stereotypical female that needs hormones!

Called a local womens health clinic and asked what their experience was with bio-identicals. They had no clue as to what I was talking about...sure it might have been an incompetent person answering the phones but I figured if this person did not know what they a womens health clinic no less... that obviously I would not be making an appointment for this or any other health issues I might experience!

There is only one doctor in this small town that is well versed on the bio-identicals. Been to him once for another health issue and swore I would not go back to him if my life depended on it. But now I'm considering making that appointment because sometimes I can hardly stand myself.
You know you are being a menopausel witch when you want to get up and leave the room with everyone else !
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Bio-identical Hormone Discussion w/GYN - 09/30/05 12:01 AM

Bookie, can you possibly check into one in a nearby city? My GYN knew exactly who the leading bio-ident. expert was in my city.

You do have another option. I got my hormone level test from a website recommended by my gyn. There are some websites that will take your results and a physician will discuss your history, etc on the phone and prescribe what you need. I'm not going that route, I'm waiting for my better insurance coverage to kick in.

Posted by: mrs_madness

Re: Bio-identical Hormone Discussion w/GYN - 09/30/05 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Daisygirl:
I also read about menopause when I was 45 and decided that whatever the risk, I'd take it with hormones......

If I croak before my time, so be it, I'd rather die semi-young being myself rather than live a long life being someone I don't know.


I'm with you Daisygirl. Maybe when I have the chance I'll try the bioidenticals. I know going cold turkey into menopause is the journey into hell. Not for me, oh no.

Right now I'm on BCP, DHEA, and a new treatment called Livial. It all seems to be working reasonably well although it never feels as good as when my own cycle was running the show.

You all keep your eyes open in the next couple of years for the menopause treatment, Livial. It's sold and used in [b]85 countries [/b none of which unfortunately, are in North America. But it is being tested there and I'm guessing it will be available in the next couple of years.It's very successful in Europe. Along with it's menopause therapy benefits, Livial has been proven to be successful in arresting bone loss and preventing oseoparosis. I've been taking it for about a year and a half.

But to stop the misery of menopause, I'd be willing to try anything, oh yeah. Don't you just feel so frustrated and angry when you see all that stuff about how menopause doesn't need to be treated because it's 'natural' and not a disease?? Natural smatchural, that doesn't make it good. If MEN went through the kind of crash-and-burn menopuse we do, science and medicine would be scrambling for a cure. They wouldn't be pussyfooting around with this "it's a natural process" crap. They'd be finding a fix pronto.

[ September 30, 2005, 07:23 AM: Message edited by: mrs_madness ]
Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Bio-identical Hormone Discussion w/GYN - 09/30/05 05:26 PM

For sure Mrs. Madness! After all they did find a solution for ED pronto and not only that but we have to suffer through those embarassing TV commercials!
Posted by: Bluebird

Re: Bio-identical Hormone Discussion w/GYN - 09/30/05 08:14 PM

Menopause IS a natural phase of life, but I believe the symptoms we get are from our not letting our bodies BE natural. I hope I'm not stepping on any toes here, but I'm saying this as a matter of fact, not as a judgment. When we use artificial means to block conception, when we end a pregnancy unnaturally, when we have babies and then don't breastfeed them...As I said, I am not judging, because I have had an abortion(I was 19), I have had a baby and then not breastfed (he was child # 5, born with a heart defect and flown to a hospital for surgery 1 hour away) and I have used contraceptives. But since then I've learned that if we use our bodies as God designed them, I think we'd all be healthier and menopause may be less traumatic.