
Posted by: Anonymous

Anti-Aging? - 09/08/05 11:40 PM

Ladies, I'm concerned w/ looking younger (will be 40 next year) which is actually a socially inflicted concern on my part! Thus, I've tried several products on a limited budget. Yet, would like to ask your experiences and concerns with products (lotions and potions for face and body), diet (don't eat beef), etc. What has and has not worked for you? Whether it be from the cosmetic counter or drug store? Thank you ladies!
Posted by: TVC15

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/09/05 02:08 AM

Hi Mustanggal
I don't know of any potions or lotions that work, but would be glad to hear of any that do also. I am 45 and have been told by many that I look younger. I think its partly because I'm thin and partly because I wear less makeup than I used to. But I know my luck won't be holding out much longer so ladies, please share your secrets!
Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/09/05 05:42 PM

Drink lots of water. I keep hearing that.

Also, exercise. Even though it may not make you look younger in the face, it does something to the spirit and makes you feel better about yourself.

I also beleive it's important to be connected to God. Allow Him to fill your inside and then we tend to care less about the outside because we are happy within.

I am getting ready to use Arbonne products on my face. I'll let you know how that goes. Ah...more lotions and potions!
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/10/05 08:59 PM

My "cure" is called IPL (intense pulsed light) and a dermatologist can do it for you. It's also called photorejuvination too. It gets rid of age spots, freckles, broken blood vessles and stimulates the under skin to boost new cell growth. I have it done about every 4-5 months.

Sunscreen. Always wear it!
Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/11/05 05:02 AM

Some women when they become a certain age fret over growing older to the point of obsession. I have seen this many times and that in itself can cause wrinkles. All of Dotsies ideas are good ones and just relax, allow your body to be whatever it is going to be. Have a good cleansing regimen and moisturizing. Eat properly thats the key, stay clear of fatty foods and too much sugar, hydrate your body well, stay regular, get plenty of rest and take a good multi vitamin. Whats going to happen will happen no matter what you do to the outside, its the inside that governs ones looks anyway. Oh and the less you drink and smoke the better....
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/12/05 06:00 PM

Thank you gals! All very good advice!
Posted by: KAY B

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/13/05 05:36 AM

I have always looked younger than I am....& I believe it's because of moisturizing my skin daily. I also wash with a glycerine soap.

I also believe that eating right & drinking lots of water does help also. I saw it work in my cousin--and there is truth in that theory!!!

Now that they don't proof me for alcohol's kind of depressing! I was proofed till I was 30!!! [Smile]
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/14/05 04:03 AM

Mustang Gal,

As Dianne said, use sunscreen!

Only 10% of the visiable signs of aging are unavoidable. (intrinsic)

A whopping 90% of the visible signs of aging can be avoided by protecting your skin from the sun!

Isn't that amazing!

A good skincare routine will leave your skin feeling like baby skin.

Exfoliating is also important - this rids your skin of the grey dead skin that makes one look dull and older!

I just turned 40 and I'm celebrating! I'm 40, fabulous, and my best years are from here on out!

Wooo hooo! Party on girls!

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/15/05 01:48 AM

Can you tell Danita just got back from the Big Island with her hubby for two weeks?

We missed you girl!
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/15/05 02:00 AM

Ahhhh, thanks Dots!

I feel a little like a stranger here. I've been gone not just the 2 wks to Hawaii but 2 weeks before that to Maryland!

I'm easing my way back in.

I've been thinking what part of the trip can I share with you all (giggles)?

Will do so tomorow on the travel forum!

Posted by: chatty lady

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/15/05 02:31 AM

O am asking for the scoop on the travel section, come on give,,,,details Danita!!
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/15/05 02:55 AM


You couldn't HANDLE the details! LOL ...oops, well maybe you can!

well post in travel!

Everything I know about (ahem) romance I learned from Chatty! rotfl,


p.s. confessed to dh asking your advice about "creative phone conversations". lol, he loved it!
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/17/05 05:12 AM

Gosh, girls, I think I like Danita's jet setting. I wonder if weight has anything to do with it. When I was underweight I actually looked older than I do now, when I am at my right weight. If I had the money, I would do everything and everything I could to look younger. I hate the sagging knees and cellulite thights. I hate my crepey neck. I hate the frown lines. I hate the wrinkles. Worst of all I hate the pimples with the wrinkles. I hate the acne scars. I hate that my former Brooke Shields eyebrows are now getting thin and gray. I use BIO-MEDICS, which you get from a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. The plastic surgeon I had for breast reconstruction after mastectomy recommended these products. Not much more expensive than say, Clinique, yet definitly superior because they are "medical grade" which means that the FDA allows greater content of the anti-aging chemicals. I like my reconstructed chest. I like that my hair grew back brunette instead of gray. Nothing wrong with gray hair, I just was not ready for loss of color along with everything else. Hmm, sorry I sound so negative. This was supposed to be about products and not the process of aging. I guess you can tell I'm not in sync with getting older. I think it's because trauma took away my youth...YIKES, where am I going with this?
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/18/05 07:06 AM


I had to read this twice to see if it was really you! LOL

I've met Lynn - she is LOVELY! I personally, did NOT see any of the above sypmtoms she listed of getting older! LOL

I think part of the whole process is embracing what we've grown into (even if it isn't "perfection".)

I was sitting on the beach of Waikiki - there is 20 year old eye candy all around -- and you know, I didn't give it alot of thought (this is coming from a woman who hasn't worn a swimsuit for 10 years!).

The wisdom and self-confidence I have, comes from years of experience. When I was "eye candy" I was a handfull - and not too sweet at that! LOL

Grow old with flare! Attitude can make one look years younger!

Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/17/05 08:13 PM

Hi Danita, thank you. Yeah, it's really me. Sometimes I get down on myself. I was so sorry I hit "send" on that post because now I've made this all about me. Danita, you are still eye candy. Talk about lovely! You are so pretty with you autumn tones and poreless skin. I know aging is an attitude. And I am growing old with flair. Love and Light, Lynn
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/18/05 12:04 AM


News flash it IS all about you! (and me, and the rest of us! that is why this forum is so much fun!) (giggles)

You just voiced what many of us think from time to time. I'm not beating you up - just reflecting who you REALLY are.

It is hard to face the aging thing - when the world airbrushes all the imperfections off of the 17 year old models (IF, they have any)....

I saw in a magazine recently they had "full sized models"...I was like "wooo hoooo"...but there wasn't a fat dimple (or what Rita Davenport the President of Arbonne calls "hail damage") and no double chins. I was like, "huh?!!"...I still can't measure up!

Thank you for building ME up!

You are the best and you ARE growing older with incredible flair!

Great big hugs,
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/18/05 01:43 AM

Wait a minute...Rita Davenport? Is she from Phoenix and did she used to have a daytime tv show? I met her years ago and wondered what happened to her.

Lynn, we all have those days. I sure do. I think you look fantastic!
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/18/05 01:52 AM


Yup, that's the same Rita Davenport. What a dynamic lady, who has inspired so many woman!

She leads our company with HEART and HUMOR...what a great combination!

What was your experience with her?


[ September 17, 2005, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: Danita ]
Posted by: Princess Lenora

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/18/05 07:12 AM

Hi Danita and Dianne, what is wrong with me? I went to the bank the other day and had to show my ID with date of birth to a young teller. She calculated my age and said, "Oh my gosh, you look phenomenal. I want to look like you when I grow up." Why do I beat my own self up? (Rhetorical quesitons) I knew of Rita Davenport in the 1970s. I was living in Phoenix and I went to a time management seminar she was conducting. The auditorium was packed. She was such a good speaker. I so admired her ability to speak to so many! My step-father was managing a country club and she was booking an engagement at the country club. He said she was a very professional woman. I think she also had a column in the Phoenix Republic (or was that Gazette.) I'm glad to hear she is still on the job and running Arbonne. By the way, to get us back on track with the original question about products, I tried an Arbonne product via Danita this summer. I must say that I was impressed with the quality of the products, and If I wasn't using Bio-Medics I woudl switch to the Arbonne line. If Danita's skin is a result of Arbonne, then let me tell you, you can't go wrong. It seems as though the company puts ethical testing behind its products. LLL P.S. Dianne, if you are referring to the pic on my web site, that was about 7 years ago, before cancer. Chemo took a lot out of me. But thanks anyway!!!!!
Posted by: Dianne

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/18/05 05:49 PM

I was singing at a women's retreat and Rita was the speaker. I found her to be a very warm and energetic woman. A go get em' type of woman who has forged her own way and is now doing it for other women.

I have a ton of beauty products in my bathroom but when I use them all up, I'm going to try Arbonne. My husband is the pres. of a drug store chain so you can only imagine the free samples I receive.
Posted by: Danita

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/18/05 06:49 PM

Dianne and Lynn,

So heartwarming to hear such kind things about my beloved president.

I found her tape set "laugh your way to success" at a thrift store. I was looking at tapes, picked it up, looked at the title, thought, "hmmm, this sounds interesting", looked at the rest of the cover, and lo and behold, it's a picture of Rita in her younger years. WOWIE! I was stoked! for 5.00 I got 10 of her tapes. The family and I listened to them on our road trip from Colorado to South Dakota. Every time we got back in the car the kids were like, "mom, put rita in!!!!". She made our trip go faster!

It's pretty impressive to have something to say, that even teenagers want to listen to! LOL

Lynn, that encounter with the bank teller says 1,0000000 words, doesn't it. People don't see us like we see ourselves! You can be my mirror any day! LOL

Dianne, I bet you've got a cabinet full! LOL Let me know when you are ready - I can even send you a sample to try first!

Posted by: Daisygirl

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/19/05 06:01 AM

I hardly ever gave a thought to aging until my menopause symptoms became overwhelming recently. People usually think I'm younger than I am. I actually got carded on my son's 21st birthday (in the presence of my ex-husband). he he he I don't drink much water, eat junk food and I don't exercise much, but I do think it helps. My skin is decent because I have never smoked, have never had a major illness and my skin has always been genetics plays a part also. I think that just keeping up with the times, having your own personal style and not dressing in the style of 2 decades ago makes a woman seem ageless.


Posted by: Danita

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/19/05 07:35 AM


That is soooo cool! (being carded!)

You are right about genetics playing SOME part in the aging of our skin. People who had oily skin most of their lives - get less wrinkles (now there's a bonus for suffering with oily skin) and the darker the natural pigmintation of your skin is - the less wrinkles you get.

Lifestyle, as you said, plays a huge roll, but I guarantee you, no matter how oily your skin has been, how good your genetics are, or how dark the natural pigmintation of your skin is.....if you expose your skin to the sun mercilessly - you will reap what you sow. (tanned hide - that can't be fixed!!!)

Dressing "in style" does not have to mean spending tons of money. I go to the thrift store once a week with my teenager (it's our weekly date) and shop. If one keeps up on ones' wardrobe by shopping this way - one can look great without breaking the budget.

When I was getting ready for Arbonnes' convention last April - I was stressing a bit because it is a huge event filled with fashionable, beautiful, women. I wanted to fit in. I got some books about fashion (AND I love those make-over shows) figured out what works best for my shape -- and set out on a new mission to "dress for success". So much fun. I'm able to shop now with more confidence, and a greater awareness of what I need to be looking for!

Posted by: Dotsie

Re: Anti-Aging? - 09/19/05 05:52 PM

Daisy, your post about keeping up with style is so true. My husband is an optometrist. He has a very nice optical department with tons of the latest eyeglass frames. I swear, sometimes all you have to do is put a stylish frame on someone's face and they have a whole new look.